Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 379 Just one beat

Chapter 379 Just a Beat (1 More)
Su Che seemed to be standing on a steamer, the heat was billowing, and his face was flushed red.

It's not because of the unsuitable scenes for children, but because of the unspeakable embarrassment after being caught cheating.

This man was already very enchanting, but at this moment his face was so red that he could bleed, but Xin Wu looked at him with a big appetite.

"...If you're so interested, why don't you come with me?" Xin Wu raised her lips, imitating Su Che's appearance and showing a wicked smile.

Su Che moved his eyes left and right, and then walked straight towards the sixth peak.

The wind that passed by his side seemed to be embarrassing with honey.

There are not many such scenes, so Xin Wu hurriedly chased after them.

After this chase, Xin Wu found that Su Che seems to be using the method of shrinking the ground to an inch, no matter how fast she speeds up, Su Che is not far or near in front.

Not long after, the figure in front stopped and turned around.

"Are you trying to laugh?"

Thousands of years of waiting made him cautious. Time passed through his brows and eyes, carving out even more bewitching edges and corners. At this moment, the brilliance in those magnificent eyes was a little gray.

"Well, I want to laugh." Xin Wu nodded, and when she saw the lowered eyes of the other party, she continued: "Because you are more lively and cuter like this."

All the way forward, the falling flowers are colorful, like a dream.

There was a breeze blowing over the fallen flowers on his shoulders, causing the black hair to flutter.

It was the first time for Xin Wu to try this kind of staring, standing in place and looking at each other from a distance. if there is music slowly playing.

Confirmed the eyes, you are the right person.

bah bah.

What are you doing in a daze, this stunning man has to be hugged back and fucked.

Thinking of this, Xin Wu also planned to do the same. Immediately with a thought, the Soul Crushing Hammer came out of the ring, stepped on it, and reached in front of Su Che, reaching out to grab it.

She just wants to think, not coy.

But not long after the two of them stood on the Soul Crushing Hammer, a black shadow came out from nowhere and landed on her shoulder with a slap.


Xiao Zhao: You actually abandoned me and the little yellow group and the wild man, I am so angry, so angry...

Because her nails hadn't been trimmed for a long time, her fingers grabbed the clothes on her shoulders one by one, revealing her snow-white shoulders.


Su Che was still a little bit embarrassed about being arrested, so he snorted coldly in a shameless way.

It's really not the right time for this guy to find a sense of presence.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Xiao Zhao: Master, your wild man is riding on my head, and he still tells me to get lost...Master, you heartless man.You left me for so long, shouldn't you coax me?

Xiao Zhao's mung bean-sized eyes blinked several times, and kept looking at Xin Wu, as if she would run away from home if Xin Wu didn't hit her.

Xin Wu glanced at Su Che.

"Coax it or not..." Su Che's head was full of black lines, and he still knew what Xiao Zhao meant to Xin Wu, so he said so.

Xin Wu was dumbfounded.

Immediately, he looked at Xiao Zhao, who was round and round, and when he came back, he heard the discussion of some disciples guarding Lingtian. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately understood.

"You stole Master's carrots and ate them?"

Xiao Zhao: No, no.

Xin Wu stared at it.

Xiao Zhao: One, just one.

Xin Wu continued to wait.

Xiao Zhao lowered her head, not daring to look at Xin Wu: All right, eat some.

Ha ha, this is easy to handle.

She immediately swept Xiao Zhao away with her hand: "What are you coaxing, just give him a good beating."

Xiao Zhao who flew out was about to come back, seeing the vicious Shen Wu, she ran away in a flash.

 The first update is here, changing furniture today, I am a little busy%
(End of this chapter)

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