Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 340 Hi~ Long time no see, you are not dead yet

Chapter 340 Hi~ Long time no see, you are not dead yet (1 more)
"Big brother!" Xin Wu shouted nervously.

Due to the consumption of spiritual power, the protective cover made of flames can only simply cover some parts, so how could Fu Qingcheng's sharp vision not see through.

After being with Su Che, she began to care about such details.

"Put your clothes on before you talk."

With a concise tone of voice, the expression on his face was the usual indifference. Even if Xin Wu appeared in front of him naked, he would still have that expression.

... Is this man facial paralyzed, or is he hopeless?

The former Fu Qingcheng was an old driver who could make his heart beat faster and pretend to be pure even if he said a few words.

The male cultivator's robe is much simpler than the female cultivator's. Xin Wu finished putting it on two or three times, and then said, "Eldest brother, do you know that there is anyone in the three domains whose flame is blue and black?"

The spiritual root of the fire system, there are fire runes on the dao plate, but Xinwu's fire attribute dao pattern that surpasses the runes, contains the law of heaven and earth,... Even so, it is impossible to do it under the opponent's attack Simple defense.

If Fu Qingcheng hadn't arrived, she might have shed three layers of skin even if she didn't die.

"You said that among the three domains, the blue flame?!"

Fu Qingcheng just glanced at Xin Wu, he didn't ask Xin Wu in detail what happened, nor asked her to explain it in detail.

It's like he is a bystander, always maintaining this indifferent state, isolated from right and wrong, arrogant like a snow lotus on the top of a mountain, overlooking everything on the earth.

Xin Wu was surprised by her own thought, but she nodded accordingly.

"Among the three domains, Zen Buddhism in the southern domain is karma fire, hell fire, holy light fire, ghost fire and soul fire in the northern domain, and the middle domain is much wider..."

Fuqing Che once again showed the state of only moving his thin lips, not even his eyes.

"Blue Flame, there is only one person I know!"

Xin Wu paused for breath, "Who?...Do you know him?!"

"Well, it's the original owner of the Sixth Peak, Cen Wu, who fell thousands of years ago..." Fu Qingcheng turned around, staring at her with a pair of cold pupils: "Until the Taoist reincarnation..."

Xin Wu avoided seeing her.

I always felt that there was something in Fu Qingcheng's words, but he only said half of what he said.

Is it because you feel that Cen Wu is no longer in this body?
The men's suit on her body fit better than what Su Che had given her, but her back moved, and her shoulders seemed to be pressed tightly by something...

... What does the big brother's explanation mean?
Cen Wu was the one who could use the blue flame, did Cen Wu attack him?
But what I saw was clearly a man!

Two hours later.

When only Cangshan disciples were left on the battlefield, Gu Chonghua also squeezed back to Shen Wu's side.

There was no confrontation as imagined, and there was a fleeting surprise in Gu Chonghua's bloody eyes, and then he raised his arm and waved to Fu Qingcheng, "Hi~ Long time no see, you're not dead yet?!"

Fu Qingcheng held the sword in one hand, and the other hand hung naturally on the side of his thigh. Most of the back of his hand was covered by the wide sleeve, only a few white fingers were exposed.

For Gu Chonghua's familiarity, Fu Qingcheng didn't even turn his head.

"It's still so boring." Gu Chonghua muttered.

Suddenly, Fu Qingcheng was so frightened that Gu Chonghua shrank his neck, but found that Fu Qingcheng looked away without saying anything.

Gu Chonghua: "..."

Just as Xin Wu was counting the number of disciples she had brought, a large group of monks flew over from a distance.

There are all kinds of clothes, Xin Wu noticed the most dazzling and lovely woman in the crowd.

Because, in this atmosphere of heavy casualties, her liveliness did not seem to be affected at all. She was waving her hands vigorously: "Fu Qingcheng, Fu Qingcheng..."

 Thanks for not abandoning my baby...the rice crust is slowly getting back on track...

(End of this chapter)

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