Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 338: Going to Save or Not

Chapter 338: Going to Save or Not (3 Updates and 4 Updates)
The battle between the Central Territory and the Northern Territory is still going on, but it doesn't know when it started to rain.

The rain was not heavy, but it was very fine and dense, and it floated on people's skin and hair like a layer of finely divided white sugar.

In this once prosperous town, in the high walls of the deep palace, and in the entire empty mountain gorge, there is this kind of light, flowing, moist rain and fog.

Gradually there were small puddles on the ground, and because people fell down from time to time, the puddles were gradually dyed blood red.

The edge of the territory of the ancient kingdom of Miaojiang.

Yang Fan followed behind Shen Wu and asked curiously: "Uncle Xin, since there is no disaster in the southeast direction, we have also notified those sects to evacuate, we can go directly to the northwest direction, why do we still have to come here!"

"Eldest senior brother only brought a thousand disciples, we will help if we can." Xin Wu responded, and deliberately added: "... Anyway, passing by."

In fact, what she cared more about was to find Fu Qingcheng and ask about Shu's birth.

Yang Fan opened his mouth with a hesitant expression, but he didn't say a word in the end.

The lineup of three thousand disciples is very conspicuous in the uniform Cangshan Taoist uniform.

When he landed in the town of the ancient Miaojiang country and rested, densely packed human heads came from nowhere, attacking involuntarily.

"It's a disciple of the Yin Sect. - Spread out!" Xin Wu said loudly.

With her order, all Cangshan disciples dispersed immediately.

After Wu Jun's incident last time, after a long time of nurturing with some senior brothers who started earlier, the new disciples also began to be honest, so as soon as Xin Wu finished speaking, all the disciples obeyed the order.

There are about 1000 disciples of the Yin sect who are coming to meet them.

After seeing the abnormality of the Yinzong disciple who was possessed by the celestial figurines, Xin Wu did not dare to underestimate her, her expression was extremely serious.

In Maitreya's Illusion, the disciples led by the grandmother of the Xin family almost had extremely strong attack power and explosive power, and they could defeat ordinary monks by one against ten.

How to describe it?
...It is the feeling of uneven levels. Wherever Xin Wu glanced, he saw that among the crowd, the tall ones were like giants, the short ones were like dwarves, the fat ones were round like balls, and the thin ones were like bamboo poles. Tentacles sprouted from the forehead, and some grew tail wings...

Looking at it together, it looks like an army of monsters.

"Combine in pairs, attack freely!" Xin Wu ordered again, and added a sentence with a solemn face: "No one can die! Even if you die, you can't die on these disgusting things!"

She took the first step and was already at the head of the battle.

Squeeze the decision with both hands, and the formula comes out loudly.

"The heavens and the earth are natural, the filth and qi are scattered, and the mystery in the cave shakes the Taiyuan."

"The majesty of the eight directions makes me natural, and the life of the Lingbao talisman spreads to the nine heavens."

"Ganluo Dana, Donggang Taixuan, slaying demons and binding evils, saving thousands of demons."

From the first word she uttered, the sky seemed to be divided into two. The sky where the disciples of the Yin Sect attacked was filled with cloudy and dark clouds, while the sky above the disciples of Cangshan on the side of Xin Wu was shining with golden light. There was a strange sound in the sky, and Xin Wu was directly crushed towards the opponent with the tip.

Under the shroud of this golden light, all the disciples only felt that their spiritual power was extremely strong, and for one point consumed by Yujian, two points of spiritual power were replenished in an instant.

Not only that, some disciples are crystal clear, standing on the tip of the sword and starting to wash the body, the turbid air that is washed out is also evaporated instantly, especially the effect is more obvious on the new disciples, who do not know that the body washes out the turbid air, At this time, someone else turned a new spirit wheel.

This state slowly stopped just a moment before the Yin sect disciple's spell struck.

Everyone's confidence is greatly increased.

"Uncle Xin, this is a magical mantra that has blessed me with the purification of heaven and earth, to count the filthy gas..."

"This feeling is so refreshing, it's incredible!"

The first wave of attack was a pink bead-like thing thrown out by a man who was about the same size as Xin Yong.

"Ah, get out of the way, the seeds picked out of that person's palm will explode!"

"Really, ah, it's so dangerous... how do you know?"

"I met someone like this in the Hehuan faction before... don't talk nonsense, let's do it."

Compared with the Yinzong disciples who were attacking with ferocious faces over there, the atmosphere on the Cangshan disciples' side was much more lively, and the two-person group who had discussions and ideas began to fight back.

"Zhongshan Divine Mantra, Yuanshi Yuwen, reciting it once will cure illness and prolong life."

"According to the knowledge of the five mountains and the eight seas, the devil king puts his head on his head and guards my house."

From above the sky on the Cangshan disciple's side, countless dark clouds pierced through the turbidity and thickened like a burst of golden light, and fell around the Yinzong disciple.

Gradually... Some disciples discovered that those Yinzong disciples who were possessed by celestial figurines became slower in their movements.

Xin Wu spoke very fast, and Lang Lang said the last mantra: "The filth dissipates, and Dao Qi lasts forever."


Holding the Soul Crushing Hammer in the palm of his hand, his body was covered with a thin layer of golden light and shot towards the opponent's camp.

The sky plate is suspended above the head, blue, red, and yellow are flashing on the main line, and Suzaku's wing bones are waving, and his figure has reached a rapid speed.

The fire dragon swirled around, knocking away the Yinzong disciples who kept approaching.

With a strong physique coupled with the power of the huge Soul Crushing Hammer and the bear's bone, a cloud of blood mist burst out as he waved his arms.


At the same time, in Xin Wu's space, more than a dozen Shu Shengzi sitting cross-legged were startled.

"Is there a fight outside?"

The other said: "Well, do you want to go out and help?"

A tree born child suggested: "Ask the body first."

"I just asked, the main body knew, but didn't say whether to help or not!"

"Then we won't help!"

If Xin Wu saw this scene, her jaw would drop in shock. These tree-born children are actually similar to normal people.


And Fu Qingcheng, who was in Haitian Kingdom, stood on the city wall, standing upright with his robe fluttering.

Seeing the cultivators pouring into the city one after another, and the Cangshan disciples changing batches to take a break and set off again, Fu Qingcheng looked into the distance, as if he was looking further away than the Wangjiang Tower not far away.

"Hey, I just heard them calling you Uncle Master, so you are the disciple of Taoist Qingyu who sat down... Fu Qingcheng?" Bai Feifei was always by his side, and the noise reminded him of someone.

It was precisely because of the similarities with that person that Fu Qingcheng never hit her hard, but basically he didn't talk to her.

But at this moment, Bai Feifei was by his side, with a brisk tone, as if even every strand of hair that floated was filled with joy, with a sweet tone and a familiar tone.

"If the person you care about may be in danger, are you going to save her?" Fu Qingcheng said,

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't spoken, his voice was originally mellow, like a very thirsty person with a little hoarseness, but even this voice still made Bai Feifei's eyes brighten.

"you ask me?"

"You actually...talked to me? No, no, are you really talking to me?!"

Bai Feifei was sitting on the city wall, swinging his legs, when he heard the voice, he suddenly jumped up, stretched his neck and leaned forward to check carefully.

Sure enough, Fu Qingcheng's thin lips parted slightly, and he repeated: "Will you save me?"

He is serious.

Suddenly, Bai Feifei turned his back to him, with a faint voice: "The person you care about is the person you like, right? If it were me, I would go! But..."

"If the other party has someone I like and is guarded by someone else, I'd rather disappear by myself than get in the way..." Bai Feifei pursed his lips, his expression complicated, and his tone seemed to be self-deprecating.

She turned around, raised her eyelids, and looked at the empty city wall, a little dazed.

In the corner of the eye, that white figure had already turned into a stream of light.

 This one is over, maybe the update will stop tomorrow, today I still have to cancel my account, apply for a card and other things, and when I come back, there will still be that kiss waiting for me...

  Somewhat apprehensive...

  super insecure...

(End of this chapter)

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