Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 358 I Can't Take So Many Nephews to Listen to the Corner

Chapter 358 I Can't Take So Many Nephews to Listen to the Corner
"Rest in place for half an hour!"

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he jumped lightly and landed on the crown of an ancient tree.

Tall and straight body, slender limbs, Taoist robe lightly raised, handsome face, deep brows and sharp eyes, he glanced down at the back of his hand.

The disciples below all looked up, "It's only less than two miles away, why stop?"

"Yes, something must have happened, otherwise Master Xin wouldn't be so anxious."

"I'll ask."

A figure floated out behind Yang Fan, a blue light flashed, and a soundless whirlwind dragged under his feet, he was about to fly away to Xiao Yi who was above the tree canopy.

When flying more than ten meters, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and Gu Chonghua directly blocked his sight, "It's none of your business, I'll ask!"

"But..." Yang Fan hesitated to speak.

Gu Chonghua frowned slightly, and his handsome face was gloomy: "Why, have I been reduced to the point where even a small character like you can despise me?"

"I didn't mean that!!" Yang Fan pouted angrily.

"Then you go back."

Gu Chonghua narrowed his eyes slightly, and the bloodthirsty color flashed in his red eyes, "It's no wonder that your uncle Xin always protects you, for a simple-minded kid like you, if you don't protect yourself, you will die sooner." It's warped."

Yang Fan took a sharp breath and clenched his fists: "What did you say, you mean I'm weak?"

Gu Chonghua took a look at Yang Fan, and said helplessly, "I still understand."

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Yang Fan any more, and with a slight flap of his fleshy wings, he landed on the tree canopy.

Because of the line of sight, when standing on the canopy, look to the west, and you can have a panoramic view of the scenery.

The mountains are tall and straight, the clouds and mists are misty, and the artistic conception is far away.

There is always a silver ribbon winding around the surrounding green hills, which is the west end of the Mi River in the Northern Territory, and the deep valley at the end of the Mi River is Berkshire City.

"Why did you stop? Is it because he was there?!" Gu Chonghua asked Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows, then turned his head in surprise.

"I can't take so many nephews to listen to the corner..."

Xiao Yi's tone of voice is usually slow, like an old man who is dying, it is very difficult to utter every word, and Gu Chonghua and him have met before, so they are not familiar, but this characteristic of Gu Chonghua Yes know.

"How do you know?" Gu Chonghua asked, and then his eyes fell on the ring that Xiao Yi kept playing with.

"It doesn't matter how you know, I can't disturb people's good things, so it doesn't matter if you wait any longer." As he said that, Xiao Yi glanced at Berkshire City: "It's been going on for so long, it should be soon, let's wait for half an hour before leaving, the past has just passed it is good."

I don't know whether it was Xiao Yi's determined tone or the word in the words that made Gu Chonghua uncomfortable, anyway, when Xiao Yi turned his head to look at it, Gu Chonghua's expression was a bit ugly.

It's not that it's ferocious, and there's not even much anger in the eyebrows and eyes, it's faint, but Xiao Yi just knows that Gu Chonghua is very angry and very angry now.

"I'm going now, I won't wait."

Gu Chonghua shrugged: "It's up to you!"


Among the ruins in the south.

There are corpses everywhere, blood staining the soil on the ground dark red.

Large chunks of rock fell everywhere, cracks were visible everywhere on the ground, and some places were pitch black, with only some powder on the dark traces, and when the wind blew, only gray traces remained.

Suddenly, a light flashed under a stone.

Two white shadows appeared.

"What should we do now, there are only two of us left, should we go find her?"

"No. Let's go to the main body first."

 Recommend a book by a good friend;
  [Name: Super God Empress: Evildoer, don't come here
  Author: Da Ai Shuran
  Introduction: Accidentally messed with a goblin, and since then, Dou Chuqing's road to becoming a god has become more and more tortuous]

  (an update today)
  【Thank you--Monthly Pass for the Sunshine of Morning Sunshine, okay】

(End of this chapter)

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