Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 346 Gu Chonghua's Nails Are Comparable to Divine Weapons

Chapter 346 Gu Chonghua's Nails Are Comparable to Divine Weapons (2 more)
Yang Fan was a little distracted, an old man with gray hair on the opposite side threw a silver hook at his neck, if Gong Ben beside him pushed him, he would have been decapitated.

"Brother, be serious. Although these people are not as explosive as the Yin sect disciples, they are too cunning, so be careful!" Gong Ben said out of breath.

Yang Fan backed away, and when the two of them leaned back together, he suddenly said: "I just can't figure out what the master is going to do, using wood to fight against that kind of strange fire is nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg, and burning both jade and stone..."

"Don't worry about it so much, - be careful, left side! Senior brother, agility!"

"Okay, understand!"


High in the sky, Gu Chonghua has pulled Xin Wu many times.

At this moment, Xin Wu seems to be in a strange state, her eyes are bright, and the frequency of each breath seems to be the same, as if it has been accurately copied and played repeatedly, and no difference can be found.

Not only that, Gu Chonghua also found that when Shen Wu was urging the wood-type dao pattern with all his strength, a young green sapling faintly appeared inside...

Could it be that she did this on purpose?

... Then I will help you once, woman!
Gu Chonghua has long discovered the changes in his body, not only his facial features, face, and hands, but all his skin has become fairer, and even his pores are almost invisible.


There was a sound of steel, and long black nails protruded from between them.

Sharp, sharp, and pitch black.

But the length is not exaggerated.

fingers slightly bent...

Suddenly, Gu Chonghua felt his heart beat faster, which was a sign of danger.

It seemed that as long as he clenched his hands into fists and inserted his nails into his palms, terrible things would happen.

Wings fluttered, and his body turned into a stream of light and shot out!

The white-clothed man who was smugly burning Xin Wu's vines waved at Xin Wu: "I won't play with you anymore, it's a waste of time!"

Suddenly, he smiled.


He turned his head to look, and saw a black shadow coming straight towards her neck.

In desperation, he opened his mouth and let out a sound of "Ah~~", then tapped his left foot, turned his body, and fell to the ground with his waist and limbs facing backwards, before narrowly avoiding it.

However, at this moment, Gu Chonghua jumped up, switched arms, and swung the other hand in front of him.

Taking up the fight, Gu Zhonghu, who had experienced the battle of the three domains thousands of years ago, reacted naturally and quickly.

So, the second hit arrives instantly—

It was too late for the man in white to dodge, so he could only move his shoulder bones in an attempt to reduce the damage.

The arm was hit! !

Gu Chonghua immediately dodged to avoid it, and the next scene that happened made him stunned for an instant.

puff, puff...

The man's arm is like a red-hot Luotie, gradually becoming pitch black, as if it is mushy... After being mushy, it gradually emits gas bubbles... was a scratch, it was directly corroded by this tiny pitch-black fell off.

That's right, the arm fell off directly.

But what's even more strange is that the man in white just showed a bit of pained expression.

"Ah, my clothes, what a pity!"

It was only when he turned his head slightly and slowly towards Gu Chonghua that Gu Chonghua recovered from his sluggishness.

He was glad he didn't clenched his hands into fists just now.

His current nails alone are comparable to many magical weapons, and they also have corrosion properties.

"I didn't expect you to dare to do something to me, I didn't expect you to be willing to become this inhuman and ghost-like for her—" The man in white suddenly raised his remaining one arm, and a huge cloud of dark blue The flame is eager to try in the palm.

But... the tone of this resentful woman, as if being let down by a heartless man.

"What's the situation?" Gu Chonghua was a little puzzled.

"Let me tell you!" The cold voice sounded in vain.

 ...Uh huh, if the speed is guaranteed, will the quality be complained about? I hope you can forgive me for being a newbie!
(End of this chapter)

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