Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 331 I Know Here Is There.

Chapter 331 I Know Here Is There. (1 more and 2 more)
at the same time.

A figure appeared in front of the rapidly closing arch.

"Have you found someone? If you find someone, come out!"

What Xin Wu raised her eyes to see was Gu Chonghua standing in front of the arch, holding the top of the arch with both hands, and her spine was bent because of the force of the 'bite'.

Behind him, the figure of Jiao Lingyan in the darkness suddenly flashed brightly, Xin Wu didn't look back, and took advantage of this opportunity to throw out a vine, unceremoniously tied it around Gu Chonghua's waist, and began to climb up by herself!

Gu Chonghua's spiritual power leaked out crazily. Seeing that Xin Wu was less than one meter away from her by pulling the vine, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a shirtless man appeared outside the arch, with muscle bumps all over his body. He said with a grin.

"It's too early for you guys to be happy."

He raised his arm, the bow in his hand was fully drawn, and the arrow was still stuck with a high-level explosion talisman.

At that moment, the arrow has already left the string!

In the blink of an eye, Shen Wu's subordinates yanked Gu Chonghua violently, and his body immediately fell into the arch, and the arch closed immediately!
When the two of them fell, there was a sound of explosions outside, and after the arch closed, the dark and eerie space suddenly lost a trace of light.

"Did you drag me in because you were worried that the bursting talisman would hurt me?" Gu Chonghua asked.

Xin Wu said coldly: "No, I just want to bring someone to be buried with me!"

"The kind of burial with the same bed for life and the same cave for death?" Gu Chonghua's tone was very frivolous, and he said in a very narcissistic way: "When you are so enthusiastic, why don't you ask me if I want to?!"

Xin Wu was so narcissistic that she couldn't catch her breath because she was so anxious that she almost choked on her own saliva.

So she just stopped talking.

It was so dark that she couldn't see the other person's expression, Xin Wu tried to sense which direction she would fall, wondering if she would be able to see Jiao Lingyan when she fell to the bottom!

The thought is only fleeting.

Suddenly..., a cold drop fell on her forehead.

Then there was one on the tip of her nose and on her cheeks. She blindly raised her head and looked up, "Is it raining?"

Xin Wu reached out to touch it, and rubbed it between her fingertips. Unlike clean water, it smelled of rust and fishy, ​​but Gu Chonghua by her side could tell it right away.

"……is blood."

Because there is a vine tied around Gu Chonghua's waist, and the other end of the vine is still in Shen Wu's hands. As long as Xin Wu doesn't let go, the two will experience everything together.

She was glad she didn't throw this pervert away because of her disgust, at least it was useful.

Gu Chonghua continued: "There are other things added to the blood!"

"What, can you smell it?" Xin Wu asked.

There was a slight inhalation sound, but after a few rustles, there was no movement.

Xin Wu waited patiently for her answer, but found that the other party didn't intend to speak, so Xin Wu frowned, "What the hell is it?"

"Can you tell me why you like Su Che?"

"—I'm going to fuck your grandma, Gu Chonghua, you have to distinguish the timing when you're flirting! If we don't figure out the situation, we will die at any time, and you still have the mind to ask other questions!!!"

Gu Chonghua sneered, and teased: "Because of distinguishing the timing, I know better that you usually don't talk to me!"

Makes sense.

Xin Wu nodded in a daze, then tilted her body, and bumped into something solidly on her back.

It's as if a car is used to driving straight, but its eyes are dark and it's so sudden that there is a detour ahead and it hits a wall.

"Woman, are you all right, are you dead?" Gu Chonghua fumbled for the vines around his waist, and tugged casually.

"Can't die."

"Oh, then you continue!" Gu Chonghua let go of his hand.

What to continue, why do you like Su Che?
She's out of her mind...

After a few seconds, Xin Wu compromised, "Okay, because I like..."

Just halfway through the conversation, she bumped into something again, and this time, she not only bumped into it, she also...

The entire head is almost embedded in it.

Xin Wu pulled out her head in embarrassment, and rubbed her face. Apart from being knocked dizzy, she was not injured.

When the tactile response of the whole face gave her a message, the surroundings gradually became a little dim, as if the scorching sun outside was at noon and the curtains were closed again, and the light came in from the curtains.

Not glaring, just a little dark.

But something can be seen.

Xin Wu only took a cursory glance, her face full of shock.

It was like being in the ground tens of thousands of meters deep, and the air was bitterly cold.

Looking up, she and Gu Chonghua seem to be rubbish washed out of a thick underground waterway, about to be thrown into the largest garbage pool. Except for the passage where she and Gu Chonghua came out, when you look up, there are countless dark passages like this. Complicated criss-cross.

Even if it is a rough estimate of the number, Xin Wu dare not say a number.

And except for the passage they fell into, many people fell from the rest of the passages.

Xin Wu flicked her hand, and the vines hooked over to a falling woman, with fair skin, fine light blue scales growing on both sides of her cheeks, sharp above her ears... just like the elves that Xin Wu saw in books in her previous life .

This is……

She glanced at Gu Chonghua, who seemed to be able to guess what she meant, showing a contemptuous and contemptuous expression, "This is... a disciple of Shanhaimen!"

"He's dead." Xin Wu's face was heavy.

It seems that the ancestral graves of Shanhaimen were thrown away before, but only a few disciples died, such as Fang Yuan who was met by Dabi Zhongyu.

Xin Wu then hooked up a few more people, all of them were lifeless corpses.

"It seems that... there is really no one who fell in like us alive!" Gu Chonghua said, and the tail flapped, looking even more heartless than Xin Wu.

These are all middle-level monks.

Although Shen Wu didn't have the sense of mission to save the world, she was fascinated by Lin Zi's awe-inspiring justice, and Qingyu Taoist 5000 years ago when he exhausted his combat power in the Central Territory War and couldn't recover his face...and that withered vine was full of ravines arm, or the rumors that Xin Tian's wife and children were separated...

I can't tell what it feels like, but my mind is very blocked and panicked.

But some people seemed to be unable to feel it, and poked her with their hands.

"Look down!"

Shen Wu followed the place Gu Chonghua pointed at, looked down, and then took a deep breath.

She stared wide-eyed at the messy stone houses below, only feeling that her eyes were strongly stimulated.

...uh, have you ever painted in watercolor?

Do you know that kind of watercolor red, green, blue, black and all mixed colors? It is not accurate to say that they are mixed together, because the colors are mottled and crowded together, which is very distorted and abstract in general!

But in these abstract speculation liquids, there are countless corpses and all kinds of corpses that have been eliminated.

This scene alone made Xin Wu, who has been a man of two generations, churn in his stomach, a lot of acid water gushed out, and he suddenly started to retch.

"...I know this is where it is."

(End of this chapter)

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