Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 376 Can't break the power

Chapter 376 Can't break the power (2 more)
The troubles caused by the Yin Sect in the Northern Territory made many sects in the Central Territory completely disfigured.

The only one that did not suffer was probably Cangshan Mountain.

The continuous mountains are still shrouded in fairy mist, and the buildings on the top of the mountains are still a wonderful fairyland.

After going through this incident, Xin Wu really sighed that the background of the head of the Taoist sect is so strong that even after going through a catastrophe, it is still steadfast and extremely stable.

Back at the Zongmen, the person who came out to greet him, or the first person he met was not Taoist Qingyu, not a few senior brothers, but the cheap old man, Shen Tian.

Wudao building, the roof.

"Where are the beads?" Xin Tian stretched out his hand to ask her for it.

Shen Wu shrank her neck subconsciously, and walked to the edge with a stiff body to look at the scenery: "I don't understand what beads Dad is talking about."

"The purpose of Hongtu and the others to help you is for that bead. I accidentally lost that bead. If you find it, return it to me. It's useless to you anyway!"

Xin Tian's blue-gray robe fluttered in the wind, her forehead hair drooped, and she walked up along the route that Shen Wu walked, and when she stood beside Xin Wu, she turned her head and stared at her without blinking. .

His temperament is refined and his eyes are like swords, as if he wants to see through Xin Wu.

Hmph, my daughter is rebellious and started lying.

【Hey, you may have really found the wrong person this time, she doesn't have the breath of beads on her body】

Xin Tian's gaze softened a little.

[However, I suggest that you still have to look for clues in her. 】

Xin Tian followed Xin Wu's line of sight, thoughtfully.

He saw Zhu Yu and Yang Fan driving Wu Jingang towards the Sixth Peak, saw him looking over, and respectfully called out "Senior Xin."

How can a person be wrapped up like that?

Suddenly, Xin Tian's eyes froze.

"What happened to him!?" Xin Tian asked Xin Wu.


"What's the injury?" Xin Tian looked like he was going to break the casserole and ask the end.

Xin Wu had lost her confidence, "Oh, I had a flower growing on my head before, and it was a bit of a sequelae..."

Shen Tian immediately mentioned it and raised his arm, as if he wanted to scold her, but the finger pointed at Xin Wu, but he still didn't say a word.

"Cultivating one's character for so long, you can't break your skills, you can't break your skills..." Xin Tian repeated a sentence, and finally walked away.

As soon as Xin Tian left here, Dao Dao touched her.

Although Dao Dao is a demon, but after staying in Cangshan for so long, his character is no longer timid at first, but has become more confident and cheerful.

"Did Dao Dao practice hard while I was away?" Xin Wu patted her head.

Chattering has a pink face, it's precisely because of this that she came here.

"I just came here to share with my sister. Brother Wuchen said that I am very talented. Now, I should be able to fight against monks in the palace period!"

Hearing what she said, Xin Wu was really surprised.

Xin Wu thought that after she experienced physical training, her cultivation speed was very fast, but she didn't expect that it was even worse than that.

"Brother Wuchen said, let you accompany me to Duel Cliff."

"What are you going to Duel Cliff for? Who do you want to challenge?" Xin Wu asked while holding her hand.

Dao Dao raised a smiling face at Xin Wu, with crooked eyes, pink skin and white teeth, just as cute as a porcelain doll, "... Dao Dao wants to challenge Senior Brother Yang Fan."

"Oh that's amazing."

A smile appeared on Xin Wu's mouth, "Are you really ready? Although Senior Brother Yang Fan is the youngest, he is also very talented. He is now in a higher realm than you. Oh."

Who knows, Dao Dao is not worried at all.

She blushed suddenly, "It's just a fight, no matter whether I win or lose, it can't stop my decision."

"What did you decide?" Xin Wu asked curiously.

"I want to chase him!"

(End of this chapter)

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