Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 372 The Hell of the Buddha, or the Buddha of Hell

Chapter 372 The Hell of the Buddha, or the Buddha of Hell (2 more)
The air suddenly became cold, and the breath he exhaled could turn into tiny frost in the air.

This kind of coldness is not something that can be warmed by wearing thicker clothes or by firelight, but the coldness of the soul.

The stars in the sky were shining silvery, and the brilliance seemed to come from the depths of hell. Large swathes of frost spread from around the giant Buddha sculpture and the white bones, and the swaying body was still turning the flesh into mud.

Wu Jingang's face turned pale again.

Xin Wu's eyes flickered, but she didn't speak to comfort her, because even if she didn't say anything now, she believed that Wu Jingang could guess that the Buddha's name was the return of the great monk's soul body, and he shouted it himself.

He personally turned the pious disciples under his sect into bones.

Regardless of the decadence and despair in Wu Jingang's heart, Xin Wu looked at her senior brother, Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Wu has no confidence in senior brother? Hmph, the old Taoist said when he took me in that he has never seen anything thicker than me..." Xiao Yi said this with full of pride.

The smug look made Xin Wu seem to see the expression on the old Taoist's face when he said this.

Eh... 'thicker stuff', is that a compliment?

Immediately afterwards, the light on Xiao Yi's body flourished.

Like a small grass that has lived for thousands of years, it is still tenacious, crazily and recklessly growing in the environment of violent storms, lightning and thunder, landslides and ground cracks.

That is the essence of life.

Xiao Yi's eyes were filled with the warmth of the spring breeze, and he took a step forward extremely slowly.

Just one step, it moved like Mount Tai, forcing the thing on the giant Buddha's head back one meter.

The vines swelled and stretched destructively half a meter back to the distance they had just retreated. A foul breath came out of the monk's mouth, and he yelled the second Buddha's name.

"The six roots, six dusts, six consciousnesses, and roots are all empty, and the Buddha's altar orders, all reincarnation."


The giant Buddha's head stopped swinging, opened its mouth and opened a door.

Among them were the heart-piercing cries of a baby, the mournful screams of a woman, all kinds of noises came from inside, resounding throughout the valley, making people tremble, as if they were in hell.

There are dense bones in front of my eyes, and there are bursts of whistling.

Is this the hell of the Buddha, or the Buddha of the hell?
Xin Wu has been confused for a long time, this thing should be handed over to Su Che and Xiao Yi, as for her...

She looked at a few crazy Cangshan disciples, flew out, and waited for the moment when the disciples were about to attack her, and instantly knocked them out.

The scene was a bit messy.

The monks who grew flowers, oh, now it should be said that they turned into dry bones, their fingertips were black, and they started to fight back crazily. They obeyed the Buddha's order to drive away these outsiders.

The roots on the top of the giant Buddha's head still regained the lost ground inch by inch, trying to take root again on the top of the giant Buddha's head.

Only here is the base where he can survive, and it wants to take it back.

Even if the roots are broken one by one like the strings of a zither, and turned into powder one by one.

Xiao Yi's relaxed and comfortable face was also solemn.

The two sides are fighting like a tug-of-war, with the head of the giant golden Buddha as the boundary, not giving an inch.

The contest has been going on.

Continue until the sky gradually reveals fish belly white, and the clouds are dyed with golden light, which is the direction where the rising sun will come out.

At this time, Xiao Yi stepped back abruptly.

That thing actually snatched back its own territory, firmly grasped on top of the giant Buddha's head, and its roots all burrowed into the monk's back.

"Too bad—" Xiao Yi called out, then pushed forward again,

It's like being drawn on the [-]th line, and he can't push it an inch.

At this time, the monk's shoulders squirmed, and there was a clucking sound from the pink flesh. Then, a third arm suddenly grew out, and then a fourth arm...

(End of this chapter)

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