Chapter 111 Another Lanna

"You're playing tricks on me." Lanna was furious, she stretched out her five fingers, and three small blue snakes burrowed into Du Deming's ear holes and nostrils.

In a few seconds, Du Deming screamed in pain, but his body was restricted and he couldn't struggle, so he could only cry and beg: "I didn't lie to you, the main system really sent us here, we have never seen the main system, everyone Call it that."

Seeing Du Deming's appearance, Lanna frowned, he didn't seem to be lying.As soon as the hand was closed, blue mist floated out of Du Deming's mouth, nose and ears, and Du Deming fell to the ground, his body spread out on the ground as if he had lost his bones.

The mouth and nose were dripping with saliva and snot, and the body was twitching slightly.

"Why didn't those four people show up, aren't you companions?" Lanna asked with a glaring look.

"Companion! Hmph, reincarnators don't have companions. This time we cooperated only because of the same mission. As long as the mission conflicts, we can fight each other at any time. This is reincarnation, and you are just a virtual mission boss, haha." Yang Xiaoxiao laughed suddenly. She knew that she was going to die, but she was no longer afraid.

Lanna squinted her eyes, with disbelief and shock in her eyes, she looked at Du Dewei and said, "Really, if you kill her, I will believe you."

As a result, just after she finished speaking, Du Dewei grabbed the magic staff that fell beside him, and shot rock thorns from the ground, piercing Yang Xiaoxiao's body.

Yang Xiaoxiao spat out a big mouthful of blood, and looked at Lanna with mocking eyes, the blood stained the rock thorns red, and flowed to the ground, Yang Xiaoxiao looked at Lanna with mocking eyes until he died.

Seeing that the other party didn't hesitate at all, Lanna believed that these people didn't care about the lives of their companions at all, so everything she did was in vain. If those four people didn't show up, she couldn't feel at ease.

"Where are they?" Lanna yelled, looking at Du Deming with panic and resentment.

"I was sucked down, everyone was scattered, I don't know. Those four are the most powerful among us, and I wish they would die, don't kill me, I will help you." Du Deming had no other hope , To survive, you can only rely on the other party.

A blue ball of light appeared on Lanna's left hand, and it entered Du Deming's mouth, and soon a blue snake god curse appeared on his forehead.

"Find them, no matter what method you use, kill them, and you will survive." Lanna let go, and Du Deming lay on the ground, feeling a cold breath around his body.

He quickly knelt down and respectfully said, "Understood, I'll look for it right away."

Du Deming crawled back, stood up and turned away after getting away.

The four people who saw all this above all lamented that Du Deming can survive until now because of his means of survival.

"This kind of person should be killed from the beginning, and he may be stabbed in the back at any time." Jiang Ziling said with a disgusted expression.

"Hmph, if you survive like this, don't even think about completing difficult tasks, no wonder your strength is so weak." Xiao Fei looked at the garbage-like gaze, and ignored it.

Xiaoqi asked in a low voice: "Husband, Jiajia is quite a good person, shouldn't we save her? Now Lanna knows that these people are worthless as bait, and they will be executed."

"We can't influence the plan because of the characters in the plot. We can easily complete the mission when Lanna regains her senses. If we do it at this time, we will have to fight him head-on. If the consumption is too high, the snake god's mission has a very high probability of us completing it. A big reduction, and we need Lanna's power." Xiao Fei immediately dismissed Xiao Qi's thoughts.

Ye Muchen patted Xiao Qi's hand and said: "Now I can be sure that Lanna is actually afraid. As long as she fears us, she won't dare to really kill everyone."

Sure enough, Lanna saw Jia Jia who had already obtained the elixir, and suddenly a figure appeared in front of her, grabbed her throat and said, "My rule here is that whoever gets it gets it, and you are not allowed to give it away."

She forcibly poured the elixir into Jiajia's mouth. As soon as the thing entered, Jiajia backed away in panic, showing a frightened expression.

Soon I felt hot all over my body, and my body was itchy and uncomfortable.

The itching became more and more severe, the nails scratched non-stop, the skin bled a lot, and I didn't feel the skin being torn apart by the nails.

A few minutes later, her hands, neck, and face were all bloody from being scratched. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and even tore off the skin of her arm.

As a result, snake scales appeared under the skin, as well as on the neck and face. Jia Jia howled and tore off the skin on her body.

Master Guo was dumbfounded seeing this scene, and froze in place in fright.

Lanna laughed and said, "Why, this is the power of eternal life, go ahead and do what you want."

Jia Jia let out an angry roar and suddenly threw herself on Master Guo. Amidst the screams and begging of Master Guo, she tore up Master Guo's body with her bare hands.

Jia Jia let out a cry like a beast, her eyes no longer looked human, full of jealousy and resentment, and then rushed outside.

Lanna wanted to use Jiajia to find those people. The elixir can increase people's lifespan and strength. The price is that the resentment of the people who are made into the elixir will be eaten together, and their grievances will be transferred to Jiajia. Arouse people's desire, jealousy, resentment, etc. will be magnified a hundred times.

Lanna showed a tired expression and went back to the bedroom to rest.

Seeing all this, Xiaoqi suddenly said: "I suddenly feel that Huangquan Inn is actually very good. Although it has not changed for thousands of years, it is better than being quiet."

Ye Muchen joked: "Your mother will be surprised if she hears your words."

Xiaoqi smiled, and then said: "I have a way to make Jiajia recover, and I will help her after the end."

"There are still more than four hours left, let's hide and rest." Ye Muchen said.

In Lanna's bedroom, after she had fallen asleep for a long time, she suddenly opened her eyes, and instead of the original tyranny, she became numb and dull.

"Lanna?" Suddenly a strange man's voice came from beside her. She looked surprised and turned her head to see four people standing in the bedroom.

She sat up in amazement, no matter that she was still wearing pajamas, the spring might leak out, and asked in surprise: "You... did you read the words I left?"

Ye Muchen nodded and said: "Yes, we specially waited for you to come when you were awake, and we were also entrusted by your sister to lift your curse."

"Great, someone finally came." Lanna cried with joy, she had waited for this day for too long, and almost forgot all about it.

"What should we do now?" Xiao Fei asked impatiently. Two hours was too short, and he was afraid that it would be too late, so he went directly to the topic to avoid wasting time.

He didn't care how their sisters became like this in the end, why the content on the mural conflicted with the reality, all of these were empty to him and worthless.

"Please kill me, I can no longer bear to live like this." Lanna looked at them pleadingly.

Ye Muchen said: "You have undead power in your body, you cannot be killed by normal means, and once you are injured, the evil Lanna will wake up immediately."

"Yes, I need three holy artifacts to suck out the undead power in my body so that I can die." Lanna told them impatiently, it was the first time she saw someone so thirsty for death.

"Understood, but there is one condition, I need to use the power of you and your sister to resurrect the snake god, and then subdue it, so that the curse of the snake god can be completely lifted.

Otherwise, all this is only temporary, and the snake god will continue to look for other sacrifices. " Ye Muchen said.

Lanna was surprised, glanced at the four people, shook her head and said: "The power of the snake god is unimaginable to humans, and you can't do it. Once the snake god is resurrected, this world will be ruled."

"The power of the snake god is not absolute. Otherwise, how would the snake god die? The snake god also has weaknesses. The first generation of snake god priests is the one who subdues the snake god. The strength in your sisters is to restrain the snake god.

Now your sister is giving the power to the person next to me. Her name is Xiaoqi, she is the body of ghosts and gods, and can control the power of snake gods. This is also your sister's entrustment. "Ye Muchen started to fool around, Lanna was actually a 16-year-old girl at heart.

At the beginning, I fell in love easily, and was easily controlled by my own resentment, and finally became what I am today.

"Sister?" Lanna was surprised.

Xiao Qi unleashes the power of Princess Loulan, which comes from the soul of Princess Loulan. It is natural and cannot be imitated by anyone, and Lanna is the one who can perceive it the most.

Seeing this, Lanna no longer doubted and said, "Okay, I trust my sister's judgment, you come with me."

Lanna immediately took them to the underground temple, which Lanna built for herself. The evil Lanna wanted to have the power of a real snake god from the very beginning, and had already prepared an altar to summon the snake god.

Lanna's character was created by Ye Muchen himself. He is the only one who knows that the evil Lanna is jealous of her elder sister and princess, and wants to replace her. At the same time, she longs for her sister's family affection in her heart, so she recognizes and trusts Princess Loulan very much.

This ambivalence is also the main reason for the emergence of dual personalities in the end.

Using her sister as an excuse, plus the soul of Princess Loulan, he knew that the kind Lanna would definitely trust him.

(End of this chapter)

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