Chapter 345 Death? (1 more)
The wind at night was a bit cool, and Xin Wu's scorched hair was blown by the wind, and it was tugged and tugged into tangles, looking a little embarrassed.

If it weren't for the aura of the Cangshan disciple's Taoist robe, the casual cultivators below would have laughed out loud.

Gu Chonghua said something meaningful: "What a coincidence, Bai Feifei didn't follow Fu Qingcheng after he left, but instead showed all kinds of hospitality to you, and he was so warm... Then, as soon as Bai Feifei left, this man appeared. "

Xin Wu didn't speak, but her eyes flashed.

"Hehe, I have to say that the man next to you is much smarter than you!" The man was tall and straight, pointing at Gu Chonghua at the corner of his mouth casually.

Gu Chonghua's wings fluttered, and he circled around Xin Wu, from the right side to the left side, looking at Xin Wu with his head sideways.

"...He meant, I guessed right?"

Xin Wu looked at him: "What did you guess?"

Gu Chonghua said: "That's right - this man must, must have something to do with Bai Feifei!!!"

that's it?
It shows that Gu Chonghua's brain hole is not too big!
Compared with imagination, I'm afraid that Gu Chonghua is really not even a hair in comparison with her.

Thinking of this, a "boom" sounded, and the night was lifted.

It turned out that within a few seconds of the confrontation between Shen Wu and this man, the casual cultivators below had already launched an attack on Cangshan disciples.

The one who took the lead was the man with a "Zhuo" token.

Xin Wu frowned.

"I knew it from the beginning! You brought so many people here not to seek asylum. Although they are wearing loose clothes, they are full of evil spirits. Probably, what you are waiting for is my senior brother's departure and beheading us here ……Right?"

When she said this, Xin Wu had no expression on her face, and the cold light refracted from her glazed pupils made Gu Chonghua subconsciously step aside.

Specially at night, the cool air suddenly rioted, and frantically ran around.

The man on the opposite side made an exclamation expression of "you only understand now", and the next moment, his eyes widened even wider, as if they were frozen in vain...


The Dao plate above Shen Wu's head suddenly appeared, and countless vines suddenly rose from under the one-foot-wide Dao plate, and rushed towards the man in white from all directions under the green light of the wood-type Dao pattern.

"Hehe... Xin Wu, Xin Wu, you are really stupid! Wood can only help the fire, have you forgotten how your hair became like that?"

As he said that, in the hands of the white-clothed man, a ball of blue light like the deep sea suddenly bloomed, blooming like fireworks and scattered on the vines.

Shen Wu seemed to not be able to hear the sarcasm of the man in white. She just kept urging the vines, and the spirit wheel in her body rotated at a high speed and began to absorb spiritual power in the form of output.

Even the Cangshan disciples and the group of "loose cultivators" below were crowded by these vines and had to stay away from this battlefield.

"Xin Wu, are you courting death?"

Gu Chonghua frowned, his pale face was a bit ferocious because of this sentence, and his tone was still not good.

Xin Wu ignored it and continued to move the vines.

Gu Chonghua pulled her suddenly from behind, "I said what's the matter with you! You don't want to live anymore!? Or do you not care about the lives of your nephews?!"

The man in white on the opposite side snorted coldly, as many vines came and sprinkled as many blue flames to burn!

As for Shen Wu, because of Gu Chonghua's increased tone of voice, some Cangshan disciples looked over here frequently.

That petite figure stands high in the sky against the background of the deep and silent night, surrounded by thousands of vines that are soaring and approaching the man in white, his face is red because of the crazy activation of the wood attribute and the absorption of spiritual energy. nature.

... It was really like what Gu Chonghua said, it was really like sending him to death.

 Because I am busy, I decided not to go there today, and I decided not to go there today. I will write three chapters at home and talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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