I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 110 Ineffective Bait

Chapter 110 Ineffective Bait

All four of them were taken down by the tail of the snake. The sand was soft. If they didn't hold onto it, they would definitely be buried alive by the falling sand if they jumped down.

In about 2 minutes, the big snake passed through the sand, crashed into the wall, and rushed in from the hole with a pile of sand.

As soon as the Hades King came in, he was afraid of the breath here. Ye Muchen and the others shook their bodies to get rid of the sand all over their bodies, and a lot of sand got into their collars. Now they have no choice but to endure it.

Xiao Qi sensed the fear of the Hades King, and took it back because he was restrained by nature.

Jiang Ziling turned on the flashlight to look around, and found that it was a hall made of only stones, with nothing but a few stone pillars.

"This is the capital of snake gods? It's different from what I imagined." Jiang Ziling looked around with a strange expression.

"This is the apse of the capital of the snake god, and it is also the place where Lanna makes the elixir. Let's go, take you to a hidden mission, and cut off that guy's supplies."

Ye Muchen walked towards the stone gate inside, at this moment Xiao Fei squatted in the corner and said: "There are words here."

Jiang Ziling immediately ran over, squatted beside Xiao Fei and said, "Someone carved this on a stone? The language of Loulan Kingdom."

"Can you understand?" Xiao Fei asked.

"Well, I learned from Professor Zhang this way, and I made preparations in advance considering that there will be a question of closing first, and it is really useful."

Jiang Ziling watched while translating.

"Who will save me, he is eating my brain, I am in pain."

"Why did I become like this, I actually killed so many people, why did this happen, who will kill me."

"I can only stay awake for one hour a day. If anyone sees this, please spread the following news. Lanna has found a way to control the snake god. She will control the wind and sand and drown the world. Only with the power of three holy artifacts Only by reversing the power of the snake god can we prevent this from happening."

"Lanna possesses the immortal power of the snake god. If you want to kill her, you must cut off the supplement of immortal power, otherwise she can recover infinitely."

"There is still no one coming. There are no living people in Loulan Kingdom. No one will come. I can only stop myself. I can't kill myself. I want to let myself sleep and pray that someone can see this. Please Kill me and save the world."

There is not much content on it, Jiang Ziling said with joy after reading it: "This was engraved by Lanna when she was sober! The current strength of the reincarnation is impossible to kill Lanna by strength, the only way is to rely on the Holy Spirit Weapon power to deal with her.

You see what I said here, she will still stay awake for one hour a day, which is 2 hours, and this is the key. "

Ye Muchen naturally knew this, but Xiao Fei was so careful that he could be found in such a remote corner.

Without tools such as flashlights, it is difficult to see the words in the corners only by torches.

Jiang Ziling analyzed and said: "If the evil Lanna knew that there were these contents, they would definitely destroy them, and they are still preserved, which shows an important problem. The evil Lanna has no way of knowing what the sober Lanna is doing."

"It's a pity that it didn't say when she was awake." Xiao Fei said with a frown.


Ye Muchen said, pointed inside and said, "Right now Lanna must be playing cat and mouse with those people who have been swallowed by quicksand outside. We just wait until noon to act. Let's deal with the manufacturing site of the elixir first."

The two of them stopped hesitating and walked together to the stone gate inside, pushing open the heavy stone gate.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jiang Ziling's face changed, even Xiao Fei frowned, with a little anger in his eyes.

Countless people were tied to stone pillars in front of them, and red tree roots covered their legs. Many roots pierced into the abdomen of these people, slowly drawing their blood.

These tree roots are finally connected to the skull of the snake god in the middle, and can slowly condense a bright red liquid, shining like a ruby, very dazzling.

"There are seven snake kings guarding here, Xiaoqi, suppress the snake king, but don't kill it. The snake king was summoned by Lanna. If you kill it, Lanna will know.

Xiao Fei, you still have bombs, put bombs on these stone pillars.The most important thing to make the elixir is life and the body of the snake god. "

Ye Muchen said, handed the snake mask to Xiaoqi, and walked towards the middle by himself.

At this time, the Seven Snake Kings came out, and Xiao Qi put on the mask of the snake god, and the power of the snake god released made the Seven Snake Kings fearful and prostrated themselves on the ground.

She now has the complete soul power of Princess Loulan and part of Lanna's soul power, which confuses these snake kings and thinks she is her master.

Ye Muchen touched the snake god's skull with his hand, and with a thought, Qian Kun Jie took the snake god's skull away.

Jiang Ziling asked: "You also use this?"

"Of course." Ye Muchen smiled, watching Xiao Fei start laying mines here again.

Jiang Ziling shook his head and sighed, "Could it be that this guy brought an arsenal."

Ye Muchen spread his hands, Xiao Fei really robbed the arsenal.

They didn't leave quietly until the decoration here was completed.

Ye Muchen led them to the upper terrace of the main hall through the secret passage, and hid in a window to watch what happened below.

Lanna is sitting on the throne. She is indeed very similar to Princess Loulan, and she is also very beautiful. Otherwise, the prince would not have given up on the princess for her and would have died for her.

Comparing the two sisters, Princess Loulan has a noble and dignified temperament, while Lanna has a lively and agile temperament, each with its own merits.

On the stone platform in front of Lanna was a glass of ruby-colored elixir.

In front of the hall, Du Deming, Yang Xiaoxiao, Guo Ye, and Jia Jia walked in with scars all over their bodies.

The few people who didn't come are probably in danger.

Lanna looked at these people with a smile and clapped her hands and said, "It's rare, if you can not be tempted by money and beauty, you should be rewarded for coming here, but there is only one cup of elixir, five of you, who will you give it to?"

Master Guo immediately stepped forward and shouted: "I am the leader of this team. They are all hired by me. This elixir should belong to me."

"Oh! Really? But I don't think these people think so." Lanna smiled.

Master Guo turned around and looked at the people behind him and shouted excitedly: "I am the same as Dr. Gu. I am terminally ill. I am running out of time. This is my last chance. Don't worry, I will divide my property after I go back." Half to you, I have a lot of money, I just want to live."

"As I said before, everyone depends on their ability." After Jiajia finished speaking, she ran to the stone platform above.

Master Guo immediately pulled out his pistol, but just as the gun was taken out of his pocket, Jiajia flicked his hand, and the gunshot rang out, and at the same time Master Guo's pistol was blown away.

"Master Guo, you and my father are old friends. I don't want to kill you. You know that my father's condition is much more serious than yours. Give up, at least you can live for another year." Jiajia pointed a pistol at him and pointed upwards face to go.

Master Guo is not reconciled, but he really can't beat Jiajia in terms of force. Originally, there are people like Yang Ying, and he still has capital, but now that Yang Ying and his group are all dead, he has no one to call on, and he is terminally ill. People, how could it be possible to fight against a well-trained Jiajia.

Lan Na looked at Du Deming and Yang Xiaoxiao and said with a smile: "Don't you want to live forever? Drinking this will not only make you immortal, but also give you stronger power."

Yang Xiaoxiao nervously whispered: "The Snake Scepter is in her hand, and only by getting that can the curse be lifted and the main storyline be completed."

"Without those few people, we wouldn't be able to get the Snake Scepter." Du Deming was terrified in his heart. Fortunately, his willpower is not weak and he can restrain his fear.

"Are you waiting for your companions? But they seem to have abandoned you." Lanna said so, her eyes were fixed on the gate of the palace, and after playing with these people for so long, she was just waiting for Ye Muchen and the others to appear.

But some of these people had already died, and the four of them just didn't show up, which made Lanna feel very angry.

Lanna asked again: "You don't come here for gold and beauties, and you don't want elixir, so what are you doing here? Oh, I see, you are here for power, is the scepter in my hand right?

You have looked at my scepter many times since you came in, how do you know the scepter in my hand?By the way, in the Tomb of the Sun, some of you said that you are reincarnated, in order to lift the curse I left behind? "

Suddenly Lanna flew out, and in the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of the two of them. The snake god's scepter kicked the ground, and blue energy rushed out from under their feet, entwining their bodies like two snakes.

"I'm curious about your origins. My sister's soul has been imprisoned by me, and she can't come to you. So you came here on your own, and you came to lift the curse yourself. Why? This kind of thing should not be good for you, and It can be said that it is close to death." Lanna stared at the two and yelled.

"Don't say? Haha, you will speak."

Lanna stretched out her left hand, and two balls of blue energy flowed out of her palm. When they approached them, the blue energy turned into extremely small snakes, stretching towards their nose, nose and ear holes.

"I said! We are reincarnation, we are here to perform the task, we will die if we don't complete it." Du Deming shouted hastily.

"Mission? Whose mission?" Lanna was amazed. If these people with superhuman strength can obey orders, then the other party must be a big shot.

"Main system." Du Deming said the name obviously with nervousness, he was afraid that revealing these things would lead to punishment from the system.

But after speaking, there was no reaction, which made Du Deming secretly relieved.

In fact, the world of reincarnation is absolutely free, as long as you can complete the task, you can do the task.Of course, if you provoke other things rashly, you have to bear the consequences yourself. The dungeon world is not something that reincarnators can play with casually.

(End of this chapter)

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