Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 351 That kind of self-harm, you actually...

Chapter 351 That kind of self-harm, you actually... (3 more)
When Cen Wu was staying in Shen Wu's soul sea, she clearly knew that this jade necklace was suitable for Shen Wu's fusion and was close to perfect.

" was contaminated by your blood!!" Xin Wu replied casually: ", I just erased this mark!"

"That kind of self-harm, you actually..."

In the middle of her speech, she found that Xin Wu was looking at her coldly.

She actually forgot, Xin Wu is a ruthless person.

"Congratulations, um... you took something from me! But, I will make you pay back twice as well!" Xin Wu squinted her eyes and said every word.

When she spoke, she snapped her fingers, and the flaming vine whips wriggled and shrank towards the bottom of her feet.

Then, like weaving vines one by one, a protective cover was woven from the soles of her feet. There were only two fist-sized holes on the skull to expose the eyes.

Strange to say, these cane whips have clearly been woven into armor, but the flames burning on them have not been extinguished.

Not only did it not go out, the flame burned directly on Xin Wu's skin without leaving any traces.

If they didn't know the power of the blue flame, anyone would feel contemptuous, but after knowing the power of the flame, everyone just felt terrified.

"Hmph, I still know how much you weigh!" Cen Wu said coldly.

Xin Wu smiled, but said nothing.

Meaning, just watch it.

Holding the Soul Crushing Hammer in her hand, Xin Wu slapped her palm, a dark light appeared on the entire magic weapon, and then the entire surface of the hammer began to rotate.

Like a girl sitting by the classroom window, fingers twirling and pens flying.

Now this Soul Crushing Hammer has turned much faster than those pens. It is pitch-black, like a huge mountain gradually suspended in the sky, and when it rotates, tiny diamond-shaped petals shoot out from it.


Cen Wu let out a third cold snort in succession, and calmly blocked the diamond-shaped sharp blades. Shushengzi stepped forward to attack her, and he could retreat or evade with his body skills. Change the shape of the soft and thick, although it is more labor-intensive.

She thought that Xin Wu was like this.

Understanding her contemptuous eyes, Xin Wu coughed and smiled softly: "...don't worry, there are more!"

"What are you talking about?" Cen Wu asked.

Then, her pupils shrank.

Because she saw that Xin Wu took Long Huai's crutches and started to move.

Seeing Xin Wu using the Long Huai crutch, her eyes flickered, "Using these two magic weapons together is simply courting death!"

"Before courting death, I have to kill you first!"

Xin Wu bit her main lip, her face turned pale, as if she was struggling a bit.

But the more so, the more obvious the uneasiness in Cen Wu's heart became.

The moment the Dao plate was sacrificed, two scarlet dots lit up on Long Huaiguai's dragon head.

These two blood-red longan eyes are full of blood and brutality, the kind of ferocity that can scare any ordinary person, and the dragon's whiskers float in the air like seaweed.

This is the heart of an ancient tree in Cangshan Arsenal, which Xiao Zhao peeled open the big tree with bare hands and took out from the heart of the tree. It is the weapon that Shen Wu used to smash Wu Meier, the first disciple of the Yin sect.

If it was said that she could not fully use it before, then now...she can control it!
Xin Wu took a heavy step forward, and raised her arm to hit the soul crushing hammer that rotated into a roulette. When Cen Wu looked up at the soul crushing hammer falling, his face changed drastically——

She moved the dragon's whiskers with a simple lift of her wrist.


With a shake of his arm, a thick red beam of light went directly towards Cen Wu!

At this moment, it seems that the world is quiet and dark.

The explosion of light immediately flooded everything!
In this blow, Xin Wu irrigated all the spiritual power reserves in the Taopan and body.

With this blow, Xin Wu even had time to make a simple protective cover for Jiao Lingyan behind her.

At the moment of the explosion, the Dao plate above Xin Wu's head disappeared directly, and she could no longer feel a trace of spiritual power around her...

Before falling into a coma, Xin Wu smiled.

She is not afraid, because of that ruthlessness, she has always had revenge.

Just be cool.

 Let's do the third update today, if it is updated tomorrow, it's time to pull the male lead out for a while, who misses him?
(End of this chapter)

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