Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 367 It seems that this is the root of the disaster

Chapter 367 It seems that this is the root of the disaster (1 more)

"Then what can you do?" Xin Wu frowned, but there was still her own body underneath.

In fact, there is one thing that Shen Wu is very puzzled about. She and Su Che are not from the Southern Region, so how could they have faith?

Su Che answered very simply.

This answer made Xin Wu stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Oh, he is an honest boy.

Xin Wu glanced at him with a 'loving' face, then stood on top of the giant Buddha's head with her arms folded and looked around: "Then all we have to do now is...wait and see?"

"Not necessarily." Su Che stirred up the halo of faith, and glanced at her lightly.

The wide robe, the long body, and the black hair are naturally scattered behind the back slightly, showing an indescribable amorous feelings. Xin Wu looked at his calm eyes, and suddenly the pupils dilated, "It's almost time. If so, Second Senior Brother and Gu Chonghua should be here soon!"

"Gu Chonghua has been following you?"

Hearing this, Su Cheran asked casually.

Then the corners of his lips curled up, and he sat down cross-legged.

Xin Wu nodded her head and said "Yes", when she was about to say something, she found that Su Che was surrounded by a quiet aura, and her whole body seemed to be emptied, with a pious expression, and after she made a decision, "Pa" Merge the palms with one click.

Xin Wu blinked,... What is this for?
The next moment, a golden thread as thin as a hair was pulled to Su Che's side.

One strand, two strands... Many golden brilliance gathered as thick as a thumb, and all of them gathered behind Su Che.

Su Che is glowing.

The golden light is the same as that of the Buddhist monks.

It was as if on the stage of a drama, the bright lights that were supposed to be the leading role were all moved to Su Che.


He is a demon.

It's wrong to feel the breath of Zen master in a monster.

I don't know how long it took, but the mellow and soft voice brought her back to her senses.

"Is it dazzling?" Seeing her staring at him stupidly, Su Che stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

Xin Wu replied subconsciously: "Uh, it's okay, it's much brighter than a light bulb, you just..."

Su Che smiled, "Well, it devoured their belief."

Shen Wu took a deep breath, took a few steps forward and looked down, "If you don't return your faith, will Wu Jingang become an idiot?"

"These beliefs can't be returned, just as the belief totem of the Heavenly Demon Forest, I can assimilate them and replace them with others..." Su Che explained a few words, and then shook his head slowly.

If this kind of thing is replaced by others, it will only be assimilated.

Assimilation, and being assimilated, although there is only one word difference.

But this word indicates that these things can turn a monk in the central region into a follower of Buddhism or Zen in the southern region, just like the existence of Christianity in the past, brainwashing to believe and lose oneself.

"Ho ho... help... me..."

At this moment, the voice of vicissitudes sounded.

Looking back, Shen Wu found that the monk and Wu Chenzi had lost the light of faith, and their bodies twitched.

It's like a drowning person bound by seaweed, struggling hard but always bound within this range.

"Look!" Xin Wu's eyes narrowed, and she happened to see a dark brown thing twisting and wriggling out of the gap in the back of the two corpses...

At first, Xin Wu thought it was rotten intestines, but the moment the thing started to grow wildly, Xin Wu realized that it was a tree root.

And from thin tree roots to thick ones, they keep gushing out and growing wildly.

Xin Wu rolled her eyes at Su Che: "It seems that this is the root of the disaster!"

 The first update is here, cheer up the rice crust, and start filling the hole this month.

(End of this chapter)

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