Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 342 Tsk, I Have a Headache

Chapter 342 Tsk, I Have a Headache (1 More)
Just before this moment, Gu Chonghua told her through voice transmission that Bai Feifei opposite had a smell similar to hers.

This is one of them, discovered by Gu Chonghua.

What was strange to Xin Wu was that it was the first sentence Bai Feifei greeted her with.

The original words that Bai Feifei greeted her were "You are Fu Qingcheng's little junior sister, right? Hello, my name is Bai Feifei!" '

That was exactly what her doubts were about.

With Fu Qingcheng's indifferent temperament, it is absolutely impossible to introduce his little junior sister to a stranger as if showing off.

If he was familiar with someone, it was impossible not to know Fu Qingcheng's various preferences, but... Bai Feifei pretended to be familiar and recognized Shen Wu as Fu Qingcheng's junior sister at a glance, and then came to her to inquire about Fu Qingcheng's news.

This in itself is contradictory.

If someone thinks that there is only one female cultivator in Cangshan, Central Territory, and Fu Qingcheng is the senior brother, they will naturally know that Shen Wu is the junior junior sister.

But the key point is that this woman has the feeling of the Corpse Puppet Sect, and it also gives Xin Wu a familiar feeling.

That figure is flamboyant, and he looks like he's doing his own way... I seem to have seen it there before.

Xin Wu was thinking.

"Who said it wasn't? Xiao Wu and I hit it off right away. Of course we are good friends."

Bai Feifei tilted her head, the bangs on her forehead shook, she suddenly raised her voice and said, "Ah, Xiao Wu, what's the matter with your hair... Eh, the Taoist robe you're wearing doesn't seem to be a woman's?"

When she mentioned it, Gu Chonghua also noticed it.

"Yeah, whose clothes are you wearing? How did your hair get burned like this?"

When she raised her eyes, Shen Wu saw Bai Feifei who was puffing out her cheeks, and Gu Chonghua who looked surprised.

Passing the two of them, Shen Wu saw Fu Qingcheng who was holding the Xuanyue Sword in the distance with his arms folded, the corners of his lips were raised in a playful smile.

"Hair, I accidentally roasted it just now while playing with fire, and the clothes... I picked it up!"

After Shen Wu finished speaking, she looked at Fu Qingcheng.

Finding that the smile on the corner of the other party's mouth disappeared, there was a vast sea of ​​stars in his eyes, and some faint lights shot out from it, he straightened his body, and walked towards this side slowly.

Walk up to a few people and stand still.

"Oh, the clothes I picked up really fit me." She asked in a lazy tone, but she didn't expose Xin Wu.

Xin Wu didn't bother to care about what he said, she took a sharp dagger from the jade necklace and pinched all the curly hair in her hand, and then the dagger started to cut.

Gu Chonghua glanced at her contemptuously: "It's so ugly."

"I used to have good-looking hair and now it's been cut off. You really have to deal with it. Are you a woman?"

"It doesn't matter to you whether it's a man or a woman." Xin Wu rolled her eyes at her, and continued: "Don't look at it if it's ugly, it's not for you."

It's not that she wants this.

She is still full of grievances.

Fu Qingcheng said that Cen Wu would use blue flames, but Cen Wu had been separated from his body for a long time, and it was a man who appeared before...

After a few movements, her waist-length hair was sparsely spaced and uneven, making her look even weirder.


When resting at night.

Xin Wu glanced at the crowd who still had no plans to leave, and took the initiative to talk to Bai Feifei.

"Where did you bring this group of people?"

Bai Feifei quickly waved his hands, in case she misunderstood, he explained: "Xiao Wu, don't misunderstand, I didn't bring these people here, I just said I came to find Fu Qingcheng, and they followed behind."

Having said this, he deliberately turned his head to look at those people, and then shrugged his shoulders.

"There is nothing they can do if they want to follow me. They have to let others follow. The Central Territory is so big, the sky and the earth are so wide, and it's not my territory. I can't control it."

"Oh." Xin Wu responded lightly.

Well, I just asked this question, and people started to feel wronged.

She didn't know that these people didn't know her.

At that time, this group of monks from the Sect of Loose Cultivation clearly surrounded her and moved forward with her at the center.

When greeting Fu Qingcheng, Xin Wu saw the lineup at a glance.

She trusts her instincts.

Since Bai Feifei doesn't say anything, it's fine.

Then, Xin Wu said to herself: "I don't know if they will follow us all the time, tsk, I have a headache!"

Bai Feifei's eyes were still on Xin Wu. Hearing what she said, he moved closer to her side, "Is Xiao Wu going to drive them away? What excuses are you using?"

Her voice is not small.

 Don't worry, I'm trying to get back on track. If I can't write on that day, I will finish it slowly. I will try not to finish it. If I can, I will try my best to write it, but——

  But, I have no guarantee (look at my late-stage lazy face)
  do you understand?

(End of this chapter)

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