Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 359 I not only like long, but also thick

Chapter 359 I not only like long, but also thick

Xin Wu feels that she is a heartless person, she has always been, so when her good deeds are interrupted, her temper is very irritable, the kind of air-conditioning all over her body.

"...How about it, to go or not to go?" The voice came from the bed.

Without turning her head, Xin Wu can imagine Su Che lying on her side on the bed, charming and charming.

"There has been no news about this ugly monster for so long, and now the news is calling for help!!" Shen Wu cursed angrily.

Su Che hooked his lips, his eyes were full of deep meaning, "It's okay, we'll come to... Fang Chang!!"

"I not only like long, but also thick." Xin Wu still didn't turn her head, with veins popping out of her forehead, she frowned unhappily and replied to Su Che.

Su Che was stunned and was speechless for a moment.

This woman is really...

On Xin Wu's hand was a small group of light golden Buddha's light, which was as weak as the wick of an oil lamp and could be extinguished at any time.

Thinking of the tall and thick monk with dark skin, thick eyebrows and small eyes, and plump lips, Xin Wu finally sighed slowly, resigned to her fate and began to tidy herself up.

After getting dressed, she looked at the messy hair that birds could make nests in, and she pulled it suddenly: "If there is a wig, I can consider shaving it off."

"What wig?" Su Che dressed very quickly, and was already sitting on the edge of the table.

It can be said that it was from BIU, and with a flash of light, he was already wearing a light purple gown, with long legs crossed casually and his chin propped up, looking at Xin Wu seductively.

It seems that spells don't cost money.

However, it really doesn't cost money.

Xin Wu ignored him, took out a small dagger from the ring, and started to work as a barber by herself to take care of her hair.



"Let me do it!" Su Che couldn't stand it anymore.

Xin Wu holds the dagger in the same way as cutting vegetables, wields the dagger as if carving a flower, isn't she afraid of poking a hole in the head, or cutting off the head?

"If you are in a hurry, let me deal with it at will."

He stood up and walked behind Xin Wu, took the dagger, took out a similarly sized dagger and pinched it in the palm of his hand, picked up strands of burnt hair with the other hand, and started to move.

The sound of clicking and clicking sounded in the silent wooden house.

The hands on top of her head were interspersed with her hair, every time they touched her scalp, there was a jade-like cool touch, which gradually smoothed her previous irritability a lot.


The door of the cabin was knocked open.

Xin Wu and Su Che turned their heads at the same time, meeting the eyes of the person at the door.

Gu Chonghua frowned and rubbed his eyes.

"Is it a hallucination?"

definitely is.

Otherwise, coming in from outside the City Lord's Mansion, there will be thick fog that has not yet cleared along the way.

In the middle of the spacious gazebo, this exquisite wooden house is very out of place, but what is more interesting is... a man and a woman closed the door in the wooden house, with an ambiguous atmosphere, just cutting their hair?
Then why did Xiao Yi call so many Cangshan disciples to stop and rest where they were, and why did he talk about listening to the corner?

Look at the neat clothes of both of them, and the thin layer of hair falling on the ground...

Gu Chonghua suddenly remembered that when he said he would come over, Xiao Yi touched the ring, suddenly frowned, and said: "Hey, there is something new, if we go together, we don't have to wait so long..."

At that time, Gu Chonghua was in a hurry and rushed out. Now that I think about it, does that mean it?

The distracting thoughts in his mind were not over yet, with a wave of Xin Wu's arm, the Soul Crushing Hammer flew straight towards him, and only after passing the door frame did it become huge in vain.

Hearing "ah", the sound of falling into the water sounded, and Xin Wu frowned and cursed.


 I'm going to start working hard... I will cry if I talk too much.

  There are still five days until the end of the month, and at the beginning of next month, I will start to live four shifts again, with full attendance.

(End of this chapter)

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