Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 378 Why Are You Going Out Before You Get In

Chapter 378 Why Are You Going Out Before You Get In (4 More)
Xin Wu's brain was running fast.

It can be seen that the traces of rouge are indeed Jiao Lingyan's, but Su Che's expression does not seem to be joking.

"Tell me?" Xin Wu pretended to be listening, waiting for Su Che to speak.

Su Che's eyelashes trembled, and the dark lines on his eyelids drew a semicircular arc. He stared at the ground and said, "I went into the room and found her on my bed."

Jiao Lingyan was placed in the Sixth Peak's own courtyard by her, how could she go to Su Che's room?
Xin Wu didn't make a sound.

Su Che carefully took Xin Wu's expression into his eyes from the corner of his eyes, and then added: "The rouge on my clothes belongs to her."

Adding this sentence is the final word, there is no doubt about it.

If you were an ordinary woman, you might think about Jiao Lingyan's practice and Su Che's disastrous appearance. It is not impossible to make a tempting move. It will definitely overturn the jealousy, and then stage a battle between girlfriends.

"...Then how did you come here?"

Except for a trace of rouge, the clothes are neat and there is no aftertaste of that kind of thing.

Not to mention anything else, just in Jiao Lingyan's current state, if Su Che is harvested, it is impossible for him to remain unchanged, at least he will be weak, sallow or pale, which is the manifestation of kidney deficiency.

Unfortunately, no one is there.

Xin Wu laughed heartily, and squeezed Su Che's hand hard: "Then she is still on your bed now?"

"Here, do you want to go and have a look?" Su Che took the initiative to invite.

Then Xin Wu looked back at the ring.

Yang Fan didn't sacrifice the Dao plate at all, nor did he reveal his Fenghuo Linggen, but relied on Cangshan's sword skills to respond to the nagging in slow motion, which is comparable to a rigorous tutorial.

Xin Wu looked at it for a while, but she didn't understand that Yang Fan was deliberately delaying time.

On the contrary, the little chattering face was flushed and dripping with sweat, which was very serious.

Serious men are the prettiest, now, hehehe... Xin Wu thinks that serious women are really stunning.

Putting down a bunch of distracting thoughts, Xin Wu turned her head to look at Su Che: "Let's go, I'll go and have a look."

Xin Wu found that she was very busy when she went back to Dao Zongmen.

First, Xin Tian came to press for the whereabouts of the relic, and then asked for advice on how to make a man loyal, and then Su Che came and directly handed over the evidence.

Meaning: I was molested.

It was your good sister who attacked me, hurry up, go catch rape with me, oh no, catch dirty.

Although he had a solemn and cold face, Xin Wu could tell that this evildoer was just pretending.

Well, just add some spice.

Even if he has been a human being in two lifetimes, if he finds a man with super good looks, he still needs to be nourished by a little love.

Xin Wu is like a Buddha-nature girl, she followed and left very calmly.

Su Che took out the soul-breaking ruler from nowhere, and after pinching it, the soul-breaking ruler floated at the height of his waist. After stepping on it, Su Che stretched out his hand to pull Xinwu.

...It's so urgent to catch the stolen goods, and now I use a magic weapon.It won't take long if you go directly to the sky.

But seeing those peach blossom eyes, Xin Wu smacked her mouth twice and passed her hand again.

It's only inside the sect, and the soul-breaking ruler will arrive almost in the blink of an eye.

It's just that after arriving at Su Che's courtyard, before he opened the door, he heard voices from the room, as well as Jiao Lingyan's coquettish laughter like an oriole.

"What did you say your name was?"

"My name is Gong Ben."

"Oh, Ben Gong. Do you think I'm pretty?"

"I...I want to go out..." a stammering voice.

Jiao Lingyan's voice continued: "Go out? Why are you going out before you go in?"

Tsk tsk tsk, Xin Wu licked her back teeth, and looked at Su Che with a half-smile.

Jiao Lingyan, an old driver, was on par with her.

 Today's fourth update is delivered, um, I hugged Quan Qin very calmly, and hope that every day in the future can be completed ahead of schedule with this hand speed.

  Finally, I wish my next book can be a big hit, which is being conceived.

(End of this chapter)

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