Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 363 A Flower Blooms Above This Group of Monks

Chapter 363 A Flower Blooms Above These Monks' Heads (1 More)
Still a flower!

But the flowers in front of me don't have that romantic atmosphere, and they are creepy.

Because these flowers grow from the top of people's heads, oh, to be precise, they grow from the bald heads of some monks.

"What's the matter, what did you find?"

There was a sound in his ears, and Su Che stood beside Xin Wu warily.

"Look for yourself." Xin Wu raised her chin and gestured towards the temple.

This is an antique temple. Behind a few thick columns, there is a four-fold gate with a high threshold, which is also painted with red paint. In the main hall, a huge golden Buddha statue stands on the top, because it is too tall. As for when people look up, the eyes of the Buddha statue seem to be looking down on all living beings.

There are some candles lit on both sides, there are a lot of them, and they are burning naturally. The flames of the candles flicker occasionally, and they are much more alive than the monks in the hall.

In the wide hall below the Buddha statue, dozens of futons are lined up, and there are several empty futons in the corner near the threshold.

Those monks who grew flowers kneeled on the futons, facing the Buddha statues, and kneeling on the futons with their backs facing outwards.

That back view makes people feel a kind of piety.

Just like the avenue pursued by the Taoist sect in the Central Region, the disciples of the Buddhist Sect in the Southern Region are the most basic foundation to be devout to the Buddha, and this back view seems to fit well.

If you can ignore the flowers blooming on their heads.

Another point, she just screamed out here, but none of the disciples came out to stop her? ?
At the very least, some people will come out and recite the Buddha's name, say something like 'Amitabha Buddha'!
"What's going on here?" Xin Wu frowned, subconsciously as if stepping over the threshold to see if there was Wu Jingang among the monks.

After crossing the threshold, Xin Wu shivered.

It may be because of this giant golden Buddha. This hall is built very high. Even if you walk into it, you can still give people a feeling of being in the wilderness. The voice is conveyed from the fingers to the heart.

"Why does it feel like it's not as warm outside..." Xin Wu glanced at the back while talking, and was suddenly taken aback.

She saw her own body.

Kneeling and sitting on the futon in the corner of the main hall entrance.

There is also a flower on the top of the head.

Su Che's figure is also kneeling beside him, but there is only a two-leaf rhizome on top of his head, and a flower bud waiting to bloom.

The two were shocked and looked at each other.

"If we are the ones kneeling there, then what are we now?" Xin Wu saw the seriousness in Su Che's eyes when she said this.

"I think our souls may have come out, after crossing that threshold!"

He took two steps to the side, walked up to the nearest monk, and reached out to touch the flower on the monk's head.

It felt right, still hot and piping hot.

"I don't feel anything at all." Xin Wu looked at her hand, it was not transparent, and she could clearly feel the touch of her fingers rubbing against the fabric.

Su Che withdrew his hand, looked up at Xin Wu and said, "Look around!"

All around.

Originally, apart from the giant Buddha, candles, futons and some monks with flowers on their heads, there was nothing else in the hall.

But now, Xin Wu suddenly saw many pairs of eyes.

"Old Patriarch Xiaowu, why are you on the point?" Among the crowd, Wu Jingang squeezed out, his expression full of anxiety.

 Fill the hole, fill the hole.Restore four changes.

(End of this chapter)

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