Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 334 Life and Death

Chapter 334 Life and Death (3 and 4)
"——Come on, Xiao Wu, get out of here quickly!"

It's like a dying person who sees the person he cares about is in front of him, trying very hard to express something, but the more anxious and powerless he becomes.

It was Jiao Lingyan's voice!
The two turned around and felt weird.

There was indeed Jiao Lingyan's voice, but there was no one around, not only was there no one, even the environment here was...

"Hey... where do you think this is?"

After a while, Gu Chonghua asked in a low voice.

Xin Wu froze on the spot, only her eyeballs were sliding left and right to scan the environment here, and after a while, she began to walk around slowly.

The soil on the ground is dark red, brightly colored as if soaked in blood. In the distance, there are a few swamp-like puddles that are still bubbling. Several severed arms are stuck in the mud. Open to the sky.


Xin Wu stepped on something, lifted her foot and moved it away only to find that it looked like a peeled longan exposing the hey bead inside... But it seemed to be a little different, Xin Wu was frowning when she was pulled away by Gu Chonghua.

Gu Chonghua glanced at the bead contemptuously, "Still looking at it? Are you stupid? If you step on an eyeball, you stare for a long time. What kind of flowers can you see?"


Swish, the chill ran from the heels, passed the thighs, up the back, and went straight to the top of the head, goosebumps appeared layer by layer.

Numbly waiting for the body's reaction to slow down, Xin Wu said: "We may have left the corpse pit, or we may not have left the corpse pit..."

"What do you mean by...?"

Gu Chonghua continued to follow behind Shen Wu step by step. Hearing what she said, he raised his sword eyebrows, and immediately took a big step, walking directly beside Xin Wu to see her expression clearly.

Perhaps it was because she was frightened by stepping on an eyeball just now, her face turned pale at the moment.

But that expression was extremely stubborn, his eyes were like a hunter scanning around vigilantly, the faint light in his pupils glanced at him lightly, the blood seemed to be frozen.

"I heard the news from Yi Yang before, saying that the corpse pit was fixed on a space magic weapon and can move freely..."

Gu Chonghua let out an "ah" before reacting, "You mean we left the corpse pit of the Yin Sect, but we are still inside the magic weapon of space?"


Xin Wu squinted her eyes, as if something in her mind became clearer.

"Also, this space magic weapon may be able to reproduce infinitely, or in other words, it has countless spaces..."

During the analysis, Xin Wu deliberately stopped, squatted down, found a small dagger from the jade necklace, drew a huge circle on the ground, and then drew a place in the circle to mark the location of the corpse pit.

"...It's like this circle is the magic weapon of this space, this is the corpse pit, and this is where we are now. We jumped out of the corpse pit in one space, and the place where Jiao Lingyan's voice was heard just now may be in another space middle……"

"I just heard Jiao Lingyan's voice. Do you think it might be because we broke the barrier of the corpse pit?"

After Shen Wu finished speaking, she paused and glanced at Gu Chonghua.

At this moment, Gu Chonghua looked dull.

"I'm asking you something." Xin Wu exhaled with some displeasure.

Gu Chonghua's red eyes flashed, and he swallowed, "It's up to you to guess, I have no objection!"

Xin Wu gritted her teeth, if she knew this was the case, she would not have asked him.

She sketched it out by herself, then suddenly pulled the dagger, and stood up in horror: "A moving space magic weapon... a moving one?"

"Do you remember how we entered the passage in front of the corpse pit?"

Gu Chonghua nodded, "Remember!"

"Does that arched prison mouth look like a human face, with a huge mouth open, what goes in is the mouth, what falls is the throat, and the corpse pit is the stomach... This is outside the stomach?" Xin Wu thought to herself. As he spoke, he shuddered for his guess.

The more I think about it, when something comes out of my 'mouth', I feel like a light kick...

When Shen Wu was fantasizing, Gu Chonghua took out a white square towel from nowhere to wipe the unnecessary dirt, and when he heard Xin Wu's words, he snorted coldly.

"I'm really curious if your mind is filled with shit, how could you come up with such a disgusting idea?!"

Xin Wu rolled her eyes, before she had time to speak, the voice of Gu worms followed.

"...You mean that we were swallowed by people, and those corpses were also swallowed. After being swallowed, they were transformed into celestial figurines by those liquids, and then pulled out to become celestial figurine eggs???"

She was just an example of suspicion, this person directly said that he swallowed the corpse and pulled out the celestial figurine eggs!

However, he was linked together and said, "Well, it makes sense."

I go!

These two words flashed across Gu Chonghua's face.

When the two were standing awkwardly, an abnormality appeared.

In the swamp more than ten meters away, those arms sank automatically, and the bubbling bubbles became more violent. Xin Wu was on alert, and just when she thought something would appear, those arms bounced up .

Two slender wooden tokens were held in bluffing hands, Xin Wu didn't look carefully, those arms actually flew up from the swamp, revealing the white bones and carrion of the severed limbs, and the drops were jet-black water droplets, suddenly With all his strength, the two wooden signs were thrown upwards.

One side is blue and the other side is red.

"Don't answer!" Xin Wu shouted.

But Gu Chonghua was quick and had already grabbed one.

As if pressing the pause button, after Gu Chonghua held one of the menacing wooden signs just now, the other one stopped abruptly, stopping about one meter in front of Xin Wu.

"It's okay, make a fuss!" Gu Chonghua glanced at her contemptuously.

Xin Wu didn't plan to talk to him, if she was so angry, she would die of anger sooner or later.

Stretch out your hand, and the token will fly to the palm of your hand.

Xin Wu looked at it for a while, and found that there was a "way of life" written on the wooden sign.She turned around and turned her head to the side to find that Gu Chonghua wrote "dead end" in his hand.

What's the meaning? !

Just as her thought flashed through, she found footprints appearing on the soles of her feet.

The misty green color is like the footprints of fluorescent powder printed on the ground in the dark night, and it also seems to be the lighted emergency exit lights in the dark corridors of the previous life.

Follow this route?
What about... Gu Chonghua's?

She stretched out her hand to snatch the sign from Gu Chonghua's hand, and wanted to find out what the difference was, but she just stretched out her arm and hadn't touched it when she was hit by a broken arm that appeared on the ground at an unknown time. on the arm.

When the Soul Crushing Hammer came, it smashed the arm into pieces.

At this time, Gu Chonghua raised his eyebrows at her: "I understand the meaning of the line of characters that appeared at the prison entrance!"

(End of this chapter)

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