Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 330 Tsk, why is she a woman

Chapter 330 Tsk, why is she a woman (3 and 4)
"As long as it's a man, all...?" Someone murmured, hesitant.

But when they saw that the senior brothers who had started before them had already rushed in first, several new disciples also followed.

The soil under the feet was covered with mottled blood, and some strange branches and leaves spread out from the big pit not far away. The thick roots were more sensitive than the boa constrictor, as long as a disciple fell to the ground, those roots would automatically start to attack people.

Like the guardian of that big pit.

"...Look at the costumes of these people!"

A few men came from the opposite side, and when they saw so many Cangshan disciples, they exclaimed. A man glanced at Zhao Xiuer and immediately pointed at Xin Wu, "Is that female cultivator the one the elder is looking for...?"

"Quick! Send a message to the elder, that Cangshan female cultivator is here."

Among the few people, a man immediately turned around and ran back when he saw this.

The hall where everyone was entertained to drink tea has long been dilapidated. The crooked door frames and windows are covered with a thick layer of something, like a stone covered with shells on the edge of the sea, but the difference here is that it is slippery. Slippery particles like many small fish roe, some are green, some are yellow and some are red.

It's creepy just looking at it.


Yang Fan took the lead and rushed towards the men, and the people behind hurriedly followed, mending swords, using spells, these men were killed by everyone in just a moment.

After seeing the blood, the boy's blood energy was stimulated, and the timid person let go of his hands and feet and began to look for the disciple of the Yin sect.

Xin Wu followed behind for a while, and walked directly towards the back hill of the Hehuan Sect.

Regardless of the hint from the white jade mirror, Jiao Lingyan's location should be in the back mountain.

"where are you going?"

Gu Chonghua followed behind Xin Wu.

When Zhao Xiuer handed her the white jade mirror, Gu Chonghua was not there, so he didn't know what Shen Wu's purpose was.

"Save a friend."

Hearing this, Gu Chonghua's eyes were bent, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and the two sharp fangs could attract all the attention in an instant.

"Do you still have friends? Men and women?"

"Hmph, it's a man again. You have always had a good relationship with men, hehehe, you will use Cen Wu's body to date some wild men! I want to see if this wild man thinks his life is too long!"

Xin Wu paused, then turned her head abruptly, her face was not as ugly as usual.

"Except for the disciples of the Yin Sect, find a man from the Hehuan Sect to show me."

After a pause, her momentum remained undiminished, and her tone became even lower and irritated, "Also, you'd better not meddle in my affairs, or I can abolish you right away!"

Gu Chonghua spread his hands, "If you don't tell me, I can see for myself—"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his fleshy wings, passed Xin Wu, and flew forward first. When he landed outside the gate of the Hehuan School, he discovered the abnormality of the back mountain. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Xin Wu was the first to fly. The place to come is here.

So, her so-called friend still has a certain weight in her heart?

For a cold-hearted, ruthless person like Shen Wu, it is really strange to have so-called friends.

Originally, there were trails, lush green belts, and a new suspension bridge in the back mountain. At that time, Jiao Lingyan said it was to make it easier to get to the wooden coffin from the back door.

But when Xin Wu really arrived at the back mountain, she found in vain that a huge arch appeared here.

The arch looks like a huge face. Two sarcoids hang crookedly from the horizontal plate above. The savings above the sarcoids stretch and stretch.

The entrance is an open mouth, with a wide grin, and there is nothing else in the lips except the white, which is very strange.

Eyeballs rolled, and a line of small characters gradually appeared above the door frame.

"Central region monks are good or evil, use the prison gate as an experiment, and tremble for the coming cruelty!"


The two eyeballs burst immediately, and a stream of fresh blood began to drip from above, and a small burst of blood rained down, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

After the last drop of blood landed, a quicksand-like inverted bucket appeared on the door frame, and the white powder inside began to flow.

"Has the timer started yet?"

Gu Chonghua stood beside him.

"...Tsk, why is it a woman?"

Where his eyes were looking, Xin Wu's eyes had been staring at the arched door, or rather the big mouth... the white shadow hanging on the 'tip of the tongue' inside.

It was Jiao Lingyan.

Xin Wu didn't shout, no matter how she looked at it, Jiao Lingyan was in a severe coma and couldn't wake up.

"Senior——!!! Please, save our head!"

Before Shen Wu could make a decision, Zhao Xiu'er, who was behind her, knelt down suddenly, sobbing and begging, she bowed her body and couldn't see her face, and her voice was so pitiful and humble that anyone could feel pity.

"Hey, aren't you your friend? Why do you want someone to beg you? You are so cruel!"

Gu Chonghua's thin crimson lips moved slightly, exuding a mocking look, with a hidden violence in it.


Xin Wu squeezed out a word from her throat, and then started to walk inside.

But the next moment...

"Damn woman! Didn't you really see it?" Gu Chonghua cursed, Xue was sluggish, showing a chilling light, he twisted Zhao Xiu'er and threw it into the arch.


A sharp exclamation sounded, and it was faintly said that "Cangshan female cultivator is indeed a witch~" or something...

"You know, if the Acacia faction was really occupied by the Yin sect, how could an intact woman come out? Either she is a traitor and was planted with celestial figurine eggs, or she should have been a corpse long ago... ..."

Gu Chonghua approached her step by step.

"Whether she is a corpse or something else has nothing to do with me... I am very grateful to her for bringing me the news that Jiao Lingyan is in danger."

After finishing speaking, Xin Wu stepped in.

The scene changed, and she was still in the dark archway.

The first point reflected by the body senses is that the ground under the feet is not neat at all, as if standing on a soft sofa, although the feet will not sink, but every step is deep and shallow, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Looking at Jiao Lingyan who was very close from outside the arch, it seemed that there was a space between her and her at this moment. She tried to fly a certain distance, but there was no way to get close.

Xin Wu stopped and turned to look at the arch.

The strands of light seem to be squeezed in with great effort, they can only fall on the edge of the entrance, and cannot extend that far at all...

Then if Jiao Lingyan was too far away from the entrance, how could there be such a strong halo on her body?
"Could it be that it's a projection at all?"

Just when this idea came up, Xin Wu's pupils shrank suddenly.

... The archway seemed to be slowly closing, and the uneven 'ground' under her feet suddenly tilted, forming a steep slope, and Xin Wu fell directly to the ground and rolled down further!
(End of this chapter)

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