Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 374 I Don't Have Time To Comfort Her

Chapter 374 I Don't Have Time To Comfort Her (4 More)
The matter in the southern region came to an abrupt end because of the arrival of Kunwu's seven sons.

Afterwards, Hongtu molested the giant Buddha's golden body.

Cough cough, the body of the Buddha was actually smashed piece by piece, as if searching for something, but in a blink of an eye, he remembered what Wu Jingang swallowed, and Su Che's peachy eyes, "You've got a big deal" in his eyes.

Xin Wu opened her mouth, but wisely chose to shut up.

From the disappointed expressions and words of Kunwu's seven sons, Xin Wu understood the usefulness of that thing, and also knew that it was Shen Tian who called to help.

If the bead was what Xin Tian wanted, then it wouldn't be considered stealing, it would be considered inheritance.

The matter in the southern region is settled, and the sect also sent a message that several corpse pits in the central region have been destroyed. In a short time, those people from the Yinzong demon sect in the northern region should not cause any big disturbances.

It won't cause too much trouble, and it doesn't mean that it will be resolved. This is the truth that everyone in Zhongyu understands.

It's just that the route stipulated by Xin Wu began to collapse along the way, and she didn't do her best with thousands of disciples.

And... Gu Chonghua, who she thought was the trump card, has been reduced to a background wall all the time except for occasional help.

Cangshan disciple was taken back by Xiao Yi.

Before the senior brother left, he gave her several supercilious eyes. The handsome facial features, like the second senior brother possessed by an elderly person, made this expression because he had wronged him.

The seven sons of Kunwu failed to find the relic, so they bid farewell to Xin Wu and left.

Shen Wu, Su Che, Gu Chonghua, and Wu Jingang who was wrapped in three layers of cloth strips like a mummy were left behind by Su Che himself.

"Shall we go back to the sect now?"

Su Che wants to hear Xin Wu's opinion.

If he goes back to the Zongmen, the father will definitely bring her and the senior brother back to the Xin family immediately, but if he doesn't go back to the Zongmen... Xin Wu squinted at Gu Chonghua who hadn't left yet.

With the light bulb here, it really can't do anything.

With a long breath, Xin Wu stroked her hair, "I'll go find Jiao Lingyan first, the Hehuan faction Miemen, I don't have time to comfort her."

When Xiao Yi came, he came with Gu Chonghua, and when Xiao Yi left, he told Shen Wu that Jiao Lingyan had found a hotel in Berkshire, and he would take care of him first.


How could she have forgotten that when facing Cen Wu to snatch the jade necklace, she was already seriously injured, and she didn't even have the spiritual power of Yujian Linkong.

very weak.

It wasn't safe for her to be alone in Berkshire. She was so weak at the time and stood in front of her.

The more she thought about it, the more guilty Xin Wu felt, and she couldn't wait.

As soon as the thought came to her, the Soul Crushing Hammer flew out automatically, and she jumped on it. Su Che frowned and also stood up.

But Gu Chonghua didn't know why he was still angry, he snorted coldly, and flew out first with his fleshy wings.

"My temper is even weirder than mine." Xin Wu muttered.

Su Che's eyeballs moved, but he didn't speak.

He put one hand on Wu Jingang's shoulder and guided all the undigested Buddha's light to him.



Jiao Lingyan stared blankly at herself in the mirror.

"Advanced at this time? Is this what she said that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed?"

If you want to talk about her experience, it is also full of ups and downs, and she has experienced life and death several times.

From the beginning to the end, she never harmed others, but she herself was humiliated time and time again. Only Shen Wu... Xin Wu saved her time and time again.

Sometimes Jiao Lingyan felt that it would be nice to die like that in the corpse pit,

But seeing that Xin Wu broke into crises again and again for her, she couldn't bear it after all.

She likes Xin Wu very much, but what Xin Wu likes is Su Che.

At this moment, she in the mirror is even more charming.

(End of this chapter)

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