Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 335 Why are you so vigilant, man, like a wolf.

Chapter 335 Why are you so vigilant, man, like a wolf. (1 more and 2 more)
The line of font at the prison entrance.

Xin Wu's eyes blinked suddenly, as if... there was indeed such a sentence.

[Central region monks are good or evil, use the prison gate as an experiment, tremble for the coming cruelty]

"Can we trust the authenticity of this route?"

Xin Wu said: "It's not clear yet."

"But these two wooden plaques already have such obvious meanings. It is probably because the people of the Yin Sect hope that the two monks will fight for the "way of survival".

Listening to her, Gu Chonghua always had a calm smile on his mouth, "Just tell me the result of the analysis. If I have any evil thoughts, you may really not be able to live, because... I am so thirsty now."

Just look at Gu Chonghua's expression and those blood eyes.

Xin Wu's body froze instantly.

Probably met other monks, Shen Wu, and felt a little sure, but the opposite was a man who had always wanted to kill her. When encountering such a life-and-death choice, Gu Chonghua would definitely choose to live.

Besides, she who came in from the prison entrance was considered a cultivator in the central region, but Gu Chonghua even betrayed her master and went to the corpse puppet sect...

"Are you worried?"

Gu Chonghua leaned over, looked from his neck to the wooden sign in her hand, and then gave a "tsk". "Woman, you really have good shit luck!"

Xin Wu's whole body tensed instantly.

But at the next moment, Gu Chonghua retracted his neck, turned around and began to walk farther and farther away.

Hey, don't you want to kill her the most?

Why didn't she take her wooden token at this time?
Shen Wu was a little puzzled. She glanced at the instructions on the wooden sign and then at the direction Gu Chonghua was walking away. The words that Taoist Qingyu said "not only can't kill him, but also take good care of him" suddenly appeared in her mind.

Xin Wu chased after her.

The corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, "Well, I admit, this is just a good excuse for my conscience."

Soon, Xin Wu caught up with him.

Gu Chonghua didn't look back at all, as if he wasn't surprised by her arrival at all, he asked perfunctorily, "Don't you worry about my way of thinking."

"do not worry."

Because when Shen Wu didn't follow the route planned by that way of life, and was catching up with Gu Chonghua, the way of life also changed direction.

Just like, the green line of the car navigator, no matter how you go, even if it goes around a lot, the end point is always located there.

So Xin Wu's feet are still a way of life.

So she's telling the truth.

After half an hour.

The two stopped at the edge of a cliff, yes, it was the edge of a cliff.

She stood side by side with Gu Chonghua.

Gu Chonghua is one step ahead, there is an arch bridge, which is a natural arch bridge formed by connecting the rock wall at the end of the swamp and the opposite mountain.

And under Xin Wu's feet was a cliff.

Bending slightly, she could feel the cold wind blowing from the bottom of the cliff, her toes moved, and Xin Wu kicked down a fist-sized stone.

The stone kept falling and falling...and falling.

"Hey, why don't we change it?" Gu Chonghua stood up and faced her.

The huge wings opened with a "bang", "I have this, I shouldn't die!"

His face was infinitely close, and there seemed to be infinite bewitchment in his blood eyes.

Xin Wu squeezed out a cold snort, "No need."

Maybe what's in front of me is an illusion.

No matter how you look at it, Gu Chonghua's place is safer, but Xin Wu pinches the wooden sign, and the "Shenglu" on it is shining brightly, indicating that this is the exit.

"Why are you so vigilant, woman, like a wolf!"

"Whether you are vigilant or not, I am not afraid of falling to death, because I also have wings!" Shen Wu suddenly pulled Gu Chonghua, grabbed the wooden sign in his hand and threw it on the stone bridge, pushing Gu Chonghua off the cliff , and then Xin Wu also jumped down.

Because facing Shen Wu, Gu Chonghua was looking at it when he fell, and when Shen Wu jumped down, Gu Chonghua's heartbeat stopped in place.

In his blood eyes, Xin Wu was falling at a very fast speed, her hair was dancing wildly, her clothes were fluttering, and the red flames were burning on the wings of the Suzaku bone behind her, which illuminated her whole face in a warm orange color, and her pupils were faint, as if I'm approaching my arms...

"Do you really want to die?!"

Xin Wu suddenly approached, roughly grabbed his two arms, and the next moment passed through his armpit to open his fleshy wings.

Gu Chonghua put away his thoughts in an instant, and pushed Xin Wu away.

"Do not touch me."

Fuck you, what an attitude!

Xin Wu couldn't get enough of his wings for a while, driving the cyclone, and when Gu Chonghua suddenly turned around and stretched out his fleshy wings, he stretched out his feet and kicked him in the back.

"Hahahaha... Really relieved!" Xin Wu laughed wildly.

The breath that had been held in for a long time was all spit out because of this vicious kick.

She laughed recklessly, for a long, long time, and then suddenly fell silent.

"...This cliff is really deep!" Xin Wu sighed.

Xin Wu didn't want to think about it anymore, but occasionally moved her bone wings to avoid various treetops or stones growing out of the cracks in the rock wall.

After a long time, so long that Xin Wu's whole face was blown cold, and felt that her hair was so knotted that she couldn't comb it... Finally, Shen Wu saw a little darkness under the cliff, which was as thick as ink.

After thinking about it, Xin Wu gritted her teeth, and just lifted a protective shaft on her body before falling into it.


For a while, Xin Wu's mind was congested with blood for a moment, as if she was standing upside down in a corner, the blood rushed into her head.

Then, the body fell firmly to the ground.

Shaking her wings, Xin Wu got up from the ground, peeled off her hair and looked around.

This is a mountain peak established by the Bamboo Cen School later.

"We really came out!?" Gu Chonghua's figure was a little unbelievable.

In the distance, Cangshan disciples could faintly shout "Uncle Xin, where are you" and "Uncle Xin, I hear you!".

Taking a look at her current image, Xin Wu's face was a little uneasy.

"Do you have the Dust Jue, use one for me!" Xin Wu rubbed her hair and began to straighten her skirt.You can't show yourself like this in front of your nephews.

"you will not?"

Xin Wu said: "I have learned all the formulas for combat, but I feel that this is tasteless, so I didn't learn it!"

Familiar with the formula, I saw the light flashing in Gu Chonghua's hand, and Xin Wu only felt a beam of light falling on her body, which was extremely cool, and then the light dissipated, and Xin Wu returned to her previous appearance, with clean and tidy clothes.

Under an ancient tree in the distance, there is an arch with the same human face as the cave in the back mountain. There is a tree inside the arch, and a person fell from the tree, tied with ropes. His face was pale and his breath was weak.

Xin Wu's pupils shrank...that was Jiao Lingyan, that must be Jiao Lingyan!
Gu Chonghua grabbed her tightly.
"Don't you have a long memory?"

(End of this chapter)

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