Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 347 How Did You Recognize Me

Chapter 347 How Did You Recognize Me (3 More)
Xin Wu!

She recovered?

Gu Chonghua looked over.

"Didn't you find something interesting first?" Xin Wu asked.

She shook her sore arm, and pulled those vines burning with blue flames towards her like a fisherman pulling in a net!
Gu Chonghua raised his brows and raised his heart. He didn't listen carefully to the content of her words, but looked at the vines that she retracted like a net and those blue flames with burning eyes, and his blood eyes shrank sharply.


Now the past can no longer keep up!

Gu Chonghua has never been so terrified, not when he was abandoned by his parents, not when he betrayed Ling Xiao, and not when he knew that he would become a blood clan.

... When he was abandoned by his parents, he had hatred and doubts in his heart. When he betrayed Ling Xiao, he was only at a loss, only the kind of low self-esteem, knowing that he would become a vampire, and he would always be a vampire .

He was actually happy and satisfied that he could stay in Cangshan Mountain, travel with Xin Wu, and see her appearance as far as he could see....

But now his whole heart is raised, his whole body is tense, like an angry beast, his pupils shrink a little...


Don't want her to die! !
"Xin! Wu! Hide... open... ahhh!!" Gu Chonghua only had time to shout out these few words.

The entire sky seemed to be covered by this cry, and the swiftly flowing wind slowed down for a moment.

But then-

None of the things he guessed and feared happened.

In Xin Wu's hand, the vines burning with faint blue flames did not attack her, but the flames became more fierce as she raised the vine whip.

"Hey, what are you whining about? I asked you if you found anything interesting!?" Xin Wu rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.

Gu Chonghua murmured: "What?"

"It's this man who actually knows the Tianyin Sect's six-tone roar, and also has the agility that goes with him like a shadow, and even more... like this!"

When speaking, Xin Wu pointed out a little bit, and when she said [this], she folded her body, her head landed on the ground, and her face was down, replaying the reaction of the man when he avoided Gu Chonghua's attack just now.

One touch is the same!
I don't know if it was because I was worried that Xin Wu would be hurt by the blue flame just now, or because of a thought that came to my mind.

He can roar with six tones, but he must not be a member of the Tianyinmen, because people from the Tianyinmen don't know how to move like a shadow.

The most important thing is that this man's body can be folded in half like Xinwu's rubber man.

"Who the hell are you!?" Gu Chonghua immediately asked the man in white.

Xin Wu noticed that Gu Chonghua's lips were trembling a little, and his voice was also trembling.

"Little Huahua, who do you think I am?!"

The man in white raised his eyebrows with a familiar tone.

The flame in the palm of his hand was extinguished, he curled up a strand of hair with his fingers, and showed a bright smile on his lips: "Even if I call you that, you...can't remember?"

Gu Chonghua's body shook, and he took a few steps back suddenly.

He looked at Xin Wu and then at the man in white. All the sharp nails on his hands disappeared, and then his body fell directly from mid-air. He landed on a rock, and most of his body was covered by gravel.

Turn sideways, curl your body into a ball, and repeat unconsciously.

"Impossible, impossible..."

The man in white snorted and looked away.

She looked at Xin Wu: "How did you recognize me?"

 Rong Guoba is acting like a spoiled child, can you praise me? !
  I found time to update a few chapters during my busy schedule. It is said that the crispy rice has never been taken care of by children. It is just a reward. After it was put on the shelves, there were only two or three, which was a share of the website, enough for me to eat a bowl of noodles. I just hope to be more happy~~
(End of this chapter)

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