Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 350 Today, thank you.

Chapter 350 Today, thank you. (2 more)
"Hehe, so what if he's here? Just treat it as my last generosity and let him personally collect your corpse!!"

As she spoke, a beam of light suddenly flew out from her cuff, like a bright galaxy sweeping out directly, and at the same time, a faint blue flame ignited on the hand holding the jade necklace.

Just when Xin Wu regained a little consciousness, the piercing pain came again.

"It really worked!"

Cen Wu snorted coldly, roasting the jade necklace vigorously.

"Little Dance!!!"

Because the Hehuan faction was destroyed, her vitality was severely injured, and now Yukong didn't even have the strength to stand up, so she could only look anxious: "Xiao Wu, get out of here, Xiao Wu!"

The Cangshan disciples who were driven far away by the rattan whip could not catch up at this time——

So, in this moment.


With a slight sound, Xin Wu was pierced through the entire abdominal cavity by the galaxy, and fell from the sky.

Cen Wu's attack was so fast, so fast that a few tree-born children hadn't reacted, and so fast that Shen Wu fell from the sky, those Cangshan disciples exclaimed.


"Quick, uncle is injured, let's go to uncle!!!" A disciple shouted, his eyes were bloodshot.

For the united Cangshan disciples, protecting the only female cultivator in Cangshan is probably the responsibility that all male cultivators take for granted.

But the fact is that there are still many casual cultivators around.

They want to get away quickly, but they may not be so fast.

The beam of light is a long, thin, soft, crystal-like light that seems to be able to change into various shapes. The moment before piercing Shen Wu's abdomen, it was a sharp sword. It became a vicious bird.

It seems that the shape made of paper can be changed at will, and the speed is very fast.

When Shen Wu landed, Jiao Lingyan hurried over, took out a pill from her arms and stuffed it into Shen Wu's mouth, then got up, raised her sword and stood in front of Shen Wu.

"court death!!"

Cen Wu was not polite at all, "It's really hot, even a woman like you is fascinated by her?"

The crystal soft stick split into two, turning into two knives to attack from both sides at the same time.

The coach didn't even have a chance to dodge!

The huddled man behind Jiao Lingyan suddenly moved, his clothes were ragged, the abdomen of the beige Taoist robe was stained red with blood, and his burnt hair blocked his facial features.

But just now... She made that laugh?
The next moment, the jade necklace in Cen Wu's palm moved, and two jet-black rays of light flew out of it.

Soul Crushing Hammer!Long Huai turns! !

Not counting that, Shushengzi also surrounded Cen Wutuan at this time.

Jiao Lingyan's eyes lit up, she turned her back from the corner of the eye, and called out in doubt, "Xiao Wu?"

A hand suddenly rested on Jiao Lingyan's shoulder: "Thank you for today."

Is it really Xin Wu's voice?

The familiar voice caused Jiao Lingyan's emotional heart to be knocked by something, and then complicated emotions emerged, and her eyes turned red immediately.

"Let me come!"

The voice behind her was still cold, but it was warm in Jiao Lingyan's ears, which made her calm down and feel extremely safe.

With tears streaming down her face, she stepped aside.

Xin Wu walked forward, step by step with incomparable heaviness, and then... conveniently pulled Jiao Lingyan's belt, and with the other party's cry of "ah", used the silk to slash the most bloody part of her waist, thick and thin Thick knotted.

Cen Wu, who was surrounded by Shushengzi, frowned suddenly, and the hand that was not involved in the battle intensified the burning of the flames, and the jade necklace began to vibrate violently...

"Why? Why didn't it work!?"

(End of this chapter)

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