Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 344 A Weird Overture

Chapter 344 A Weird Overture (1 More)
Xin Wu's eyes widened, her face was full of horror, and she didn't know how to react.

Because just before she was shocked, Bai Feifei walked up to her and said a word to her.

"What... what did you say?" After being stunned for a moment, Xin Wu asked in disbelief.

"I said, can you give me Brother Qingcheng?" Bai Feifei looked at her seriously and repeated.

Gu Chonghua next to him whistled wickedly, with a smile on his lips, "Xiao Wu, if you show your love to me so straightforwardly, I will definitely accept it."

Xin Wu didn't even glance at him, and said, "Shut up."

On the other hand, Fu Qingcheng frowned and didn't speak, but there seemed to be a storm brewing in the eyes that were staring at Bai Feifei closely.

The Cangshan disciples in the distance almost had their eyeballs pop out... Didn't they say that they should apologize properly?
Why do you feel like you made it clear that you regard Uncle Xin as your rival in love, declare war if you don't agree, and light the fuse by the way? !

Based on their understanding of Xin Wu, those with strong personalities probably won't compromise even if they die! !

But the astonishing thing is——

"Okay, please!"

Xin Wu even smiled a little, and glanced at Fu Qingcheng from the corner of her eye.

The body of the man beside him seemed a little stiff, and he even paused for breathing, followed by a long silence.

"Don't you fight for it?" Bai Feifei asked.

"I'm sorry, it's my business to fight or not, and it has nothing to do with you." Xin Wu replied.

She already has Su Che.

"Why are you so cruel and don't care about his feelings?" Bai Feifei continued.

Xin Wu smiled, and continued:
"Of course I care, but, didn't you take the lead in asking?...Or did you just come here to find fault?" After finishing speaking, she bowed her back like a cheetah. If Bai Feifei made a move, she would definitely not Will be recruited.

"I..." Bai Feifei's pink lips moved, and he suddenly laughed.

The tense atmosphere among the crowd was suddenly broken by this playful and clear voice.

The Cangshan disciple whose body was immobilized had a lot of wet back, and suddenly he could move again at this moment.

"Xiao Wu~, we are good friends, since you don't want to rob Fu Qingcheng from me, why should I find fault? See what you think of me..."

Bai Feifei's tone was full of lightness, as if she was complaining that Xin Wu's tense nerves just now were because she was too neurotic because of her complicated thoughts.


at night.

After the matter in the east was resolved, Fu Qingcheng hurried back to the ancient country, he was too hasty when he left, there were still a thousand Cangshan disciples there.

Those who came with Bai Feifei were all casual cultivators sent by him.

When the bonfire was lit, some monks swallowed the elixir, and some hunted some wild animals from afar, cleaned them up and roasted them on the fire. Not long after, all kinds of smells filled the air.

"Xiao Wu, eat the meat of this third-rank copper bull. It is delicious. It is said that it can speed up the coagulation of essence and blood..."

Xin Wu turned to the side and waved the pungent smell with her hand: "Thank you, I won't eat it."

She was probably taken by Duan Wuchen, Su Che's subordinate.

This is the countless times that this actress has shown her courtesy.

"Oh, don't you like eating meaty meat?" Bai Feifei put the barbecue on the side with some regret.

"...Then I just went to the valley ahead to pick some wild fruits, do you want to eat them?" Bai Feifei looked at her eagerly.

Xin Wu frowned.

……doing what?
It's really not that she was careless, she didn't say anything serious before, she was wronged and ran to the side, even Cangshan disciples went to comfort her.

This attitude now seems to be flattering himself, which makes people feel even more suspicious.

Seeing that she didn't pick it up, Bai Feifei tilted his head and asked, "Xiao Wu, why don't you eat, aren't you hungry?"

"Oh, thank you so much." Xin Wu took a fruit and squeezed it in her hand, and nodded to Bai Feifei.

Bai Feifei smiled at her, revealing two dimples, "Why did you just take one, and you have to eat more anyway, I'll go out and find some more, and I'll be back soon."

After speaking, the person immediately took out a flying sword and left. Xin Wu looked at the direction she was leaving for a long time.

A quarter of an hour later.

Bai Feifei didn't come back, and the man who used the dark blue flame appeared opposite him again.

 After I came back, my daughter settled down and has been looking at the house, but I can't afford it because the house price has risen, and I am still choosing...

(End of this chapter)

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