Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 371 A pile of bones is the truth.

Chapter 371 A pile of bones is the truth. (1 more)
Because just now he saw the burning eyes of the monk looking at this side,... there must be something here, maybe it is the souls of Xin Wu and Su Che.

A group of disciples withdrew their protective shields, and immediately the two Cangshan disciples who were attacking indiscriminately let out a series of screams, and flew towards Xiao Yi together.

Obviously, the thing above the giant Buddha still regarded Xiao Yi as a strong enemy.

At this time, Gu Chonghua also looked towards the place Xiao Yi was looking at just now, his eyes were as red as blood, and they actually stayed on Wu Jingang and the souls of a group of monks directly on her body.

"It's actually here!" Gu Chonghua sighed deeply, and then approached.

But Su Che stood in front of Xin Wu at this moment, "My woman, I don't need you to worry."

It's the entity, Su Che recovered the entity.

But the light of faith still exists on his body, maybe it hasn't been completely assimilated.

He raised his arm, his whole body was covered with the light of Buddha, and he pinched his two fingers so casually.

Xin Wu felt a tightness in the back of her neck, her eyes blurred, and when she came back to her senses, her body could already move.

Gu Chonghua, who was frozen in mid-air, glanced this way, and then landed in the distance with a cold snort.

The battle between Xiao Yi and this terracotta figurine was not over yet, because the protective cover was removed, those monks began to fight with Cangshan disciples, Shen Wu pulled Su Che's robe, "Quickly, put Wu Jingang back into his body. "

"it is good."

Su Che raised his hand again, wanting to catch Wu Jingang's soul body, but he was dodged by him.

"No, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, I brought that relic back, it's the disaster I brought to Buddhism..." He stared blankly at the monks flying out one by one. , fighting with Cangshan disciples, muttering to himself.

Xin Wu just wants to scold her, she hates this kind of personality the most, Wu Jingang in normal life may be a bit lewd or lewd, but at least he doesn't have this kind of self-loathing thoughts.

Wu Jingang shook his head vigorously, looking unacceptable.

"What the hell are you freaking out about, you hurry back to your body, we are the rest, if you can save one..." Shen Wu pushed Su Che violently in the direction of Wu Jingang.

Su Che quickly grabbed his soul body and pressed it.

Back to life.

Wu Jingang sat down on the ground, his face ashen, "I am a sinner."

"The sinner is not you, but those two people." Following the place Xin Wu pointed, Wu Jingang saw the great monk and Wu Chenzi.

"It's because they are greedy, they want to absorb your beliefs, they will be used by the terracotta warriors after their merits and virtues are perfected, and they will become Buddhas. It's their own fault!!" Xin Wu has no awe for this great monk or something. of.

There will be no psychological pressure to blame.

Wu Jianggang was stunned for a moment, rubbed his nose like a child and took a few sharp breaths: "Really? Am I really right?"


These are the two words that came out of Xin Wu's heart at this moment.

"Well, even if my Xinwu people are wrong, they are right."


Just when Xin Wu was comforting like bickering.

The battle on the other side has reached its climax, Xiao Yi is like the strongest city wall at this time, it can crush the opponent powerfully, and can also resist any attack from that thing.

Finally, that thing became even more violent, and then yelled out a Buddha's name.

"Buddha said: All living beings are equal, the skin turns into mud, and the white bones pile up, that is the truth."

The flowers on the heads of the monks began to wither, and their bodies turned into mud, falling down in a rustle, revealing the white bones.

 I don't know what I'm doing, hehehe... Seeing that little cute baby in the book review leave a message for me, I'm so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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