Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 348 Borrowing Fire

Chapter 348 Borrowing Fire (4 More)
"Didn't I say it?...The movement that follows you like a shadow, and the movement of that rubber man..." Xin Wu was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"So what if you recognize me, they are all like this, so is Gu Chonghua, so is Su Che, and so is Fu Qingcheng... I have lived with them for a thousand years, but it is not as good as your ten years, oh, maybe ten years is less than that." !"

Now that he was exposed, the man in white didn't need to hide anymore.

He smiled wryly, touched the back of his head, and then pulled it suddenly. The plump and handsome man slid to the bottom of his feet like a piece of soft glue, revealing Bai Feifei's true face.

She raised her eyes, and continued: "And why do you have a time-traveling girl who hasn't been with her for ten years, what right does she have to make them forget me and fall in love with you!!!"

Xin Wu shrugged, and actually grinned.

Because of her scorched hair, she smiled a little weirdly, "You're right, I'm not qualified, so when you asked me to give up Fu Qingcheng, didn't I immediately agree?"

"If you don't die, Fu Qingcheng won't love me!"

'Bai Feifei' roared, his face was deformed, and his pink lips were too big.

Cough cough, Xin Wu coughed a few times, couldn't bear to look directly at Bai Feifei's gaze, moved her head away, then turned her head and reminded: "Cen Wu, your clothes are a little loose, how about ...and take it off too!"

Seeing her glib appearance, Cen Wu was out of breath and couldn't bear it anymore.

"I want you to die!!"

She had just rushed out in a menacing manner, when a wave-like faint blue suddenly hit her, hazy, with a sharp wind, crackling and crackling resounding through the world.

Cen Wu quickly dodged.

Then I saw Xin Wu swinging the burning blue fire wave vine whip because it took time to hit the ground, and a huge hole was split in the ground, and a large piece of rock on the opposite mountain wall rolled down with a booming sound. The place where the whip swept was instantly lit with flames, making chi chi noises.

Some withered grass was ignited, and the red soil was exposed in just a few seconds. However, Xin Wu still controlled it very well. This vine whip, which was as agile as a spirit snake, knocked down a large group of fierce attacking casual cultivators.

"You robber, you stole his heart, my body, and my spells! You—"

Cen Wu's complexion became a little ugly, she never thought that Xin Wu's previous act of sending her to death was to "borrow fire".

Now the fire burning on these vines is continuously supported by wood-type spiritual energy, and it will never go out at all.

Seeing the faint blue flames burning all around, Cen Wu called out to some casual cultivators: "Come and help!"

With a sound of "boom", Xin Wu raised his arm, swung thousands of flaming rattan whips, and hit the ground.

"Come on, come and die!"

Xin Wu raised her eyebrows arrogantly, her previously blush cheeks returned to normal, and she was in high spirits.

A hill in the distance was hit and immediately burst open, smoke and dust billowed, and when the gravel rolled in the flames and flew out, it was covered with blue flames,

A few casual cultivators who had just approached were instantly hit by flying stones, and their bodies were stained.

A place under his feet appeared, with a flash of brown-yellow light, as if he was a cultivator of earth spirit roots, covered with thick rocks, narrowly escaped disaster.

But for the rest, not so lucky.

"Ah, what kind of fire is this, it can't be extinguished, ah..."

"Ahhh...why...I'm clearly a water spirit root..."

The screams rose and fell, and it didn't take long for it to turn into a ball of burnt ashes.

Not everyone can have the Tianpan attribute dao pattern like Xin Wu, so they are not so lucky.

"Damn it! A bunch of useless garbage!" Cen Wu cursed.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and bit his index finger, and flicked a blood bead towards Xin Wu.

Xin Wu controlled the rattan whip with both hands, and it was impossible to knock down a drop of blood smaller than a soybean, so she could only watch the drop of blood... dripping on the jade necklace around her neck.

Then, a heat that was more terrifying than the blue flame came from the neck——

 My hands are sore, I have been free for a long time, and I have always had trivial matters, and I have not been free for a long time since I came back.

  Today is a rare four-update, and I hope to be praised.

(End of this chapter)

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