Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 336 Sorry, no time.

Chapter 336 Sorry, no time. (3 more and 4 more)
Xin Wu glared at Gu Chonghua angrily: "Let go!"

"I won't let go." Gu Chonghua overwhelmed him with momentum, his eyes narrowed with a sense of threat.

"Gu Chonghua, do you have a brain problem? What does it have to do with you if I can't make it through?" Shen Wu stared, and in a fit of rage, smashed the soul crushing hammer directly at the opponent.

At this time, the disciples had already heard the sound from this side and began to come towards this side.

"Hey, why did Uncle Xin fight Gu Chonghua?"

"Hmph~ I knew this man was not a good guy, he must be thinking about our uncle's beauty!"

"Hey, look over there, is that female cultivator who was very close to Dabi and Uncle Xin last time, called...what's her name?"

Yang Fan turned his head and glared at the disciple who was talking, his face seemed to say "I don't even know Master Xin's friends".

"Call Jiao Ling Yanla, you go to the master's place, I'll go and put him down." Then he walked towards the arched door over there.

Yang Fan is only 15 years old, and he is very proficient in using the dual spirit root of wind and fire. When everyone was still clamoring, he cut off the falling rope with the wind blade, and with a flash of his feet, he used the identity taught by Xin Wu to follow him like a shadow. With blessing, Jiao Lingyan was lifted out of the arch in an instant.

Xin Wu said with a cold face: "Can I let go now?"

"Of course." Gu Chonghua let go angrily.

...In this situation, everyone will be suspicious. The arched door with human faces in front of the cave in the back mountain clearly swallowed them into the corpse pit. I didn't expect that the prison entrance was like a decoration just now when Yang Fan entered and exited.

Now, everyone thought that Xin Wu's disappearance was because of him.

Cangshan disciple approached, looked at him coldly, and deliberately surrounded Xin Wu in the crowd.

"Come on, show me how she is doing." Seeing Yang Fan approaching, Xin Wu hurriedly stepped forward and took Jiao Lingyan while talking.

I simply scanned with my consciousness and found that Jiao Lingyan was not possessed by a terracotta figurine, which is my luck.

Seeing this pale face, Xin Wu frowned deeply, checked it carefully again, and finally took out a elixir and fed it to Jiao Lingyan.

Then Xin Wu let out a long breath of relief.

"Uncle, why did you fight Gu Chonghua just now? Did he intend to do something wrong!?" When Yang Fan asked this sentence, he deliberately bent over to Xin Wu who was sitting on the stone, as if to say something Whispering, but in fact, the voice can be heard more than ten meters away.

Hearing this, Xin Wu was startled.

Afterwards, he slapped Yang Fan's head abruptly, "What kind of intention is wrong, what are you thinking, you are not young and have complicated thoughts!"

"I...I thought it was...he was thinking about the beauty of the uncle!" Yang Fan's face flushed suddenly, but he still stammered.

Xin Wu rolled her eyes, "What a shitty beauty."

She just suddenly remembered that when she was in the Corpse Puppet Cult of the Northern Territory, she was holding Zhu Yu's body, and he was able to go down and shave him specially.

If it is said that Gu Chonghua is a person who likes beauty, then he won't be able to take all men and women, right?

The two exchanged a few more words, and then Shen Wu said seriously: "How about it, the Bamboo Cen Sect has been cleaned up, are there any other female cultivators besides Jiao Lingyan?!"

"Following the uncle's password, all the men have been killed."

Fortunately, after listening to Xin Wu, I couldn't hold back seeing normal people a few times. When I got close and waited for those Yinzong disciples to make a move, I fell into a bad posture. The Yin sect disciple beheaded.

Yang Fan was afraid for a while, the hidden worship in his eyes exploded like fireworks, he met those eyes, and continued: "Except Senior Jiao Lingyan, I didn't find any female disciples!"

Xin Wu was silent.

... was wiped out again!
The first time, her accidental break-in gave her hope, but the second time she was wiped out... When she wakes up, how can I comfort her.

Thinking of this, Xin Wu felt a little headache, she rubbed her face and pulled herself together.

"Let's move on to the next destination."

Yang Fan pointed to Jiao Lingyan: "Then... what about her?"

"Oh, I will make arrangements, gather all the disciples, and set off now!" During the critical period, all the sects, large and small, were in the midst of war, and the 3000 people I brought with me were a huge force no matter what. .

Yang Fan followed suit.

Shen Wu brought Jiao Lingyan closer to the jade space, and then hooked her fingers at a tree-born child, Fu Qingcheng: "Come here."

The tree boy approached slowly.

Xin Wu found that after not seeing him for a while, this tree-born child became more vivid, with sword-like eyebrows slanted into his temples like thick ink, handsome features, thin crimson lips, eyes like clear springs, and the expression when he spoke was the same as that of the indifferent Fu Qingcheng. Same.

"What's the matter?"

"...You help me take care of her. If she wakes up and asks where this is, you help me tell her this is mine..."

"Say it yourself!"

Unexpectedly, before she finished her sentence, the tree boy had already turned back and walked back to the original place, sitting among the group of tree boys, his cold eyes glanced at her and Jiao Lingyan indifferently.

Sit cross-legged and start breathing.

Xin Wu was shocked, obviously she hadn't recovered from the other party's contempt.

When did these tree-born children become so individual?

Xin Wu didn't believe in evil, and greeted another Shushengzi: "Hey, come here!"

That Shushengzi was also sitting cross-legged in meditation, and when he heard her voice, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his long and narrow eyes were filled with fickle and cold mouths.

"If you want me to help you pass the message, sorry, I don't have time."

I'll go, this is also a dick!

Xin Wu took a deep breath, her eyes widened.

... What's the situation, what happened recently, or something I've overlooked?
Could it be because she and Su Che were together, because the main body was in a bad mood, and these tree children also noticed the difference, so they were so indifferent?

Or, because these tree-born children have self-awareness, they are repelling the aliens besides them?
Xin Wu couldn't figure it out, and was worried that Jiao Lingyan would wake up in a bad state, and found that this strange environment would make her feel unsafe... Finally, she put a Lingyuan in the jade space, and then went out from it.

As soon as she came out, Yang Fan told her that all the disciples had rectified, and Xin Wu nodded.

"You back out and wait for me a thousand meters away!"

She stretched out her bone wings, and her body rose from the ground,

In mid-air, the heart moves at will, the spiritual wheel in the body rotates wildly to absorb the surrounding spiritual power, and then sacrifices the Dao disk——

Fire, born out of thin air from the palm of your hand.

The fist-sized flames gradually grew bigger and thicker, turning into a dragon shape, one or two...

Xin Wu swung her arms out, and two fire dragons, which were more than ten times thicker than a bucket, circled above for a moment, then swooped down suddenly, like falling meteors, piercing the sky with their long tails, causing Zhucen faction The heat wave is rolling around, as if it is summer.

When the scorching heat twists the air into an arc~
"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two loud bangs came from the cave in the back mountain and the arch of Jia Lingyan's trapped face, both of which were submerged by the fire wave in an instant.

Amidst the loud noise, the ground shook, shaking the rocks on the mountain wall to fall, the gravel splashed on the ground, and the extremely hot air waves spread towards the outside.

Xin Wu stood in the air and watched for a while without saying a word, then appeared in front of a group of disciples and raised her arms: "Let's go!"

 Today's update is here, dear little angels, how many are waiting for me.

(End of this chapter)

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