Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 333 The Appearance of Xin Wu's Fried Hair

Chapter 333 The Appearance of Xin Wu's Fried Hair (1 Update and 2 Update)
Because of the reason why she didn't discuss with Gu Chonghua in advance and her strong strength, Gu Chonghua was caught off guard by Shen Wu's reflex and was swung high like a kite.

It is recorded that when Xin Wu approached the weak wall, the large transparent red quickly returned to darkness, and the exit was disappearing.


Gu Chonghua, who was being floated behind him like a kite, hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"—Shut up, I'm so annoying, beep beep crooked!!"

Xin Wu tapped her toes, and with her thoughts, she picked up the jade necklace and put it on her body.

All the sharp blades on the handle of the Soul Crushing Hammer returned, forming a smooth lotus-shaped handle. Xin Wu held it with her backhand, and when she finally got close, she slammed the Soul Crushing Hammer out!


The large piece of red made a whistling sound, and sparks flew all over the place, like a huge deep pit being smashed out of a red-hot soldering iron in an instant.

But the next moment, Xin Wu's body was shaken away.

"Come again!!"

Xin Wu didn't care how scary it would be to drag a strong man to and fro, she just let out a big shout, and stuck two light weight axes on her body, stepping on her feet continuously, as fast as a ghost, The soul crushing hammer in his hand smashed out again.


The deep pit became weaker, but there was always a thin layer of iron blocking it.

"Open again!!
Before she had time to catch her breath, Xin Wu frowned, her eyes widened, and she saw that the red area was getting smaller and smaller, and the shrinking speed was getting faster and faster.

... Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry!
This should be the last blow, if this blow can't penetrate this weak point, there is no chance.

It's hard for Xin Wu to imagine that with her strength of seven oxen and the strength of the extremely heavy Soul Crushing Hammer, it would be so hard on the weakest point that was exploded by those corpses. Look, this time After going out, I can't be idle about exercising!

Secretly making a decision, Xin Wu took a deep breath and licked her back teeth.

"Hey, I don't believe it anymore, so let's take the last chance!"

Her eyes were amazingly bright, and there was an expression on her face that only a ruffian drug addict could have. She looked arrogant and fierce.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the jade flashed, and Xin Wu took out more than a dozen light-weight scrolls and pasted them on her body.

Her body suddenly seemed to have no strength, like a feather. If there was wind here, she might be blown away by the wind in an instant, and she would still be spinning.

After committing suicide, Xin Wu's thoughts flashed, and Long Huai's crutches were also taken out.

Suddenly, Gu Chonghua, who had just stopped behind him for a moment, almost stared straight.

what is this?
What does Xin Wu look like? !

The right hand crushes the soul hammer, the left hand holds the dragon flower crutch...

Whether it was Shen Wu's movements or Gu Chonghua's fleeting surprise, it was only at the moment when Shen Wu was bounced away, and the subsequent series of preparations were also supplements during the body's upside-down flight.

So the moment Shen Wu stepped on the finish line, her body rushed out again like a stubborn bull. The moment Gu Chonghua's body was dragged high by the vines and flew high, her eyes were fixed on Shen Wu's crazy actions, and she flapped her wings reluctantly.

Everything around her turned into a ray of light, and the sound of the wind could no longer be heard in her ears. Perhaps it was because of the extreme speed, Xin Wu's ears were a little ringing, but this did not hinder her sharp vision, and did not prevent her from smashing out weapons,


The moment the Soul Crushing Hammer fell, a wave of air rushed towards Xin Wumo and danced wildly. The strength of this strike seemed to surpass the blow of a monk, like the bell echoing before the world, with a kind of domineering His prestige, looking down on all living beings, makes people frightened.

The red area exploded with sparks, and the red area about two meters wide suddenly protruded outwards, and a large pit appeared in front of Xin Wu, and a thin crack where the iron sheet was broken appeared.


Shen Wu roared loudly, and the sound wave after wave made Gu Chonghua, who was swinging behind him, seem to be infected, with a feeling of blood boiling.

The moment the stars lit up in the pupils, the Longhuai crutches in his hands were thrown out one after another——

Even though the fiery red area above was less than one meter long, the moment Shen Wu relentlessly smashed down Long Huai's crutch, this scene seemed to be frozen in Gu Chonghua's mind. In this critical moment, he actually looked like a woman Sensitive, sore eyes want to cry.

How similar is this personality that breaks through the south wall and never looks back?
To put it differently, even if Shen Wu was injured, his head would bleed, but he had a scar inside his chest that would never heal.

Whether he is mentally twisted or perverted, he can care about every detail if he can. In short, he doesn't want to be a trash that is thrown away at will.


This loud noise was extremely pleasant.

Because at the same time as the sound waves swayed, the small red area was blown out, and a huge hole appeared in front of the two of them. Clear air had been poured in from the outside, and all kinds of messy smells inside were immediately blown away. Diluted a lot.


Gu Chonghua took a deep breath, a little greedy.

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up!"

Surprised by the somewhat angry voice, Gu Chonghua found that Xin Wu had drilled out of the hole, and she was pulling the vines to pull him closer to him. At this time, the hole was "healing", and it was only half a meter wide. diameter range.

Gu Chonghua fluttered his wings, moving extremely fast, as nimble as a loach, he dodged out of the cave without even touching the edge of the cave with his robe.

As soon as the two stood still, the entrance of the cave was completely closed, and no trace could be seen.

"Let's go, hurry up and find that friend of yours, I'm afraid your nephews will go crazy." Gu Zhonghu hid the emotion in his eyes and continued, "Hey, why don't you go?"

Xin Wu shook her arms, "My heart is beating too fast now, my arms are numb..."

"I thought you were born with that kind of ruthlessness, but I didn't expect you to look like this when you rest!" Gu Chonghua leaned forward, showing an expression of 'I've discovered your secret'.

Xin Wu rolled her eyes, feeling like she wanted to pull back the words she just said, chew them up, and swallow them back into her stomach.

Thinking back to when he was hanging behind her and urging her before, Xin Wu became so angry that she suddenly said viciously: "Didn't you always want to kill me, I saved your life now, you Can you repay my life next time!"


Gu Chonghua squeezed out a word and smiled mockingly.

The meaning is self-evident.

Xin Wu had already untied the vine at this time, hearing his word was like smashing his head into mosaic tomato sauce with both hands.

"Gu Chonghua, what do you mean, you rotten person!" Xin Wu squeezed the fist of the soul crushing hammer and creaked.

At this moment, a familiar, weak but roaring voice came from not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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