Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 357 Then this time, you understand

Chapter 357 Then this time, you understand

The three women suddenly woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and looked up at her with jealous eyes, like facing a rival in love who snatched away their beloved.

Even Xin Wu shivered unexpectedly.

Su Che was startled for a moment, then a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he dropped the glass and stood up: "Why are you here?"

"The outside is solved, when are you going to solve the one here!"

Xin Wu's face was expressionless, and her tone was rigid.

With a wave of Su Che's sleeve, the soul-breaking ruler flew out of the cuff, and in the blink of an eye, three heads rolled to the ground.

"Xiao Wu~" Su Che called softly.

Xin Wu should not.

"Xiao Wu~ I'm just a little tired, rest here, I guarantee they didn't even touch my clothes!" Su Che's voice was still damn magnetic, just explaining this way, the jealousy in Xin Wu's heart It gradually faded a lot.

But... She still didn't understand.

Haven't come across it, but at least saw it.

Su Che hugged her from behind, breathing hot breath in his ears: "Xiao Wu, I blocked my vision."

Xin Wu frowned, blocking vision?
Do not believe! !
"Really, otherwise I would have found out as soon as you got outside..."

Only then did Xin Wu turn around, and said lightly: "If you are not satisfied with your desires, you can find me!"

Su Che's eyeballs moved, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing. The wanton smile made his pale complexion vaguely imprinted with spring light, thin lips, small teeth... Incomparably handsome, Xin Wu is When I was engrossed in watching it, I felt that there was a blur in front of my eyes, and a white shadow flashed.

She disappeared from the gazebo and entered the previous log cabin.

"What are you doing, scare me!" Xin Wu's waist was hugged tightly.

"Didn't you say... let me find you?"

Shen Wu raised her eyes, and met Su Che's wicked smile, her deep and magnetic voice was like that of Luo Tie, which made her feel a little hot.


Xin Wu nodded straightly, and then recalled, "You want to now...but I thought you were in danger before, so I asked the second brother and the others to go this way with all their strength..."


Before Xin Wu could finish her words, she was blocked by two cool thin lips.

After a burst of deep kisses that turned the world upside down, Xin Wu finally had the space to let out a breath.

"Senior brother, they should be here soon...we have to hurry up!" Su Che raised a finger in front of his lips to make a "shh" gesture towards her, and the corner of his mouth curled up in an arc. This gesture is more sexy. Multi-sex. Sensation.

I go!

hurry up……

Xin Wu's face was a little hot, and then she allowed her body to change from tense to relaxed, from tired to comfortable and joyful.

An hour later.

Su Che embraced Xin Wu with a satisfied face: "Xiao Wu, I'm so happy."

Xin Wu is worthy of what Su Che said, probably because she was so far away because of happiness, but came here because she was worried about him...

"Am I ugly now!" Xin Wu touched her messy hair: "I was almost burned to ashes by Cen Wu."

"Huh?" Su Che frowned, "Why did you fight?"

Xin Wu frowned, "I can't ask for it, so I'm commotioning, you don't know the person she likes, and besides, it's just a fragment of her demon!"

Su Che frowned, and said after a long time: "...Even if it is a fragment of the demon, it is not allowed."


Xin Wu asked: "What did you just say?"

"Nothing?" Su Che smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to pinch Xin Wu's face: "How are you, are you tired?"

"It's okay." After all, her body of Tiangang has become very strong after several times of cooking.

"Senior brother and the others brought so many disciples, we...may still have some time." Su Che suddenly turned over, ready to press her under him again.

With a snap of Xin Wu's push, she turned over on her own, with unconvinced provocations in her brows and eyes.

"Then this time, you understand."

In the room, the man's low laughter slowly sounded, and then there were bursts of voices that made people blush and heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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