Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 375 It is obvious that this woman has something wrong with you

Chapter 375 It is obvious that this woman has something wrong with you (1 more)
"Will she be shocked when she sees it?" Jiao Lingyan said with a smile, and sighed after a few seconds.

In the mirror, Jiao Lingyan turned her neck left and right, looking at herself carefully.

The hair on both sides of the forehead is slightly curly, and the hair is pulled up at will. There is a chance that the slightly curly hair will fall on the sides of the cheeks. Seeing pity, there is a bit of charm at the end of the eyes.

She has a small frame, not the kind of flamboyant beauty, but a petite, exquisite, charming beauty, with flowing eyes, making people want to hug her and love her.

Jiao Lingyan looked away in satisfaction, and then began to pack her things and prepare to go out.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly remembered that when she went out like this, the breath on her body was not easy to hide, so she hurriedly took out a thin gauze scarf from the ring and tied it on her face.

After tidying up her clothes and making sure there was nothing left behind, Jiao Lingyan opened the door.

A smiling face stretched out from outside the door in vain, "I saw you looking in the mirror when I sensed it just now. You are so beautiful, why did you cover it up?"


Caught off guard, Jiao Lingyan yelled, and when she saw the person in front of her, her eyes turned red.

She has neat short hair that reaches the ears, and a few strands of long hair behind her ears are playfully braided and placed on her chest. The corner of Xin Wu's mouth is twitching with a smile, and her cat-like eyes are sizing up her. This kind of soul-stirring look, as if the existence of mottled traces that the sun cannot imprint.

"Little dance."

The thing in Jiao Lingyan's hand fell to the ground, she called out to Xin Wu, and then paused: "...Why are you here?"

"I'll pick you up, you're alone now, I don't care who cares about you!" Xin Wu's tone was brisk, but she also directly revealed the truth.

But the softer Xin Wu smiled, the deeper Jiao Lingyan's heart sank.

Her eyes were misty, and there seemed to be many falling stars hidden behind the mist.

She sniffed, and her whole body was wrapped around Xin Wu like a vine, "My Acacia gone again."

"It's okay, I still have a lot of names here, such as Bai Yezong, Yulu Palace and so on... We don't feel bad."

Xin Wu's face leaned against Jiao Lingyan's patience to explain.

She was able to enlighten her so patiently, and looked at the three men at the door.

"Just let us stand at the door like this?" Xin Wu turned her head to look at Wu Jingang who was wrapped into rice dumplings.

It's too eye-catching.

"Oh, come in, I was going to check out to find you." Jiao Lingyan breathed out, stepped aside and walked into the house.

She was pouring tea for several people, her fair fingers were as pleasing to the eye as a magnolia, Xin Wu stared at them carefully, but she asked, "Is the injury healed?"

"Okay, I've advanced. I've reached the early stage of Xuanling." Jiao Lingyan handed everyone a cup of tea, and then sat down next to Xin Wu.

In the early stage of Xuanling, it is equivalent to the peak of the nobility.

Xin Wu's eyes showed shock.

Jiao Lingyan's nirvana is no different, but when she thinks about the things she lost, there is nothing to be happy about her realm improvement.

Xin Wu nodded.

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

Jiao Lingyan glanced at Xin Wu, then at Su Che, hesitated for a moment: "I don't have a place to stay now, can I..."

"Come back to Cangshan Mountain with me!" Xin Wu didn't understand what she meant, so she sent out the invitation first.

Su Che stood up and pulled Shen Wu aside, put his face in front of Shen Wu, and only stopped when he could hear his breathing.

At this moment, his provocative eyes were full of disapproval, and he said solemnly: "Can I object to you taking her back? It's obvious that this woman has something wrong with you."

 first update
(End of this chapter)

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