I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 106 Temptation or Test

Chapter 106 Temptation or Test
After the light on the golden coffin faded, Ye Muchen pointed to the statues of snake gods on both sides and said, "You smashed these two."

Without any hesitation, Du Deming and Yang Xiaoxiao went over immediately, holding the shovel and iron rod, these were brought by Master Guo and they happened to be needed now.

With just one blow, the shovel and iron rod cracked the heavy-looking snake statue.

After several consecutive knocks, both the shovel and the iron rod were deformed, and the statue was completely shattered and fell down.

With only these tools, a stone statue about three meters high can be smashed down, which is very humanly possible.

At this moment, there was a rattling sound from the golden coffin, and then the lid of the coffin lifted up automatically, turned over and fell to the ground, with a ladder in the middle, as if inviting someone to walk into the golden coffin.

Bao Zhennan approached carefully, and illuminated the inside of the golden coffin with a flashlight. He saw a woman in goose-yellow Western Region costume lying on her stomach, with her hands interlaced on her abdomen, and a golden mask on her face. Her exposed skin was as white as jade. Like falling asleep.

Seeing that there was no danger, everyone approached. Professor Zhang and Dr. Gu couldn't wait to go up, and they were amazed when they saw the female corpse inside.

"This costume should be the costume of Princess Loulan, she is the real Princess Loulan." Dr. Gu said excitedly.

"Could it be that this is the main line? The Loulan Ancient City is just a cover?" Bao Zhennan looked surprised and looked at Ye Muchen and Xiao Fei in a low voice.

Jiang Ziling shook his head and said: "The main content is to let us find the ancient city of Loulan and lift the curse of Princess Loulan. Now that we have found Princess Loulan, we need to lift the curse and find the ancient city of Loulan. I guess, to lift the curse, we need to go to the ancient city of Loulan .”

"But, what is the curse? The only information we know so far is that Lanna cursed before she died. As for how to lift the curse, I don't have any clues." Yang Xiaoxiao asked in confusion. with.

Bao Zhennan glanced at the princess, and said with a tsk tsk, "As expected of a princess, she is really beautiful. This figure, this skin, tsk tsk, I don't know what this face looks like."

"Disgusting." Yang Xiaoxiao looked contemptuous, thinking about the female corpse.

"It's called sexuality, don't you understand? If you see such a beautiful woman and don't react at all, this man either has a physical problem or a mental problem." Bao Zhennan reached for the golden mask with an upright look on his face. .

Ye Muchen immediately warned: "Don't look into Princess Loulan's eyes, she will fall into the illusion, and touching her body will directly petrify her."

Hearing this, several people around the golden coffin retreated quickly. Professor Zhang and Dr. Gu put on gloves and prepared to study the princess's costume.

They just took a step back when Princess Loulan suddenly opened her eyes.

Everyone was startled now, Mr. Guo and Jia Jia hurriedly ran out the door, Du Deming also followed, he was really frightened by the power of the snake god sacrifice.

"who are you?"

Suddenly, a very pleasant voice came out from the golden coffin, the voice was charming, even if you don't look at her appearance, just the voice makes people think about it, and you can't help but get close to her.

Professor Zhang and Dr. Gu were too close. After hearing the voice, they turned their heads and glanced unconsciously. As a result, because of this glance, the two of them trembled, and then showed obsessed expressions.

Walking back to the golden coffin, he reached out and touched Princess Loulan's shoulder. As a result, the two of them turned into stone starting from their right hands, and quickly spread to the whole body.

The speed was too fast, and before everyone could react, the two of them turned into stone statues.

Ye Muchen frowned. In the book, Princess Loulan didn't speak. It was because everyone didn't know the situation that she was tricked, and several of them turned into stone statues.

"You are Princess Loulan?" Ye Muchen spoke to the golden coffin, but he did not walk up the steps of the golden coffin.

"Yes, are you tomb robbers, or are you sent by my sister?" Princess Loulan's voice came out again.

"No, I'm a reincarnation, and I'm here to help you lift the curse." Bao Zhennan hurriedly said.

Xiao Fei frowned and looked at him, and found that Bao Zhennan also showed a slightly obsessed expression.

"This voice also has a charm effect." Jiang Ziling reminded immediately.

Yang Xiaoxiao held Bao Zhennan back, lest he also go up to die.

"Reincarnation? No matter who you are? You are here only for gold and the elixir. You don't have gold on your body, that's for the elixir."

As soon as Princess Loulan finished speaking, Master Guo said, "Yes, where is the elixir?"

"My sister rebuilt a Loulan city, and the position is on me. If you want it, you can find a position from me." Princess Loulan said these words full of temptation.

But no one here believes that touching her body is suicide.

The voice of Princess Loulan never appeared again, and everyone was silent.

Master Guo said: "There are no clues in the main hall. Maybe the clues are in the golden coffin. We use mobile phones to take pictures of the inner wall of the golden coffin. Maybe there will be some records."

"That's not Princess Loulan, it should be that Lanna is tempting us to touch Princess Loulan's body. But she is right about one thing, the secret lies in Princess Loulan." Ye Muchen said.

"But no one can touch Princess Loulan, that's tantamount to suicide." Jiang Ziling said with a frown.

"Xiaoqi, help me get Princess Loulan's mask, and leave the rest to me." Ye Muchen said.

"Okay." Xiao Qi went over and took off Princess Loulan's mask. At the same time, she glanced at Princess Loulan. She was indeed very beautiful.

Seeing that Xiao Qi was not affected, everyone was surprised, Master Guo said happily: "Since Xiao Qi is not afraid, let her see if there are any words or pictures in the golden coffin?"

"No." Xiao Qi glanced at him, leaped down, and handed the golden mask to Ye Muchen.

This is the mask of the snake god, which has the power to trap people in illusions and spiritual coercion, and at the same time enhance their spiritual power.

This mask covers both eyes and the bridge of the nose. It has a picture of the snake god on it. Below the nose is a gold silk veil that hangs down to the chest. It is very beautiful and gives people a sense of mystery and nobility.

When Jiang Ziling and Xiao Fei saw that he got this, they guessed that it was the snake mask he had mentioned, and when they told him to give it to him, they naturally didn't say much.

"No!" Mr. Guo was surprised, there were no clues, Professor Zhang and Dr. Gu turned into stones again, how would they go after that.

He had paid so much for the elixir, and now that the clues were broken, he was very anxious, fearing that the trip would be in vain.

Jiang Ziling asked: "How are you going to find clues from Princess Loulan's body? Don't tell me that you want to touch her body!"

"It's not me, it's you. When you look at Princess Loulan, you can hear clues. After taking off this mask, Princess Loulan's illusion will be weakened by half. Putting it on can improve your mental strength and increase your resistance to illusion. Only women Only those who can resist the temptation of women." Ye Muchen handed her the snake mask.

In the original play, it was Jiang Ziling who got the information from Princess Loulan's illusion.

Jiang Ziling patted his hand away with a snort and said, "If you have to try it yourself, I'm not that stupid."

"We will hold you and not let you touch her body." Ye Muchen continued.

"Don't think about it, I'm not the only woman here." Jiang Ziling refused without hesitation.

Ye Muchen scratched his head, why is it different from the original drama, she is very active in the book, why didn't she come here when she was here.

He looked at Jiajia and Yang Xiaoxiao, and they immediately turned their heads. Who would dare to do such a thing.

Ye Muchen sighed, put on the snake mask himself, and said to Xiaoqi: "If I want to touch her, pull me back."

"You really want to go, why don't I come?" Xiao Qi asked worriedly.

"Her illusion won't work on you, and you won't be able to communicate with Princess Loulan's spirit. Don't worry, as long as you hold me, then I'll be absolutely safe."

Ye Muchen knew that both Jiang Ziling and Yang Xiaoxiao didn't trust the people around them, so they didn't dare.

Maybe when there was no one in the book, she could only stand up.

Ye Muchen absolutely trusts Xiao Qi, so naturally he is not afraid of this.

He walked up to the golden coffin, focused on looking into the eyes of the princess, and suddenly the princess in front of him came alive, sat up and put his arms around his neck, smiled at him, and leaned close to his body several times, feeling as if he was about to touch it.

With such beauty and temptation, Ye Muchen would be deceiving if he didn't move his heart, but he knew that this was an illusion, so he tried to restrain himself to lure himself forward.

After he closed his eyes, the phantom disappeared, and he gasped for breath, feeling more strenuous than a battle.

Xiao Qi next to him immediately asked: "How is it? There is a problem."

Ye Muchen opened his eyes and said, "Illusion is really powerful. It's a great test of a man's control."

"Do you still want to try? Maybe there is no secret. If there is something on her, we should have discovered it long ago." Jia Jia said kindly.

"No, the secret is here." Ye Muchen took a deep breath, looked into Princess Loulan's eyes, and the illusion appeared again.

If it was someone else, they would definitely avoid it when they saw this situation, how could they continue to try, it would be fatal.

Only Ye Muchen knows that the most dangerous place is the best place to hide secrets.

Ye Muchen tightly grasped the edge of the coffin with both hands, and moved his fingers a few times, wanting to reach out to hug him, relying entirely on his own will to restrain this impulse.

Xiao Qi also held onto Jean's hands tightly to prevent him from reaching out suddenly.

After enduring it for 3 minutes, he seemed to have gotten used to the temptation, and his mind became clearer. Only then did he realize that what the princess said in his ear was not teasing him.

It is only human desire that automatically thinks of the princess's behavior as seduction and stimulates the inner desire.

(End of this chapter)

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