Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 339 The Blue Flame of a Strange Man

Chapter 339 The Blue Flame of a Strange Man (1 more)
Weird sight.

That weird feeling reappeared! ! !
... Xin Wu knew that someone was staring at her.

But the strange tarsal maggot feeling was on the left and on the right for a while, and every time she felt it a little bit and turned around to look, the feeling disappeared again, and it appeared in a different direction after a while.

On the battlefield, Cangshan disciples are like gods of war, majestic and majestic, releasing earth-shattering spells with every gesture.


A cold wind passed by.

Xin Wu's waist folded strangely, and she dodged in an instant.

With a glance, Xin Wu's pupils shrank: "What kind of fire is this?"

The flame, which missed a single hit, flickered and turned around as if trying to continue attacking her.

It was a dark blue, almost black flame that she had never seen before.

The flames came—

The closer they got, the heart that Xin Wu had molded was instantly broken, and she became flustered, and her heart beat fast, as if something was scratching her heart.

This time, although she reacted quickly, she leaned back.

But the flame changed its trajectory, bypassing her backward neck from the front, Xin Wu's breath faltered, she quickly lifted her foot a little ahead, and bent her body forward nimbly.

Flames grazed her flying hair.



The flame fell on the back from the tail of the hair, and the range expanded in an instant, and Xin Wu's face suddenly darkened.

... This enemy is different from the other Yinzong disciples on the battlefield at the moment.

Shen Wu is originally a fire-type spiritual root, and there are fire-type dao patterns on the sky plate.

Ordinary flames couldn't hurt her, but this flame not only ignited her hair, but even burned her clothes in an instant——

In just two seconds, many thoughts flashed in Xin Wu's heart, that is, to wrap her body with her own flames, but unfortunately, her long hair like black satin was burned badly, and her clothes were also burned all clean.

If she hadn't wrapped her body in flames, she, the senior uncle in charge, would have been exposed as a nephew.

"Who the hell is it? Why didn't you dare to show up!?" Xin Wu said coldly.


The other party only replied with a cold snort.

Then, several clusters of blue flames were thrown out.

She frantically mobilized her fire power to put a protective shield on her body, but the reason why the dark blue flame didn't go out, the resistance of her own flame and the dark blue flame caused the water on Xin Wu's body to be evaporated gradually. up.

After a while, the rest of the hair was dry and curled, the skin was dry and had fine lines like fishing nets, and the lips were cracked and blood was overflowing...

Just when Xin Wu felt a little unbearable, she felt that the flame had reduced its intensity.

a flame...

Oh, to be exact, a blue doorway made of flames appeared there.

A man stepped out of the doorway.

He seemed to be a ghost from another world, but his posture when he walked out of the door was extremely natural. He was thin, straight and tall, with handsome features, hatred in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

It was impossible to see whether he was happy or angry.

The man has a gentle temperament, and the breath on his body is something Xin Wu has never felt before, but the many self-burning blue flames in his white palms add a little more hostility to his overall handsome temperament.

"...Even if you beg me, I will not promise to let you go!"

The man's brows and eyes were full of hatred, which was blatantly exposed, his tone was flamboyant, and his appearance was ferocious.

Xin Wu sighed slightly: "Aren't you a disciple of the Yin Sect? Do you hate me?"

She asked two questions with a straight face, and said her first image: "You know, I think you are a bit pathetic."

"Presumptuous!!" The man's hair fluttered, and he raised his hand to shoot blue flames at her.

And the blue flame pit is very wasteful of spiritual power, so consumed, her spiritual power has almost been consumed.

If this attack is carried out, she may really want to run naked in front of all her nephews naked.

Suddenly, the man's eyeballs moved.

"Damn it, it came so fast?!"

Then, as if sensing something, he withdrew his hand abruptly, and hurriedly withdrew.

To the east, a bright golden light came from far to near, and then a man's robe fell from the sky and covered her body.

The wind driven by the robe easily extinguished Xin Wu's inextinguishable blue flame, which rested on top of her head, and the light flowed, automatically turning into a well-fitting robe.

"I'm late."

The moment the deep and magnetic man's voice sounded, Xin Wu had already seen that vigorous and noble man.

 [Thanks: Sakura for the reward, 588+100 starting point currency]

  My conscience is uneasy, so I will take a little time to make a little time to write a chapter today while making lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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