Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 352 The truth in the dream

Chapter 352 The truth in the dream (1 more + 2 more)
Xin Wu has been in a coma for a long time this time, although she still has no signs of waking up.


There was a mass of black heads on the street, and the noise was extremely loud. Countless cultivation disciples flew over the eaves and walls, and then quickly turned into a stream of light in the distance.

She saw a guy standing in front of Ruyi Building, his face was very similar to Shi Hao's, but he was very strong, not fat.

That was Shi Jiang when he was young, Shi Hao's father. Ten minutes ago, Xin Wu went up to call him, but the other party just looked at her inexplicably, with unfamiliar eyes.

"who are you?"

"I'm Xin Wu!"

"Who is Xin Wu?"

"Cangshan disciple Shen Wu, there is only one!" Xin Wu said.

"I've only heard of Cen Wu, but never of Xin Wu!"

After saying this, the other party rolled his eyes at her, turned his head directly to her and began to work on himself, and had no intention of continuing to talk to her at all.

Xin Wu's body trembled,... only heard of Cen Wu?
She left Ruyi Building and stood at the corner of the street to take a closer look, only to discover the difference in this world.

On the street, there are a lot of monks who are above the princely list, and monks above the weather list, that is, monks above the fate can be seen everywhere, and the real fairyland - even mixed in the crowd, followed by a few attendants walking on the street to release their own power. The coercion made the monks around him automatically get out of the way.

The more so, the tighter Xin Wu's brows were wrinkled... This is very wrong.

A young man in a purple costume walked by her side. The costume and the badge on his waist turned out to be a sect that Xin Wu had never seen or heard of, but seeing the aura released by the young man in the purple costume, it was absolutely undeniable. It is not a sect that rose later.

There is no sect that just raised it that has the realm of great sages, and walks on the ground so casually.

Apart from……

Except thousands of years ago, when Daxian was not worth much.

So, this is a dream?

Xin Wu was wondering, when she suddenly heard a burst of unique flute sounds, leisurely coming from a distance, Xin Wu wanted to look into the crowd, but found that everyone was looking up at the sky.

In the sky, a woman rides the wind from a distance. Cherry blossoms seem to be blooming on the bi-color gauze skirt. The gauze skirt blows up with the wind, and those pink petals are blown off the skirt.

A spring scene makes people's heart beat.

The moment she saw the woman's exquisite facial features and bright smile, a sound rang in Xin Wu's mind.

Cen Wu! ! !

Is she not dead?
Did she appear in his dream, or did he fall under her illusion?
The bustling street was suddenly very quiet, and she looked up at her as if admiring a god, "Cangshan Cenwu is really beautiful, and no one in the world can surpass her in the beauty of women!"

"Nonsense, Cen Wu Patriarch is the only one!!"

"It is said that she took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the Northern Territory... She said she found a way to destroy the natural corpse pit!"

"Those terracotta figurines hatched from the natural corpse pit are really disgusting. It would be best if they could be destroyed!"

When these words reached Xin Wu's ears, Xin Wu always felt a little strange.

When she stretched out her hand to put it on the shoulder of the passer-by next to her, her whole body was torn into pieces...and then sucked into a black hole.

It was only when she broke out in a cold sweat that she realized that this was a dream and it wouldn't hurt.

The moment she breathed a sigh of relief, the scene had changed.

At a certain moment when he was relieved, he choked everything in his throat, his whole body tensed up, and his expression was alert.

corpse pit—

He actually arrived in the corpse pit in an instant?

She was suspended in mid-air, and when she looked at the abstract colorful liquid below, she burst into a cold sweat.

But then a woman's voice came.

"They're coming soon, can you really do what you promised me?"

Something popped out of the liquid below, a skull-like shape, covered with a thick layer of abstract liquid... an atmosphere that destroyed his evil itself.

There was a jerky laugh from this head, "As long as you bring those powerful monks from the Central Territory over, I will have enough nourishment, and I will naturally be able to help you achieve what you want!"

Cen Wu said: "Okay. But you can't hurt him!"

Surprisingly, the skull actually took the initiative to say: "Not only will I not hurt him, I won't even hurt you Cangshan disciple!"

Cen Wu nodded.

Xin Wu watched all this process, and already had some terrible guesses in her heart.

Sure enough, when the screen changed, Xin Wu was already in the battle of the three domains.

During the War of the Three Domains, when Taoist Qingyu made some projections, Xin Wu was already filled with anger, and now she saw with her own eyes that those monks started to explode one by one in order not to be reduced to the nourishment in the corpse pit, that kind of tragedy, that kind of indomitable spirit The look of not being afraid, the kind of enthusiasm that wants to expel these evils from the Central Territory.

Xin Wu was infected.

Feel the unwillingness of those monks to die, feel the wishes of those monks...

... want to protect!
Protect the Central Territory, protect the Central Territory, protect your beloved, master,... want to protect it! !
These murmurs echoed in Xin Wu's mind.

Finally, Xin Wu's eyes were red and she let out a roar.


She understood these emotions and didn't want to feel them again.

Too heartbreaking, too painful.

The moment she pressed her temples and shook her head vigorously, the scene of these people's tragic deaths was sped up a little bit, as if the fast-forward button had been pressed.

The colored liquid gathered in strands purposely bypassed those Cangshan seniors, and was suddenly swept by a Cangshan senior's fist wind. The moment the bones lit up, those liquids were burned into sparks...

Xin Wu was startled suddenly.

Can that thing be restrained by bone phase? !

Therefore, it told Cen Wu that it would not touch Cangshan disciples because it was afraid, not because Cen Wu agreed, and Cen Wu was fooled.

as predicted.

At the end of this war, countless disciples of the Central Territory were killed and injured. The skulls in the corpse pit had absorbed enough nutrients, and the restraint of the bones could also resist them.

The skull aimed at Fu Qingcheng, and Cen Wu rushed forward to block the blow and blew himself up.

Fu Qingcheng was affected and was rescued by Shen Tian.

Gu Chonghua was hit so badly that he was thrown into the cliff, and when he woke up, his realm plummeted.

Xin Wu has seen the following scenes in Cen Wu's memory fragments, and there is not much difference.

Xin Wu's excited mood gradually calmed down.

The moment he escaped from the dream, the gradually sinking skull in the corpse pit suddenly had red eyes. "Jie Jie... Your man will betray you!"

Vaguely, Xin Wu saw a hazy picture.

Su Che was sitting in a gauze tent, revealing his fine and muscular upper body, with his belt half undone, and several bewitching women were slowly crawling towards him from the other side of the gauze...


"Master Jiao, uncle is awake! Uncle is awake!"

I heard this voice as soon as I opened my eyes, and then the curtain moved, and a figure rushed in at the fastest speed, lying on her abdomen all of a sudden: "My Xiao Wu finally woke up, are you hungry, is there any discomfort?" ..."

Xin Wu stared blankly at Jiao Lingyan, and suddenly hugged her.

After a while, Shen Wu's low voice rang in her ears: "Tell me, our battle... Did any Cangshan disciples die?"

 Well, the two updates are mixed together.

(End of this chapter)

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