Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 362 Will the monk fall in love with men in this environment

Chapter 362 Will the monk fall in love with men in this environment
Sunshine is the color of gold and orange mixed together, very soft, coupled with the pink apricot, peach blossom, and pear blossoms all over the mountains and plains, it makes everything where the eyes look seem to be filled with pink bubbles of love.

Anywhere else is understandable.

Xin Wu couldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death, the Southern Territory is actually such a place.

She always thought that the Southern Territory should be a barren mountain, with green lanterns, ancient Buddhas, and temples as companions, but...

"Why are you in a daze?" Su Che's voice sounded beside him, it was still unique and provocative.

Xin Wu came back to her senses, and murmured: "I just feel that spring breeze is everywhere here, will these monks fall in love with men in this environment..."

Su Che was taken aback for a moment, and the curve on his thin lips slowly blurred.

"If Xiao Wu's thinking is more out of the ordinary, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up." Su Che took her hand, stepped on the path among the sea of ​​flowers, and said as he walked.

The Southern Territory is not as complicated as the Taoism in the Central Territory. There are only two simple forces in the Southern Territory, Buddhism and Zen.

Wu Jingang belongs to Buddhism, he is fighting Buddha, good at dancing, while Zen is quiet, he sings the scriptures and Sanskrit, and understands the deep meaning to practice. They believe in a Buddha in the southern world, and advocating in hell. Ksitigarbha.

Buddhism and Zen are said to be two sects. In fact, the location of the mountain gate is still the same. As for how to distinguish it, if you only look at the bookshelf futon in the room, it must be Zen Buddhism, and those with wooden piles and golden bells are naturally Buddhism. These details were later told by Wu Jingang to Xin Wu.

"Why can't you keep up?" Shen Wu bent over a bunch of peach branches and asked Su Che with her head turned sideways.

Su Che didn't speak, but just stretched out his hand and tapped his temples lightly... indicating that his "thoughts" couldn't keep up.

"What are you talking about? We are obviously very compatible, especially I proved it in the wooden house!" Xin Wu raised her eyebrows and cast a glance at the other party.

After finishing speaking, Xin Wu's eyes widened, she was so dirty.

Pretending not to see Su Che swallowing, Xin Wu walked forward on her own.

The path in the sea of ​​flowers was very deep, and she and Su Che walked for nearly half an hour before seeing the temple exposed in the depths of a stretch of 'Fen' mountains in the distance.

"It's so quiet, I didn't meet a single monk along the way." Xin Wu frowned.

Not only did they not encounter it, they didn’t even see the enchantment of the mountain gate. Zen people can meditate indoors to understand Buddhism, but Buddhist people didn’t see it either.

Wu Jingang must have encountered some urgent matters when he sent a message. Shen Wu was also in a hurry, but when she saw this large sea of ​​flowers, she decided to relax her vigilance. How could this sea of ​​flowers be so safe and sound during the war?

During the war, were these temples so quiet?

"Speed ​​up, let's go take a look." Xin Wu greeted Su Che and ran away first.

Just as Su Che was about to follow, his gaze suddenly turned to the ground.

Among the flowers all over the mountains and plains, there is not a single fallen leaf, not a single falling petal...

He reached out and grabbed a branch at random and shook it.

Still not.

This flower is real and has a fragrance, but not even a single petal can be shaken off.

Reach out to one of the flowers in the cluster, pick one and you will know why, but just as Su Che's hand was placed on the flower, his skin felt hot, as if he had been bitten.

He wanted to study it carefully, but at this moment, Xin Wu's scream came from a distance.


"Su Che, come here quickly."

Su Che immediately rushed towards the side where the sound came from.

 Today I accompanied my daughter to the Garden of Revolutionary Heroes and Martyrs to sweep graves. Unfortunately, it rained in only two hours. No matter where it is before or after Qingming Festival, it is really easy to rain.

(End of this chapter)

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