Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 343 Only a Serious Apology

Chapter 343 Only a Serious Apology (2 More)
Suddenly, Xin Wu turned to look at her.

Bai Feifei was startled, shrank his neck and swallowed: "What, what's wrong?"

"I didn't say I wanted to drive them away. Your voice is so loud that people who are interested will only hear it out of nothing, thinking that I really want to do that. Today's Central Territory is full of troubles. You want to give me another Are Cangshan disciples looking for something to do?"

Bai Feifei's face turned pale.

She stood up slowly, pinching the hem of the skirt with her white and tender hands, and lowered her head with her back to Xin Wu: "Xiao Wu, I didn't mean that, I just... I just can't turn my head around, I'm a bit stupid, you don't have to I'm really no match for bothering to target me. If I accidentally caused trouble just now, then my apology is, I'm sorry."

A long series of sentences, a low, suppressed crying with a nasal sound.

Xin Wu's eyeballs moved, and she found that the thousands of disciples who were with her were all looking at her. Although she didn't say anything, the blaming, questioning, and gazes were more hurtful than any words.

……that's it?

A few words made these Cangshan disciples suspect that they were targeting Bai Feifei?

All the Cangshan disciples were like this, and among the various casual cultivators who joined in later and the monks sent by him, two strong men stood up from the crowd and kept looking this way.

Xin Wu just wanted to swear.

I'm going to fuck you! !
Even Fu Qingcheng frowned slightly, looking displeased.

Bai Feifei went and trotted a few steps, walked to a distance and sat down.

Xin Wu didn't speak, and watched from afar the woman who had kept saying that she was a good friend before, and after a while, someone came forward to comfort her.

There are casual cultivators, monks from other sects, and even a few Cangshan disciples.

A disciple from Cangshan stepped forward: "Don't be sad, our master is just stubborn, so say what comes to mind."

A disciple beside him immediately echoed: "That's right, our uncle is not a bad person, Miss Bai Feifei, don't take it to heart."

"Why don't you go?" Xin Wu asked Fu Qingcheng.

Fu Qingcheng said: "Not familiar."

"Unfamiliar? From the looks of her, it seems that she came here specially to find you."

Fu Qingcheng looked at her sideways, "You care about this?"

"I don't care, I just want to say, I have to go to Senior Brother Xiao after this battlefield is settled..."

"En." Fu Qingcheng replied lightly, "And then."

"Let's go separately." Xin Wu paused, and then said: "This group of people follow me, I'm afraid I will be splashed to death by dirty water before I get to Senior Brother Xiao!"

Fu Qingcheng raised his eyebrows, knowing what she meant.

Xin Wu hadn't finished speaking: "...However, if I do it first, maybe none of the remaining monks will be left behind."

"These people have nothing to do with me." Fu Qingcheng said.

"That's easy."


Maybe it was because of the comfort from so many people, but there was no Fu Qingcheng.

Bai Feifei continued to rub his eyes and raised his head, looking towards Xin Wu.

At this moment, Fu Qingcheng was sitting beside Xin Wu with a big grin, with profound eyebrows and eyes, and an impeccable outline, which was obviously cold, but every time he turned his head to look at Xin Wu, his cold eyebrows and eyes softened, and the corners of his mouth softened. There will be a faint smile.

The Cangshan disciple who stood nearest was only persuading Bai Feifei, and found that there was something flashing in Bai Feifei's eyes. The faint cold light made his back shiver, but when he wanted to take a closer look, there was nothing. Find.

The disciple had some doubts, and Bai Feifei raised his head.

She tilted her cheeks with a smile on her face, "Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, I'm fine, thank you for your comfort."

"I was impulsive just now, I have to go over to Xiao Wu now...seriously...just apologize!"

The disciple who just felt the chill on his back wanted to stop her subconsciously, but he took a breath, but found that he couldn't move.

 I saw a little angel bubbling in the book review. I remember that the previous comment was swallowed. Is the book review area ready this time? It can only be this way

  ps: [Thank you Miss Yurou for your reward. 】When your new book becomes popular, I will open a new book and ask for chapters to be pushed
(End of this chapter)

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