Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 332 I want to jump, you jump, I don't jump

Chapter 332 I want to jump, you jump, I don't jump (3 more and 4 more)
"I've always heard that there is a place in the Yinzong of the Northern Territory that specializes in making celestial figurines..." Xin Wu said, she deliberately turned her head away, and had the idea that she never wanted to see the following, "I thought it was a giant that was exposed to the outside. Deep pit, I didn't expect...we actually fell into the corpse pit through the arch!"

Gu Chonghua snorted twice indifferently.

That expression seemed to say 'You're right' again, but no matter how I looked at it, I felt that I deserved a beating.

"So..." Gu Chonghua shrugged his shoulders, "How should we get out? Could it be that your friend has already been thrown into the corpse pit?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Xin Wu glared at him.

Gu Chonghua didn't make a sound, but slowly lowered his head again amidst Xin Wu's retching sound, and looked around.

This time, he narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully observing the abstract watercolor below, inch by inch.

...Not long after, Gu Chonghua straightened up and pushed Xin Wu: "Except for the entrance where we fell, there is no exit. Could it be that we will also be eroded by the liquid below, decomposed, and then fused into other... Uh, That kind of terracotta egg?!"

Xin Wu let out a breath.

In addition to those disgusting abstract watercolors, this eerie place is more corpses.

The corpse couldn't speak, so she had to look at it by herself.

The criss-crossing passages, the messy and dense liquid, the corpses falling down like dumplings, and large pieces of blood, body fluids and even the smell of feces. In addition to visual stimulation, the strong smell filling the air is also irritating. Dizziness and shortness of breath.

…Shen Wu directly closed her sense of smell, and after she calmed down, she began to look at this space carefully like Gu Chonghua, her glazed pupils were like glass balls under the sun, shining brightly.

"Did you see anything?"

Gu Chonghua spoke in a low voice, the more he looked at Xin Wu carefully, the more irritable he felt.

But when the angry words came to his lips, he turned his head and saw Xin Wu's slap-sized face with curled eyelashes and a cold and serious look in his eyes, his anger disappeared for no reason and changed into, "...I didn't say that I didn't say anything Well, I just watched it once!"

Shen Wu didn't speak, and Gu Chonghua suggested eagerly: "Why don't we also fall down and try?!"

"If you want to dance, you can dance, but I won't." Xin Wu said.

She didn't look at it for a long time, as if she had dug through every inch of the ground and searched carefully for every gap.

Indeed, no exit was seen.

Just when she was about to look away, the jade necklace on her neck suddenly started to feel hot.

She squinted her eyes, parted her consciousness and glanced inside, then suddenly her expression became strange.

A black shadow flashed, and Xin Wu already had a Soul Crushing Hammer in her hand.

……what's the situation?
The soul crushing hammer releases its own thoughts to come out from inside. At this time, what does it come out for?
Before she had time to think about it, the Soul Crushing Hammer in her hand shook suddenly, and Xin Wu hurriedly let go of her hand...

The next moment, in the sound of clattering, it seemed that a hedgehog with smooth fur suddenly erected its thorns all over its body, and many diamond-shaped petal-like sword blades all came out from the handle of the Soul Crushing Hammer, floating in the air. air...

"What's the matter, do you have a solution?" Gu Chonghua suddenly turned his head sideways, his handsome face was full of astonishment.

"It's not that I can do it! It's it!"

Gu Chonghua's eyes moved, and suddenly his eyebrows and eyes stretched: "This is the stele you stole in the stele forest when you were in the Central Territory Grand Competition?"

Xin Wu glanced at him, "I took it!"

"Hehe, then you took it really well."

Gu Chonghua smiled inexplicably, his white teeth dazzled Xin Wu, and he really wanted to pick up the Soul Crushing Hammer to knock out some of them for him.

I'm going to fuck you!

Xin Wu rolled her eyes and disdained to confront him, but after waiting for a few seconds, she didn't feel the use of these diamond-shaped sword blades floating out...

"What happened!"

Xin Wu: "..." You ask me, who should I ask?

"Is it waiting for something?"

Xin Wu rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

...At this moment, a diamond-shaped fragment moved, and the sharp and cold end turned sharply downward.

Both of them were attracted all the attention at the same time, when following the direction of the diamond-shaped shard and looked down into the abstract watercolor liquid, Xin Wu saw a corpse.

As if dyed with colored silk, the body of this corpse slid to the edge in the liquid, and was dotted all over the body with some fine orange-red dots. It looked like a child's favorite color on the surface. Only dyed this color.

Shen Wu and Gu Chonghua didn't dare to take a breath at the ordinary-looking corpse, and stared at it carefully.

Suddenly, Xin Wu remembered the elixir that Su Che gave in the cave of the Bamboo Cen Sect, saying that she could see...some things that she couldn't normally see.

At that time, she and Shen Zhui were given one each, but later Shen Wu asked Su Che how many more.

She immediately took it out and took it, and after thinking about it, she gave Gu Chonghua one.

The pupils of the eyes turned gray and white for a moment, as if a layer of fog had formed on the surface of the eyeballs.

The world in my eyes really changed.

When Gu Chonghua looked at Shen Wu, he could see the crazily spinning spirit wheel in her body, and he could see the organs in her body...

When Shen Wu looked at Gu Chonghua, she saw many small blood clots, like a grinning devil, she wondered,... Could it be because Gu Chonghua is a blood race?

The thoughts in Shen Wu's mind flashed away, but at this moment, Gu Chonghua suddenly spoke out.

"……What are those!?"

When the eye coffin found the corpse, Gu Chonghua cried out as soon as his eyes fell on it.

Xin Wu followed and found that there were many spinning things emerging from the small dots on the previous corpse... It seemed like a materialized gene chain!

For some reason, Xin Wu had an intuition: ——The bottom is like overturning countless messy colored ink liquids, and each color represents a kind of ability.

As if to confirm her thoughts, the next moment—the diamond-shaped blades on the handle of the Soul Crushing Hammer turned one after another, and each blade was aimed at a corpse with orange dots on its body.


Before a "thought" could be uttered, those sword blades that had been suspended for a long time shot out instantly, and each of them was aimed at a corpse.

The two of Xin Wu were still more than ten meters away from the liquid, and because of the use of the elixir, the image of the sword blade flying out and slowly stabbing into the corpse could be clearly conveyed.


"Boom boom boom!!!"

After a few loud noises, Xin Wu noticed that the wall closest to the center of the explosion had changed.

Like a dark and thick iron plate being roasted red by high temperature, it became a little transparent and weak. Only then did she belatedly realize the intention of the soul crushing hammer to poke those corpses!
——there is the exit!

Almost as a conditioned reflex, Xin Wu immediately kicked her back foot, and rushed to that place with agility!
 Thank you Sakura for the reward, the second wave of New Year’s kisses, the rice crust is very touching, huh...

(End of this chapter)

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