Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 366 The Hollow Shell

Chapter 366 The Hollow Shell (4 More)
I saw two people sitting on top of the giant golden Buddha's head.

"This is their revered monk and Wuchenzi?"

The candlelight in the main hall can't reach the sky at all, but the sky above the giant Buddha is not dark at all, and there is a kind of golden brilliance flowing, and the two people sitting here are the light source here.

Su Che let go of Xin Wu, and stretched out his hand slowly, "This is...?"

The golden light reflected on his robe like broken jade, and there was no expression on his warm and jade-like face, only the pupils of his eyes flashed dark green.

"Hmph, they're just two villains who squeeze faith." Su Che nodded and glanced at Xin Wu, his voices collided like jade, and it was clear that there was mild anger in his tone, but it still didn't affect its melodious essence.

It seemed that Su Che understood something.

Xin Wu didn't ask, but guessed something ignorantly.

If the monk on the futon below is still attacking the monk with his chest and the people with flowers on his head, the cause of all this is because of these two shining people.

It's very simple, just solve it.

But before she could make a move, several monks below had rushed up.

First, he bowed respectfully to the two people above the giant Buddha's head, then turned around and faced Xin Wu fiercely: "Outsider, how dare you blaspheme my Buddha!"

"Who gave you the qualification to be so fierce to me, Xiao Wu?"

The emerald green in Su Che's eyes was even more gloomy and cold, and an indigo magic spell hit several monks directly.


I thought there would be some ups and downs in the fight, but I didn't expect those monks who looked fierce, like a pencil piercing a piece of paper, their fierce expressions froze on their faces.

Then it exploded with a clatter, turning into petals all over the sky, and began to fall one after another.

Su Che withdrew his hands, thoughtful.

Except for the few monks who were chasing at the beginning, there was no one else chasing after him, and even the powerful aura he had just revealed did not wake up the two people above the giant Buddha's head.

"Go and have a look." Su Che said, and landed on top of the giant Buddha first.

"It's actually hollow, um...why does it look familiar to me?!" Xin Wu murmured as she circled around the two glittering people.

Just as he was about to reach out his hand to feel the open gap on the backs of the two of them, and try to see if there were internal organs or something inside, Su Che grabbed his palm.


In the middle of the night, this pink world was shrouded in white mist.

Just as Xiao Yi landed on his front foot, he took a deep breath of the smell in the air, "Here and there are like temples for monks, so I think they all smell like women's fragrance."

"I can't tell, but Xiao Wu's second senior brother has a unique understanding of these fragrances." Gu Chonghua looked around, and took a piece of handkerchief to cover his nose in disgust.

... Now, except for Xiao Wu's blood, which is sweet to him, these floral scents will only make Gu Chonghua feel sick.

"Look, there's a light at the end of the path!"

Yang Fan opened the peach branch that blocked his sight, and then pointed to the distance.


Led by Xiao Yi and Gu Chonghua, they all headed towards the bright light.

in the hall.

The criticisms continued, and the brilliance of faith above the giant golden Buddha was already as thick as a stream floating in the sky.

Even Su Che's robe became close-fitting due to soaking in this brilliance. His slender fingers pointed to the gap on the backs of the two monks. There was an abstract colorful liquid inside, and his emerald green pupils returned to those of demons. .

Then, he opened his mouth and said a few words.

Xin Wu opened her eyes wide, and said, "You mean, although these two people have already shed their shells and left, if this belief continues to be squeezed, the fleshy bodies below will really turn into dust..."

(End of this chapter)

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