Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 354 I Don't Like Xiao Wu's Frowning

Chapter 354 I Don't Like Xiao Wu's Frowning (2 More)
Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "It's not just for storage, it's a magic weapon of space. Do you know why the corpse pit can be moved at will? It's the same reason!"

Xin Wu's eyes widened in vain: "You mean, the corpse pit has been controlled by people, and it appears everywhere in the Central Territory because of the movement of people."

Since Xiao Yi has no problem here, then the west...

With Su Che, will the troops in the Northern Territory be stronger?

"Even if it's all in one catch, then senior brother can roughly estimate the quantity!?" Xin Wu asked suddenly.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty: "It's probably only eight or nine hundred and less than one thousand... Looks like!"

"So little?" Jiao Lingyan put a hand on Xin Wu's shoulder, a little surprised.


Xin Wu's expression changed, and she rushed out immediately.

"I'm going to the west first, senior brother and Ling Yan rushed to the west with the rest of the disciples!!!"


To the west, Berkshire Town.

Su Che's eyes were gloomy and sharp, his black hair danced wildly, his red robe fluttered, his fair and handsome facial features exuded a powerful aura.

"Okay, very good,... Gradually all your spiritual power will be absorbed by my spirit-eating silkworms, and finally when you become the real body, I will pull out your skin, pull out your tendons, and use your Make swords out of bones!"

Chen Huang smiled arrogantly, "How is it? Does it taste good? This is a treasure given to me by Yinzong. It's the first time I've used it. It's not a shame to use it on you!"

Su Che restrained himself, stared at the wooden bowl in Chen Huang's hand, and said with pursed lips, "Aren't the elders worried that your spirit-loving silkworm will explode?"

"Hahahaha...why should I worry? My spirit-eating silkworm is the most powerful. As long as it gets into the human body, it won't come out until that person dies!" Chen Huang felt a pain between his eyebrows before he finished speaking. .

Suddenly, his face changed greatly: "What did you do?"

Su Che: "Oh, I just fed it a little bit of my blood. Its contract with you has been corroded, is mine now."

There was a small hole in Su Che's wrist, a soft golden bug emerged from the hole, and then looked around.

"Go back, I have given you the power to devour the spiritual power and blood of your former master. Although his taste is very bad, it can still make you undergo a sharp transformation." Su Che's voice was slow and bewitching. the power of.

The golden silkworm seemed to understand, nodded respectfully towards Su Che, drilled out of the small hole, and flew directly towards Chen Huang...

In Chen Huang's unbelievable expression, he suddenly got into the center of his eyebrows.

How can it be? !
"I have practiced this for a long time with the blood sacrifice. How could it be possible to turn against the master? By the way, you are a monster! I only heard that you are a monster, but what kind of monster are you? Could it be that you, you, you, you...are... "

Su Che chuckled, his demon eyes narrowed dangerously, staring at Chen Huang gloomyly.

Chen Huang covered his head immediately, "Ah——"


This is Diwei crushing!

Chen Huang realized that he had offended someone he shouldn't, and suddenly his consciousness fell into chaos. The golden silkworm immediately followed this opportunity and directly drilled into his soul sea and devoured it frantically.

It didn't take long for Chen Huang to lose weight, as if he had been deflated, and fell to the side crookedly.

"Hmph, overestimate your own strength!" Su Che snorted coldly, then took a step back suddenly.

Damn, I feel dizzy.

The rest of the battlefield is still being bombarded by spells, and Cangshan disciples have been fighting hard.

He wanted to go up to help, but suddenly his eyes blurred.

Duan Wuchen frowned, and pressed him directly: "My lord, your body can't take it anymore, I'll take you back to rest first!"

"But...those disciples..." Su Che frowned.

If she really ignored those people, Xiao Wu would be angry.

Duan Wuchen continued to advise: "My lord, do you want to take the entire Heavenly Demon Forest into it for Xin Wu's sake? The demon clan... is running out!"


Su Che tried to calm down the sudden backlash, and his pupils had turned golden yellow.

Tall and tall, glamorous and glamorous.

"I don't like Xiao Wu frowning."

I don't know why, there are so many Yinzong disciples here, and there is a steady stream, as if there is only a bottomless pit, many more Yinzong disciples are gushing out nearby.

After speaking, Su Che glanced away.

The outside has been searched, and only the City Lord's Mansion is left?
Su Che rushed towards that place directly, he didn't know where a disciple on the tower looked at Su Che who was rushing towards him and evoked a sinister smile: "Here we come, we come, let them prepare!"

 There are two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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