Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 356 I Am His Woman

Chapter 356 I Am His Woman (2 More)
The air became abnormal.

Mist gradually began to form around the winding corridor, and it was slowly moving towards the gazebo in the middle of the lake.

The blue smoke on the turquoise lake was covered with wisps of smoke, as if afraid of disturbing anyone, quietly.

"Sisters, let's take good care of this gentleman!" The woman who spoke was still the woman from before, her lips were as red as ripe, crystal-clear cherries.

A woman with fair hair on her sideburns and hair on both sides of her cheeks spoke cautiously and slowly: "Young master, the little girl admires you very much, and I just ask you to love me..."

After the woman opened her mouth, Yingying Yanyan, several graceful and charming women spoke one after another.

The voices are different, but they all have an irresistible allure to men.

The two who were watching secretly couldn't help swallowing, thinking, hey, it's time to be fooled.

The woman was gradually approaching Su Che, Su Che leaned back on the cool chair without laziness, his clothes slid down skillfully, revealing his jade-like white skin, his eyes moved, and the dark lines between the gaps smoothly stretched across his eyes The tail outlines the style like a poppy (ying) poppy.

Seeing this scene, these women accelerated their speed one after another... They even started to become hostile towards the other companions.


A woman screamed, with a green hairpin stuck in front of her chest, and it was the woman next to her who stabbed her...

The two people who were staring secretly were also stunned by the accident that happened in vain. Before they came back to their senses, there were several screams and puffs, and several women fell down in response.

It was the companion among the women who did it.

On the other hand, Su Che's slender and thick eyelashes moved, and his half-smile eyes glanced at the three women who gave birth. There was indifferent encouragement in his eyes.

...Go on, kill her, you can get me!
The three women's gazes were firm and burning, staring straight at Su Che, the expectations and desires in their hearts were clearly revealed.

"……what happened?"

"Did he not get the trick? Couldn't he be tempted by such stunning beauty? Didn't it mean that this aspect of the monster race is many times larger than that of humans?"

"What went wrong?"

The two communicated in secret, and you talked to each other. They were a little helpless against the three furry beasts in the gazebo.

Just when one of them really couldn't figure it out and wanted to send a message to the higher-ups, a voice suddenly sounded from his ears:

"...Do you want me to tell you that there is nothing wrong with it!"


The two looked around in a panic, but when they turned their heads suddenly, they saw a woman with fierce eyes, disheveled hair and scorched hair.

"You are……"

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly burned, and it didn't take long for him to turn into fly ash in the flames.

"you do not need to know!"

I am his woman!

Xin Wu narrowed her eyes and closed her hands, looking into the gazebo...

No one knows Su Che's style better than Xin Wu.

Whether it's the kind of smile that is so different from other men, or the pair of demon eyes that can change colors at any time.

At this moment, he just casually leaned on the cool chair, holding the quilt lazily, with a tall and straight body, slender limbs, a strong body, and a sexy collarbone. He didn't say a word, but his Everywhere there seems to be an unspoken invitation.

This is what Xin Wudao saw when he arrived at the scene.

Suddenly, Xin Wu remembered what the skeleton in the corpse pit said 'your man...will betray you'.

Xin Wu's eyes were sharp, she stepped out of the thick fog, and landed inside the veil in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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