Chapter 118 Declaring War
When the gate of hell opened, there was a gray world inside, as if it was really hell, and countless dead souls flew out of it.

Now these people hurriedly turned and fled, but the ghost flew too fast. As soon as these people turned around, they were hugged from the back by the ghost, and then their souls were pulled out of their bodies and brought into the gate of hell.

More than 100 fighters, in just five seconds, all turned into lifeless corpses, and every body turned pale, with a faint death breath on their bodies.

When the gate of hell was closed, the stone gate collided and made a rumbling sound, as if hitting their hearts, no matter who it was, they all jumped.

Xiao Qi floated to the ground, surrounded by ghostly aura, exactly the same as the mist that appeared two days ago.

Now it can be said that everyone believes that it was caused by Xiao Qi.

Liang Youhui didn't know what to say anymore, his face turned pale with fright, he would definitely not be able to escape if he ran, and he might not be able to survive if he stayed, this made him desperate.

"Is it just you?"

Xiao Qi glanced at the five people, but with just one look, the ghost effect was activated, and the expressions of fear on the five people disappeared, replaced by obsession and admiration, and walked over with a foolish smile.

In the end, they stood in front of Xiao Qi, allowing her to use her soul devouring ability to suck the souls of the five people and turn them into a mummy.

These people must be traitors. Killing them can return peace to the second floor, and death is not a pity.

This weird and terrifying ability made the scalps of all the audience tingle. They were all quiet and scary. No one moved, let alone spoke, and they didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

"Alliance of Hundred Clans! You are so courageous, so be prepared to pay the price."

Ye Muchen intends to use these media to declare war on the Alliance of Hundred Clans, to put pressure on them, and to give Xiao Qishen Wuhun an excuse to join the war in the future.

Otherwise, if a strong man suddenly appeared, the Huaxia City officials would doubt his motives.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, a familiar figure jumped down in front of him, stretched out his hands, and blood-red soul power appeared, forming a pair of swords.

"Your ability to scare people is pretty good, but it's useless to frighten these minions, so what if you face me."

This person is Kuang Lan, a member of the New World, a soul emperor who cultivated in the late stage, and his sword skills are definitely considered the best in Huaxia City.

He is very belligerent, seeing Xiao Qi already has a great fighting spirit, and fighting the strong is his greatest hobby.

So it's superfluous to talk, and he can't wait to do it as soon as he comes out.

Jumping up and waving the two knives, the blood-red knife aura formed a knife net and flew towards him. Each knife aura was enough to split a building.

Xiaoqi uses the yin and yang divine power to activate the yin and yang Huangquan Mingyi, and a red and blue two-color enchantment appears on the surface.

I saw the continuous saber air hit Xiao Qi's body, and then the saber air exploded, and the scattered air blades cut the surrounding ground and the trees and buildings on both sides into pieces.

And Xiao Qi stood there, motionless, as if the saber energy was blowing like a breeze.

Surprised, Kuanglan yelled "Martial Soul Fusion", put the two swords into his body, put his hands together, and a bloody sword appeared and rushed towards him.

Xiaoqi's right hand appeared with a whip for beating the soul, and the whip was thrown out without any dazzling colors and stern momentum.

But when the Soul Beating Whip and the blood-colored broadsword met, the blood-colored blade exploded, turning into soul energy and dissipating.

Kuang Lan's eyes widened in shock, and it was the first time he realized that his soul knife was so fragile.

When he was surprised, Xiao Qi waved his hand again, and hit Kuanglan with the whip of the soul whip, but this blow only made Kuanglan take a few steps back, and it didn't have the shocking effect of blowing out the Horcrux just now.

However, Kuang Lan was completely replaced by shock at this moment, forgetting to continue fighting.

At this moment, Xiao Feiluo stood behind Xiao Qi and asked calmly, "Information."

Kuang Lan came back to his senses, looked at his hands, then looked at Xiao Qi and said: "Her whip can break the Horcrux, and my martial soul has been scattered, and I can't reunite the martial soul these days. Just now she hit me with the whip Hitting my armor is far less powerful."

"Specially restrain the effect of Wuhun, my sword is not Wuhun, let me try."

After Xiao finished speaking, the figure flashed past Xiao Qi, and the Tang knife over 2 meters hit Xiao Qi's body, but the blade was still blocked by the enchantment on his clothes.

Xiao frowned, holding the knife in both hands, and the blade glowed with runes.

At this time, Xiao Qi glanced at him, the ghost effect was activated, Xiao Xiao's body shook, and suddenly silver lights appeared in his eyes, and the charm effect dissipated.

"Has the ability to charm." Xiao Xiao shouted, the Tang knife slashed down, and the silver half-moon-shaped knife flashed past.

Xiao Qi's body was pierced by the sword energy, but then it turned into smoke and disappeared, and then nine Xiao Qi appeared around him. A red mist appeared around Xiao Qi, and 14 ghost snake kings crawled out, staring at the owl and spit out the snake letter, making a hissing sound.

"King level monster."

Xiao Xiao's eyes were obviously gaining momentum. For him, king-level monsters were more troublesome and could not be a threat at all.

But in the next second, Xiao Qi's upper body and a huge thing rose up from under his feet.

At first everyone thought it was a stone pillar or something, but when the huge head of the Nether Snake God appeared, Xiao also stopped in shock.

The terrifying coercion of the Nether Snake God is hard to say that even the Hun Zun, let alone the Hun Emperor, will be able to defeat it.

"Withdraw." Xiao Xiao chose to evacuate without hesitation. This size and aura, at least at the level of the Beast Venerable, were already beyond their capabilities, and staying here would mean death.

When Kuang Lan saw the snake god, his cheeks trembled a few times, and he immediately jumped away.

Xiao Qi didn't go after it, because in a densely populated place, the snake god's pursuit would definitely cause great casualties.

She said to the media again: "I hate being disturbed by people. The Hundred Clans Alliance dares to use my name. I officially declare war on the Hundred Clans Alliance."

After talking about these snakes and snake gods, they turned into smoke and disappeared, and Xiao Qi also disappeared at the same time, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

But the corpses of more than 100 believers lying on the square proved the truth of everything just now.

When the crowd was still stunned by what happened just now, Yan San ran over with the police force and untied the tied officials.

Yao Ju was also among them, he didn't care about what happened to him, and immediately said: "Hurry up and prepare, open the door of convenience for the Lord of the Night, no matter who she is, she has declared war on the Hundred Clans Alliance, which is the greatest benefit for us." information."

Yan San nodded, took a team and ran away.

Bureau Yao and several officials walked in front of the media, taking this opportunity to build momentum for the authorities, and at the same time made it clear that they would stand with the people. If the Hundred Clans Alliance came in, they would definitely take the lead and would never evade or back down.

This reassured the people a lot, and the Lord of the Night had declared war on the Alliance of Hundred Clans, and everyone felt that she possessed the power of the Soul Lord, which inexplicably gave rise to great confidence.

At the entrance to the third-story passage, thousands of traitors used five thousand children and women as flesh pads to block all the passage openings. If military warriors dared to approach, they would shoot with sniper rifles, and the military could not use weapons to fight back. Can stand still.

And even if the military is really cruel to kill these people, there are still more meat pads prepared behind, so it has been impossible to break through from early morning to now.

Zhu Yan, who was in charge here, was looking at the people who were struggling and crying at the entrance of the cave. Many people who were crushed to death because they were squeezed at the entrance of the passage were dragged out and thrown on the pile of corpses nearby.

Seeing all this, she drank a little wine and showed an expression of enjoyment. Suddenly, an assistant hurried over and showed her the situation on the other side of the square. She stood up in surprise and shouted: "Retreat."

But as soon as he left, a helicopter appeared in the sky, military warriors jumped down, and warriors from the police station and other departments all rushed to surround the place.

Zhu Yan showed a flustered expression. She was a traitor because she wanted to survive. If she was caught by the military, she would definitely be shot.

"Don't worry, rush out with me before their personnel form a siege." Zhu Yan shouted and took the lead in the charge, but found that there were thousands of people here, only more than 100 people followed her. All warriors from various departments came and knelt down and surrendered.

Now Zhu Yan panicked, but she still rushed with all her strength in order to survive. As a result, several soul king-level officers from the military department appeared in front of her, and two tiger-shaped soul beasts rushed over, blocking her way.

Zhu Yan, who is also the soul king, knew that it was impossible for him to break through in a short time.

She didn't have any intention of fighting. Seeing that she couldn't run away, she knelt down and surrendered, and all those who followed her surrendered.

These people are all greedy for life and death, and they are all mobs. Seeing the military warriors coming, how dare they fight.

These people can definitely bully ordinary people with cruelty, but when facing real fighters, they are faster than anyone else.

At the military headquarters, when the Lord of the Night appeared, someone projected the live broadcast. These bewitched teenagers saw the truth and knew they had been deceived. They all dispersed, and the military department immediately went to control the entrance of the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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