Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 370 This is much more pleasing to the eye

Chapter 370 This is much more pleasing to the eye (4 more)
The heels were embedded in the ground like steel nails, despite the strength of the Buddha's body, Xiao Yi did not retreat half a meter.

The tortoise bone is like a city wall, extremely hard, the Buddha's body palm after palm, the tortoise bone did not waver in the slightest.

At this time, Yang Fan and the others had already arrived at Shen Wu Su Che's side, and a kind of disciple sacrificed a magic weapon to form another protective shield.

As soon as the protective shield appeared here, Xiao Yi snorted coldly, put away his palms, rose from the ground and turned into a bright spot in the sky, and then fell from the top of the facing giant Buddha.

Like a meteorite that fell from the sky, it was small in size but menacing.

The moment it fell on the head of the ancient Buddha——


The giant Buddha was suddenly driven into the ground, and half of his body sank deep, leaving only a huge Buddha head.

"This is much more pleasing to the eye." Xiao Yi landed on a hill, looking at the ancient Buddha.

The ancient Buddha struggled underground.

From the ground, it can only be seen shaking its head.

"Where's my junior sister's soul, come back!!" Xiao Yi opened his mouth towards the head, and clenched his fists along the way, his berserk aura pressed straight towards the opposite side.

Xin Wu, who was trying to pull out the flower on top of her head, suddenly paused, her mind moved, and she looked at the top of the ancient Buddha's head.

The roots squirmed, pierced into the ground, and made a creaking sound.

Is it trying to pull out the giant Buddha?
"What do you think is the radish?" Xiao Yi looked at it for a moment, then sarcastically said slowly.

In the main hall, those roots spent a lot of energy just to control the ancient Buddha to stand up. Now that the thousand-meter-high ancient Buddha is stuck in the ground, even if it can be pulled out, it cannot be done in a short time.

The tree root did not move.

Then it swam away like a spirit snake, and got into the bodies of the great monk and Wuchenzi.

Xin Wu's heart shuddered, and she wanted to rush out of the protective cover, but was blocked by an invisible thing in vain.

The monk's body was twisted in a strange way, the arms folded on the back turned around and turned back, and then his physical body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, his cheeks were as pink as a girl's.

"Ho ho... the disciples of the sect obey the order, this person is disrespectful to the Buddha... ho ho... he is disrespectful to the Buddha, drive him out..."

The monks beside Xin Wu stood up from the protective cover like puppets.

Xiao Yi's eyes showed surprise, and he licked his lips: "A plant-type terracotta figurine, without a possession, actually knows how to summon foreign aid, I underestimate you!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's confident figure, Shen Wu's tense body relaxed.

However, a hand pierced her soul body in vain.

Shen Wu turned around stiffly, and found a disciple from Cangshan with flowers blooming on her head. She showed her a serious smile, then pulled out the magic weapon and attacked the same disciple next to her.

"Damn it, what happened to Junior Brother Zhang Yang?"

"Didn't you listen to Uncle Master? This is a terracotta figurine of the plant department, and it is the original ecology without bending over... Ah, has Junior Brother Zhang been possessed!!"

Xin Wu clutched her stomach, her brows knit together.

These disciples couldn't see her, they only knew something was wrong with Zhang Yang.

Now there are two options.

One is to remove the protective cover and push out the possessed Zhang Yang, but the physical bodies of Xin Wu and Su Che will be exposed, and the power of the Giant Buddha will be strengthened.

Just from what Xiao Yi said to protect the physical body of the uncle, there is no need to attack with all his strength to protect it. This alone shows the importance of protecting the physical bodies of Shen Wu and the two of them.

The second is that Zhang Yang continues to stay in the protective shield, but it is very likely that the fellow members will be hurt by Zhang Yang one by one, and...

In addition to Zhang Yang, another monk fell down, and at the same time, there was another delirious disciple flying around with the magic weapon.

Wu Jingang stayed at the side, "Xiaowu Patriarch, are you alright?"

Xin Wu shook her head, "It's just the soul body, it will heal automatically."

But this pain is many times the physical pain.

"Tear off the shield."

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly fell on the spot where Xin Wu was, and he frowned and spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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