Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 368 Plant-type Celestial Figurines

Chapter 368 Plant-type Celestial Figurines (2 more)
"Well, if I don't remove the light, this thing is still hidden and won't come out." Su Che seemed determined to prove something this time, claiming credit again and again.

I saw that his pupils were strange, his smile was faint, and the words "that's what happened" written on that face made Xin Wu feel a little funny.

Perhaps it was because of Xin Wu's expression that it was not enough for him, Su Che added slowly: "Mountain wild spirits, it's not difficult!"

Su Che fell from the top of the giant Buddha.

Xin Wu kicked it.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Su Che's eyes, Su Che let his body fall rapidly, and the moment he was about to land, a ball of light slowly appeared under him, like opening an umbrella, full of tension, and countless petals bloomed suddenly.

He landed firmly in it, and rose up again.

A scent of flowers wafted from the top of the giant Buddha's head.

The two sitting corpses have become part of the nourishment of these tree roots, their faces are full of pain, as if their throats have been cut off, and they make a sound of 'ho ho', those tree roots gradually wrap the entire golden body of the Giant Buddha Living.

Then the giant Buddha moved.

Like a tumbler, it first shakes to the left, then to the right, and finally turns around in a circle.

goo goo goo...

The range of rotation was not large, and the entire hall began to shake.

How should I put it, seeing a giant Buddha spinning like a's very dramatic.

That's right, it's a play.

The golden lines seemed to be put into a furnace, melted and re-drawn, and gradually, the entire giant Buddha rose from the ground.

Rising from the ground is an apt word.

Because the soles of the giant Buddha standing up are also mottled and sticky roots, densely covering every corner of the giant Buddha, making the huge golden Buddha more than double in size in an instant, and instantly bloated.

The petals fell from the sky, bursting with strange fragrance, and the strong smell rushed to the mind, making people dizzy.

Xin Wu frowned.

"What is this for?"

"This spirit is also one of the terracotta figurines, plant-based." Su Che's face remained unchanged, and he looked at Xin Wu softly, and then said: "I guess, it is going to perform a miracle now."

miracle? !
Control the golden giant Buddha to descend the miracle? !
Xin Wu's temples twitched violently, feeling a little uneasy.

Suddenly, the door of the main hall was pushed open with a "bang".

It turned out that Xiao Yi and the others arrived with their people.

"Master Xin has bloomed on his head, ah, Master Su also has flowers on his head." Yang Fan stood at the door with a shocked expression, then raised his arm and pointed to the distance: "You, look...the heads of those monks are all blooming. Flowering……"

"My God, what happened?"

The disciples behind him were shocked, and Yang Fan covered his mouth tightly. Suddenly, his body was twisted backwards, and Xiao Yi's lukewarm voice sounded.

"Want to die?"

In front of his eyes, there were splashes of marble fragments mixed with some sawdust falling everywhere, and only then did Yang Fan see that there was a huge deep pit at the entrance of the main hall.

A huge palm print remained in place.

"Yes, sorry."

Yang Fan shivered from Xiao Yi's sharp gaze.

Xiao Yi ignored him, threw him casually, and then quickly took off the phoenix blood ring on his finger, "All disciples obey, lift out the bodies of Xin Wu and Su Che, put them in the formation, immediately Form an array, don’t attack, protect with all your strength!!!”

Cangshan's thousands of disciples don't attack, but only guard the bodies of the two masters?
With doubts in their hearts, all the disciples immediately carried out the order.


At a certain moment when the ring was put on, Xiao Yi's body suddenly lit up in a beautiful blue-purple color, as crystal clear as jade, and the bones in his flesh and blood could be faintly seen.

His movements became even slower, he raised his head and stared at a certain point in the high altitude of the hall, and his voice seemed to pause, "Let me see if you can shake me!"

 The second update, please recommend, please subscribe.


(End of this chapter)

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