Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 380 I'm Thinking About Who Gets Up And Who Gets Off

Chapter 380 I'm Thinking About Who Gets Up And Who Gets Off (2 More)
After driving away Xiao Zhao, Xin Wu was in a good mood, and continued to fly towards the Sixth Peak with the Soul Crushing Hammer.

The scenery is infinitely beautiful, many disciples will respectfully call Master twice when passing by with their swords, and while Xin Wu is proud, one hand draws circles on Su Che's palm once and for all.

For greening, of course, the sooner the better.

Just when she reached the top of her courtyard on the sixth peak, another person was stopped in front of her.

Xin Wu's joyful mood disappeared immediately.

Why is it so difficult to do more things you love when you are pregnant with a beautiful man?

It's a man.

Some faces are familiar, and she should have some relationship with the other party.

The man wore a deep purple emperor robe, with a jade belt around his waist, and stepped on a thin and flat wooden board, which looked like a token, and some looked like a bamboo raft.

The bamboo raft is simple, but the man's black hair is clear, like a son of god who descended from the sky, and his aura is extremely noble.

There was a warm smile in his voice: "Xin Wu, are you finally back?"

Along the way, Xin Wu was thinking about who would go up and who would go down, when suddenly a face squeezed in front of her, her eagerness seemed to be too much to beat.

Before she could remember who this person was, the other party took a step forward, abandoned her plank, and wrapped her long arms around, "Xiao Wu, I'm here to look for you."

"Xuanyuan Po?"

Xin Wu's goosebumps popped up layer by layer, and finally remembered this person's name.

But the next moment, Xin Wu pushed him away in disgust, "Why are you here? Aren't you in the fairy world? How did you get down by yourself?"

Xin Wu looked unhappy, but still asked several questions.

Seeing the other party approaching immediately, she quickly continued: "Also... can you stop sticking to me?!"

"They came down to look for you, don't you still have the title of empress? I said I came down to look for the empress, and those bastards above let me down..." he said in a rambling manner, from the very beginning. Joy has turned into full of grievances.

"Stop, stop!!" Xin Wu was too lazy to listen to this.

"I ask you to answer..."

Xuanyuan Po nodded his head pecking at the rice.

"How did you get down?"

"Your father left a coordinate before, I tried several times but couldn't pass, then smart am I?"

Xin Wu squinted at him, but said nothing.

Xuanyuan Po shrank his neck, "The coffin your father left behind, I sit in the coffin like sliding down a slide, just swipe and slide down."

It turned out that Xin Tian did it!
Two puffs of air came out from Xin Wu's nostrils.

She continued to ask: "What are you doing down here...?"

"Your father saw me and said he asked me to help, but I was about to leave, and a few of his disciples said that it was done, so I stayed. I watched your live broadcast, oh, no, I have been watching the whole process. His expression was tense, he was worried that someone would run out halfway, and he was always ready to save people..."

This sentence is a bit long, but it's not all nonsense.

Because Xin Wu learned a piece of news from inside.

This man 'monitored' them all the way from the southern region, but what does that shy expression mean?
It feels a little weird.

Xin Wu added up all the experiences before and after, and went through them carefully.

She didn't seem to be molesting anyone on the way, even on the way back to the Sixth Peak, she just imagined who would go up and who would go down for a while, and this person can't decode brain waves...

So to say.

Xin Wu just wanted to ask.

This regal dressed and rough-spoken man suddenly covered his eyes and peeked at her through the cracks in his eyes.

"Xin Wu, help me."


"I saw someone."

(End of this chapter)

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