Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 365 The Head of the Giant Buddha

Chapter 365 The Head of the Giant Buddha (3 more)
Watching her body making such movements, Xin Wu only felt her scalp go numb.

"What are they going to do?" Xin Wu kicked Yang Fan with her elbow, hoping that the violence he said would be more straightforward.

The hall was empty, and one person's attacks made no sound, but so many people's attacks made people feel inexplicably that someone was beating the drums.

"I don't know, but the great monk said that after all the flowers on the futon are in full bloom, our giant Buddha of Faith will receive it!" Wu Jingang replied.

The souls of those monks said everything when they saw Wu Jingang. Although they didn't blame him, some of them showed jealousy and even more isolated Wu Jingang.

"Hehe." Xin Wu laughed softly.

It is said that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. It turns out that Buddhist disciples are just more patient than Taoist disciples.

It's not as good as the kindness and hatred of Taoist disciples.

"Then what about you big monk and Wuchenzi!" Wu Jingang talked so much, but they didn't come out to stop him.

Just as Wu Jiang raised his head, he pointed to the top of the giant golden Buddha in the main hall: "It's on top."

After a pause, he continued: "They haven't come down since they went up."

Su Che also raised his head to look at the top of the giant golden Buddha, and then his lips curved sharply: "I'm afraid it's not that they won't come down, but they are reluctant to come down?"

"What do you mean?"

Wu Jingang was suspicious from the bottom of his heart, and when he heard what Su Che said, he immediately asked.

"Haven't you guys gone up to see it?" Su Che's voice was unhurried, even when he saw a flower blooming above his head, his face didn't change.

"How to go up, that's disrespectful to Lord Buddha!" ​​Wu Jingang's eyes widened, his face seemed to say 'how could you ask such a stupid question'.

To a Buddhist disciple, although this giant golden Buddha is not the true God of the Lord Buddha, it is also like a clone. They are equally in awe. They light incense every day. Why hasn't Su Che gone up to see this one? It's a blasphemy to their gods. .

"It's disrespectful for us to go up, but it's normal for you monk and Wuchen to go up!?" Su Che said.

"That's different!!"

Wu Jingang's voice was a bit loud, Su Che just shrugged his shoulders and smiled gently.

Then, the words are amazing.

"It's fine if you don't go up, Xiao Wu and I will go up!"

Of course, what he said was not a request, but a ward, or a pure greeting.

Because at the next moment, Su Che stretched out his long arms and wrapped Xin Wu in it, tipped his toes, and led her straight to the top of the giant golden Buddha.


Wu Jingang was obviously taken aback.

But then, he covered his mouth.

Because instead of not being able to get out of this hall, rather than watching the physical body become unlike oneself, it is better to let them try.

After all, it is a holy place, there is movement here, obviously someone still found out that Xin Wu and Su Che were disrespectful.

Immediately, the monk roared angrily, or the golden lotus bloomed under his feet, or the Sanskrit characters chased after him.

"...can be faster." Xin Wu glanced down, the monks were no more than ten meters away from them, and the Sanskrit characters were also close at hand.

"Okay." Su Che responded lightly.

Then speed up in vain.

Perhaps because of the fast sprinting speed, Xin Wu was even more surprised by the size of this giant Buddha.

When looking at the bottom of the main hall, you can only see a huge Buddha statue with a solemn treasure, holding Bodhi in your hand, looking up, and then looking up... Only then can you see the benevolent looking down.

The chase wasn't much of a thrill.

Seriously Su Che, these monks cannot catch up.

Soon, the two reached the top of the giant Buddha...

Seeing the phenomenon above their heads, both Xin Wu and Su Che were startled.

"Is that so?"

(End of this chapter)

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