Big sister is going against the sky

第337章 这是蒼山弟子独1无2的骨相(1更和2更)

Chapter 337 This is the unique bone phase of Cangshan disciples (1 update and 2 update)
To the east of the Central Territory, sects are rare, and most of them are countries of different sizes.

For example, the ancient country of Miaojiang, the country of Haitianjiang, the country of Dongyangwei, etc. Of course, there are also many merchants in these countries, such as the forces built by some comprehension forces such as Yilou and Wangjiang Pavilion.

When the Cangshan disciples arrived, these forces thought that Cangshan would definitely send many people, but when they saw that there were only a thousand disciples, the hope that had been ignited was extinguished in an instant, and they were not very enthusiastic about the thousand disciples.

When the disciples of the Yin Sect came in like a tidal wave, those from the sky and the ground... poured into many countries densely, and specially picked out destructive spells to kill cultivators, and very few of them could escape.

In a short period of time, there were mourners everywhere, ruins everywhere, smoke, dust and residual blood everywhere.

However, the day the Cangshan disciples arrived refreshed all the monks in the central region's perception of the head of the Taoist sect.

The visible and skinny young man roared to the sky, his mouth swaying with the sound of a lion, like the king of beasts, extremely domineering, the sound waves swayed out in circles, sharp and direct Let the disciples of the Yin sect fall into a short-term paralysis of consciousness.

His body is as transparent as a lion image behind him.

Just when these Yin sect disciples fell into a sluggish state, there was a boy with wheat-colored skin, who was like a leopard in the underworld, and took away one life after another while walking around. Behind him, a black leopard shadow appeared, with golden pupils. Ruthless and ruthless, noble as a superior.

There was also a ghost image of Qingluan appearing behind some disciples, rising out of thin air, swiping their arms down, falling a large piece of fine needles formed by condensed spiritual power, falling all over the sky, and the disciples of the Yin sect fell down one by one like cutting straw!

"...It's scary, what is this? Cangshan disciples don't use Dao disks?"

A surviving elder explained: "This is the unique...bone phase of Cangshan disciples!"

"Oh, dao disks? Look at them so relaxed, where are they using the sacrificial dao disks?! It is said that the lowest-level disciples of Cangshan Mountain all have mutated spiritual roots, and most of the rest are human disks. It’s not that there is no Tianpan, that famous Cangshan female the so-called Tianpan!”

Someone lost his temper annoyed, clanging his long sword, and finally pierced the chest of a Yin sect disciple with great effort.

"Hey, I think I'm also a cultivator. I always thought that I was very talented. Now it seems that compared with those Cangshan disciples, I'm nothing more than a little witch."

"Still competing with Cangshan disciples? Your courage is commendable!"

The disciple chuckled, full of self-deprecating: "Indeed, I won't dare to compare in the future, let's talk about it after passing this catastrophe with peace of mind."

When everyone is fighting hard, they can always meet one or two amazing Cangshan disciples.

Some are eagle bones, with long arms like wings, and every time they fall, a head will be scratched and exploded.

Some are tortoise bones, and the limbs are twisted. When they roll over, they are like a mountain. Every time they hit, some disciples of the Yin sect will be crushed and crushed.

But the most eye-catching, or the place where they are all approaching the safe area, there is always only one person.


On the battlefield, wherever a tall and tall man in a moon-white robe went, his head would be blown off by a disciple of the Yin sect.

In the eyes of everyone, he either frowned, or waved his sleeves lightly.

The elegant posture seems to be outing at random.

Suddenly, Fu Qingcheng paused in his footsteps, and his expression flashed with surprise.

Just now, a picture flashed in his mind, it was the picture of Xin Wu holding Jiao Lingyan in the space and letting Shu Shengzi help to take care of it.

Although these things could be seen some time ago, after being separated for more than half a month, it actually made him a little distracted.

He thought that when he found out that Xin Wu and Su Che were together, he would go to Shen Wu's small courtyard every day, just stabbing a knife into his heart, reminding himself to recognize the reality.

But the picture that suddenly jumped into his mind made his heart flustered.

She was dressed in a sakura-colored gown, like faintly blooming petals, elegant and refined, under her slightly heroic eyebrows, those light and glazed eyes were clear and shining.When the face is solemn, those eyes are as ruthless as monsters, as long as the tip of the eyes is bent, they can be charming.

"Ah! Be careful!"

A female cultivator who had been paying attention to Fu Qingcheng for a long time was slowly approaching this area. When she saw a disciple of the Yin sect with bulging hair on his hands, the back of his hand was bruised, and his nails were black. The moment the female cultivator approached the back of Fu Qingcheng's head, the female cultivator did not react when she saw Fu Qingcheng. , immediately screamed to remind.

The cool wind hit, but Fu Qingcheng still didn't look back.

He just raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the deformed Yinzong disciple behind him suddenly had his head exploded. Fu Qingcheng's back seemed to have an invisible protective cover, and white, red and red things splashed everywhere. Leave a little on his robe.

"Wow, you Cangshan disciples are really amazing. Hey, you are so handsome. What's your name? My name is Bai Feifei!"

The female cultivator approached enthusiastically, and found that she was not used to talking to people's backs, so she jumped up and down in front of Fu Qingcheng, and introduced herself while sitting.

While talking, he looked at Fu Qingcheng's face, his eyes were full of stars, as if the summer night sky was lit up instantly when the night approached.

"My name is Bai Feifei, what's your name, tell me!"

Bai Feifei stared straight at Fu Qingcheng, unwilling to look away.

"Step aside!"

Fu Qingcheng's eyes were gloomy and sharp, and a violent aura appeared from his eyes, as if it could freeze people.

Bai Feifei was indeed taken aback, and after Fu Qingcheng walked past her for a long distance, she stuck out her tongue puffing up her waist.

"What, so cold!"

Bai Feifei dodged the Yin Sect disciples around him, shuttled through the battlefield with incomparable agility, and soon caught up to Fu Qingcheng.

"Brother... Anyway, you Cangshan disciples are here to support, so you can protect me by the way!" Bai Feifei jumped in front of Fu Qingcheng again, she just likes to look at the other person's eyes and talk, this is still psychologically frightening, but already Much better.

"...When the people in the Northern Territory withdraw, I will leave by myself, how? How?"

Fu Qingcheng didn't speak, and continued to walk among them, and there was a large burst of popping sound wherever he passed, like smashing watermelons one by one.

Bai Feifei looked around like a grandma entering the village. Sometimes when he saw a huge Yinzong disciple who was possessed by a terracotta figurine, he would pretend to lose his color, and then took the opportunity to stick to Fu Qingcheng, or slip through Fu Qingcheng's body when the other party raised his arm. Arm leaned against his bosom.

Fu Qingcheng's previously gloomy expression has gradually become numb, as if this person is transparent, and she is often bounced away by a ray of light before she gets close.

 Some little angels are asking why it was five points before, but it became ten points later. I am very happy to explain it super happily. Five points are [-] words. I have been together recently, and it is [-] words, so It is ten.

  Thank you little angel for following up. In addition, there will indeed be a situation where the system swallows book reviews, so dear, don't abandon the rice crust just because the system swallows book reviews.

  Today is the last day of this month, cheer yourself up, there will be another update later.

  Then, tomorrow I will take the car to Yancheng... I am taking the train to Sichuan, who is from Sichuan, I will take the baby back to school, although school has already started.

  I'll try to make up for it when the situation stabilizes.

(End of this chapter)

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