I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 105 The Price of Greed

Chapter 105 The Price of Greed

Under the leadership of Hades King, they entered from the side door, there are courtyards, corridors, a large number of side rooms and palaces.

Here are all ordinary houses, with all kinds of expensive furniture, and even some valuable golden orbs.

Mountains of gold and precious stones were also found in the warehouse, and many people's eyes were straightened when they saw it.

With a smirk on his face, Poge was the first to rush forward, grabbed the gold all over the floor and laughed loudly: "Get rich, get rich, from now on you can eat meat, drink and play with women every day."

Poge also stepped forward, and just as he was going to get Ye Muchen, he shouted, "Put it down, these golds are highly poisonous and will make people lose their minds."

Poge kept bending over to grab the gold and stopped. If it was at the beginning, he would never pay attention to outsiders, but now he dare not refuse to listen. These people will kill him just by using their hands.

Poge quickly threw away the gold and looked at his hands, but there was no reaction at all.

Yang Ying looked at Poge, who was holding gold, and waited for a while without any response.

Seeing the suspicious looks of these people, Ye Muchen said flatly: "The poison doesn't attack so quickly, after he attacks you kill him yourself, there is no solution to this thing.

If a person with high combat power touches the gold, he should be killed in advance, so as not to attack us from behind.This guy is not a threat even if he is crazy, he can be ignored. "

Xiao Fei frowned and said, "If you're poisoned, kill it. It's not good to leave a time bomb."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Poge was a little flustered, feeling like he was dealing with an animal.

"I...I'm not poisoned." He cried out in panic.

Liu Yan also said: "He didn't react at all, and there were no traces on his hands, you must have made a mistake."

"I'll find out later if I made a mistake. Let's go. Don't touch anything valuable here."

The existence of these poisons was made up by Ye Muchen in the book without any scientific basis. Once something happens, they will attack people around them indiscriminately.

Now that there are not many people, he said it directly so as not to reduce the number of people. The ancient city of Loulan is really dangerous and needs these people.

According to the original plot, only Xiao Fei, Jiang Ziling, Jiajia and Du Deming would die here.

Hearing Ye Muchen's warning, no one will touch the gold again, no matter how much they desire, they dare not touch it.

Fortunately, for reincarnators, it doesn't matter if they are better or not, as their pursuits are different.

"We wrap it in a cloth for isolation, so we don't have to worry about the poison. We can deal with it when we get back." Yang Ying called out, looking at the yellow-orange gold in front of him, his hands moved closer, and his breathing became short of breath.

They are working so hard just for money. If they bring the gold in front of them, they will not have to work so hard for the rest of their lives. This temptation is really hard to resist.

Mari quickly said: "Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of poison. Take off your clothes and wrap it up. Any poison is fine."

Ye Muchen frowned and said, "You can do whatever you want, just try if you want to die."

Xiao Fei also showed an impatient expression. To him, these people are superfluous garbage. He really doesn't like these people to delay his time, and they may also bring uncertain factors.

In fact, Ye Muchen also had the same idea, so he didn't try to stop them. If they were not allowed to feel the power of this poison, others would be lucky.

Yang Ying didn't hesitate anymore, took off his clothes, and immediately went to get the gold with gloves on.

Professor Zhang originally wanted to stop it because it belongs to the state, but he stopped after thinking about it. The gold amazed him, but he had no intention of taking it for himself.

Even Dr. Gu was the same, he came here only to find the elixir to save his life, money is not very important.

Yang Ying, Poge, and Ma Rui were excitedly holding the gold, and everyone else was looking at it. Jia Jia looked at Master Guo and asked, "You don't want to take it?"

"How much can I get? I don't lack this little gold." After all, Mr. Guo has a rich family. If he can remove all the gold in one go, he will still be tempted. Now he is relying on his own hands to get this amount. It really couldn't catch his eyes.

Seeing that no one else was moving, Liu Yan felt bad that she was the only one taking it. She went up to stop it twice, but was pushed away by her companions, and was even scolded by Poge.

They didn't stop until these people couldn't carry it anymore. They were all grinning from ear to ear while carrying the heavy gold on their backs.

Everyone else kept a distance from these people, so as not to have problems with Ye Muchen.

Liu Yan said worriedly: "Boss, there must be something wrong with this gold, you see none of them took it, we..."

"I know there is a problem, I believe what he said, this gold is poisonous, but we are all careful, so what if it is poisonous." Marie cried.

They had just walked a few steps when Boge suddenly fell to the ground, and the gold spilled on the ground.

"Poge!" Liu Yan yelled, and stepped forward to help him, but as soon as Poge stood up, a dagger pierced his stomach, his eyes were red, and his face was ferocious.

"Poge! I'll fuck you!" Yang Ying suddenly threw away the gold and raised his gun to shoot at Poge. Five gunshots rang out, and Poge's body was penetrated.

But he didn't have any expression of pain, he let out a cry like a wild animal and rushed over.

Then Yang Ying, Boge, and Marui wrestled together and attacked with daggers. The three of them were stabbed so many times that they turned into bloody people and continued to attack like crazy.

Liu Yan fell to the ground, clutching the wound in her stomach, watching the three companions fight each other like crazy.

She showed a sad expression, looked resentfully at the person who was watching indifferently on the other side, reached out and drew out a pistol and pointed it at Ye Muchen.

But as soon as the muzzle of the gun was raised, Ye Muchen pointed his finger, and the Taiyin sword energy penetrated her head, killing her with one blow.

But the three of Yang Ying twisted into a ball and stopped attacking. The ground was full of blood, which slowly flowed outside.

Seeing this scene, Professor Zhang and others were frightened. Even Master Guo and Jiajia's expressions changed, and they dared not touch the things here again.

Jiajia looked at Ye Muchen, like a frightened rabbit, and said nervously: "Everyone listen to Ye Muchen from now on, no matter how incredible things are, you have to listen to him."

Even Master Guo agreed with this point, and the things he encountered along the way have far exceeded his expectations.

Finally, I came to the main hall in the middle. Now that I have walked around, there is only the last palace left. Just from the outside, you can know that the final answer is inside.

When they walked to the door, Ye Muchen said: "Be prepared, this is likely to be at the same level as the snake god sacrifice, and those who are not strong should stay away."

Jia Jia and Liao Yunfei nodded without hesitation, they had seen these people fight before, it was really not a human battle scene.

With Ye Muchen's signal, Du Deming opened the door and let Hades King go in first.

But the moment he entered, he suddenly trembled violently, and then lay powerlessly on the ground.

Just as Du Deming was about to step in, he quickly stepped back and saw Hades King's tail that was exposed outside the door kicked it a few times, but it didn't move, but it could be seen that it was still alive.

Jiang Ziling quickly asked: "What's going on?"

Xiao Fei stood at the door, shining the flashlight into the main hall, and saw a luxuriously decorated and very large golden coffin in the middle, but found nothing else.

This made him puzzled, and then looked at the situation inside the door, but he didn't see anything unusual, so he immediately asked, "Is there any mechanism or poisonous gas?"

"Impossible, the door is open. If it was poisonous gas, we would have fallen too. There is no problem around the door, and there are no traces of organs. It's strange. What's going on?" Jiang Ziling squatted beside her and watched carefully.

Du Deming took out a shovel and threw it in, but there was no response. Xiao Fei also took out a dagger and stuck it into the door frame, but found nothing unusual.

At this time, Jiajia pointed to the inside and exclaimed: "Look, there is a statue of a snake god inside the main hall!"

Everyone stretched their upper bodies in and shone the flashlights inside. Only then did they see a statue of a snake god on each side of the main hall, facing the golden coffin in the middle.

"Could it be related to this snake god?" Jiang Ziling asked.

"The snake god has an absolute suppression effect on snakes. Xiao Qi, take back the Hades snake king. It's useless here. This snake god statue is useless to us." Ye Muchen said, and walked inside, but there was really no response.

With a thought of Xiao Qi, the Hades King turned into a red light and disappeared, and immediately walked in to follow Ye Muchen.

Jiang Ziling came in and glanced at the place and asked: "The King Snake is guarding this place. Why is there a statue of a snake god to restrain the King of Snakes? Could it be?"

Ye Muchen nodded and looked at the golden coffin in the middle and said, "It's just to suppress the people in the golden coffin."

Everyone was amazed when they heard this, and they went inside to observe it. The main hall was luxuriously decorated, with a lot of gold, silver and precious stones, but there were no pictures or written records.

After looking at it for a long time, he really didn't find it. Master Guo walked to the side of the golden coffin and asked, "There's nothing else here, let's try opening this."

Du Deming came over to open the coffin lid, but with his strength, the coffin lid did not move at all.

"Is there a mechanism?" Du Deming squatted down to check, but there were no traces, and it felt like the golden coffin was sealed.

Ye Muchen shone the flashlight on the golden coffin and said, "See the disc groove on the coffin lid, Jiang Ziling, your jade plate."

Jiang Ziling pulled out the purple jade plate from her bag, walked to the side of the golden coffin, and put the purple jade plate in the groove in the middle of the coffin lid.

As soon as this was put down, purple light immediately appeared, and then golden light streaks appeared on the golden coffin.

Everyone retreated immediately, and the other reincarnators were standing near the door, watching with wide eyes. If they really encountered the big boss, they could run for their lives immediately. Master Guo, Jiajia and others had already dragged Professor Zhang and Dr. Gu out At the door, if it is really a powerful creature, they will have no time to escape.

But after a long time, nothing happened except for the purple streaks of light coming out of the golden coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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