Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 377 She Wants To Sleep With Me

Chapter 377 She Wants To Sleep With Me (3 More)
Xin Wu thumped in her heart, then froze.

How can you say such direct words? !Who taught it? !
But in a blink of an eye, Shen Wu raised her lips and smiled happily,... It's not me who made it wrong, it's you who developed it yourself.

That's good, so I don't have to worry about it for a long time when I speak in the future.

"Well, my sister supports you. You are still young and you have to maintain yourself, and you can't be cultivated!" Xin Wu said with sincerity, and it can be said that she figured out everything she could figure out and taught it to Dao.

Although I don't know what nurturing is.

If Yang Fan knew that Shen Wu had made this kind of thinking for Dao Dao in advance, and broke his thinking of reforming and cultivating, he would definitely be red-eyed.

Some spectator disciples were already waiting around Duel Cliff.

As soon as Xin Wu and Dao Dao showed up, some disciples got up, raised their arms and shouted, they looked like a group of hooligans.

Shaking her head, Xin Wu encouraged Dao Dao.

Diao Dao turned her head and asked her a very profound question: "Sister, what should I do to make a man loyal to you?"

She knew that the royal family of Yaozu, a noble person like Su Che, was very devoted to Xin Wu.

Xin Wu stroked her chin in an inscrutable way, coughed lightly, and said seriously: "There is no solution to this problem,"

"To be precise, there are several types of men.

Milk dogs, loyal dogs, and wolves have many, many similarities. It is my Senior Brother Su. He is a disaster, so I am even more trouble than him. "

Xin Wu spoke enthusiastically, then saw Shen Zhui standing on a high platform, and pointed casually with her hand.

"Also, just like my Senior Brother Shen."

"...If you want him to be obedient, you have to beat him, and he will be obedient after a beating."

He lowered his eyes and nodded from time to time.

It is even more serious than the three good students among the teachers in the class, and I just took out a small notebook to take notes.

Xin Wu is in a good mood recently and talks a lot.

But little loli didn't bother her at all, no matter how noisy those Yo Ha disciples were, her ears were basically focused on the content of Xin Wu's words.

"Sister, is there any more, is there any more?" Dao Dao asked.

Xin Wu's mouth was dry, and she thought carefully about what else to add, suddenly, she felt a jolt.

She turned her head with a stiff body, and saw the enchanting Su Che smiling.

"When did you come?" Xin Wu swallowed.

"Well, since you said that there are many kinds of men..." The corner of Su Che's mouth drew a line, pulling people's hearts, and then he boasted: "That's really good."

Xin Wu's temples danced and danced, finally waiting for his next sentence.

"It's just, where did you know this?"

Xin Wu laughed twice, "Hey hey can learn by yourself without a teacher, oh no, it should be a whim, just a whim."

Dao Dao secretly tugged on her sleeve: "Sister, I'm going on stage first."

"Oh go."

Bear kid, don't even say a word before leaving.

With green tiles, vermilion tiles, hanging beams and painted buildings, Su Che can amaze everyone's attention by standing quietly under the vast foggy landscape.

After a few seconds of silence, everyone came back to their senses, and left the cheers to the true master on the ring.

Su Che came over and held her hand, "What's the matter, you think I'll be angry?"

The touch of her hands was cool, contrary to her sweaty palms, Su Che's body temperature was just a good medicine for her sudden rise in body temperature.

She pulled even tighter.


I thought Su Che would be angry, so when Su Che handed over her hand, Xin Wu stuck to it like sticky candy.

"I'm really angry, but I'm not angry with you, but angry with that woman who harbors evil intentions."

"What's up with her?"

Su Che's face suddenly darkened, revealing the stains of rouge on his clothes that he deliberately didn't wipe off, and complained: "She wants to sleep with me."

 The third update is here, hahahaha... Maybe I'm in a good mood recently, this one seems to be a bit cheerful, sorry sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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