Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 353 How many people died?

Chapter 353 How many people died? (1 more)
I don't know where I am now, but there is a chilly wind blowing in from the gap in the curtain.

"We are now in the south, very close to Jiuxingfang and Wuwangguan." Jiao Lingyan's voice was soft, soft like a feather, and fell lightly on Xin Wuxin.

The more she said that, the more Xin Wu confirmed her suspicion.

Xin Wu was startled suddenly, her voice trembling.

" many?"

She remembered that when she was suppressed, many Cangshan disciples were rushing towards her. Could it be because of Long Huaiguai's blow...that the nearby Cangshan disciples were also affected?

Xin Wu's face turned ashen all of a sudden.

No matter how many, they are destined to bear all the guilt.

At this time, the curtain moved, and a man came in from the outside, noticing the weird atmosphere in the room was about to speak.


Jiao Lingyan put her arms around Shen Wu, slightly raised her eyebrows, her smile was charming and moving, and she made a few movements on Shen Wu's back.

do not speak!

Let me hold you for a while!

What Xiao Yi understood were these two sentences.

He leaned against the door in his spare time, carefully looked at Jiao Lingyan's expression of enjoyment, and then slowly turned his head to look at Xin Wu...

"No, I'm still very curious about what you said to my little junior sister. I heard that boy Yang Fan said that Xiao Wu didn't lose any disciples to Cen Wu's heart demon fragments... She is so depressed now. why!?"

Lazily emphasizing, and speaking at an extremely slow speed, the depressed Xin Wu suddenly pushed Jiao Lingyan away and straightened up.

Jiao Lingyan gave Xiao Yi a hard look, and complained viciously.

"You are more annoying than Shen Zhui!"

Xiao Yi's face was full of joy, and he didn't mean to be angry at all, but his obsidian-like eyes were full of anger: "Oh, yes, I only saw that your prank made my little junior sister not in a good mood..."

Jiao Lingyan turned her head.

Then, seeing the wet tears on Xin Wu's face, she suddenly realized that she shouldn't be joking about this kind of thing, and stuck out her tongue: "I'm sorry, Xiao Wu!"

"I, I didn't say that your nephew is dead, don't be so sensitive."

"Really, your nephews and nephews were all right when they were far away, and none of them were missing arms or legs."

She glanced at the stern-faced Xin Wu.

"It's just that the same Fu Qingcheng is gone!" Then he continued pitifully: "My... my disciples of the Hehuan School are gone!"

Xin Wu looked at Jiao Lingyan for a moment, then sighed quietly.

At first, she was very angry that she used this kind of thing to fool herself, but just now Jiao Lingyan clearly didn't say anything that she was thinking too much, and since Cangshan disciples really didn't lose, she didn't care so much.

She sat up from the bed, put on her shoes and got down to the table to pour a glass of water, then took a big sip, and suddenly remembered that she had injured her abdomen,

I reached out and touched it, and found that there seemed to be no wound on my abdomen, "The wound has healed?"

It seems that the healing effect of the body of Tiangang is really extraordinary.

"Yeah, Xiao Wu's healing ability is really not human!" Jiao Lingyan pouted, got up from the bed and wanted to stick to Xin Wu.

After drinking the water, Shen Wu put down the cup and looked at Xiao Yi: "Senior brother, aren't you busy here? The disciples from the Northern Territory didn't come here!"

"It's coming..."

Xin Wu asked: "And then..." Why are you still so idle?
"It's done once, and you'll be fine after that!" Xiao Yi slowly turned his face to the side, watching Xin Wu's back of his hand shaking towards Xin Wu, and the huge phoenix bloodstone ring shone with crystal light.

"use this."

Xin Wu's eyes narrowed, "Store magic weapon?"

 Recommend a book by the author "Shuiqinqin":

  ["Supernatural Sweet Wife: Conquer the Leng Husband" This is a sweet pet article of a black-bellied little fairy who falls on the Gao Leng Junjun. 】

  Continue today, here I come.The rice crust is trying to fill the hole.I don’t know how to be a eunuch, my favorite little angel must encourage me well, who makes rice crust a glass heart?


(End of this chapter)

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