Chapter 119
Ye Muchen stood on the balcony of a high-rise building next to the square, and watched the riot that borrowed his name begin to end, so he was relieved, after all, it was caused by him.

He saw the crazy video of Xiao Qi's appearance circulating on the Internet. Everyone was seeing the real Lord of the Night. With Xiao Qi's temperament, he conquered the hearts of many young boys. I don't know how many people directly shouted that this was their Wife, you want to fight someone or something.

Moreover, the Dark Night Association has been spontaneously formed on the Internet to become a fan of the Lord of the Night.

This kind of thing is nothing new, it is everywhere on the Internet, and she doesn't intend to become an Internet celebrity, so she ignores it.

"In this battle, I have gained a lot of understanding of the Divine Martial Soul. The Divine Martial Soul is the power of the body, but how much power you can carry depends on the strength of your physical body."

"But to control power, I still need my soul power."

"Also, the higher the degree of compatibility, the lower the consumption of the divine martial soul, but the greater its power. Therefore, the degree of compatibility is very important. It's a pity that the degree of compatibility cannot be seen, and it is regarded as a hidden attribute."

"Now my body can already withstand the energy of the soul emperor level, but unfortunately the soul power is too weak, and I will focus on collecting psychic liquid in the future to strengthen my soul power."

"Lord of the night, this identity can be used, so Jiu'er's identity can also be used well, how to cut in."

Ye Muchen jumped out of the balcony while thinking about the problem.

As soon as I got back to my home, I jumped over the fence and entered the yard. Although I was close to the gate, the intelligent sensor system of the gate could automatically open the door, but I still had to close the door by myself, so it was not convenient to jump in directly.

When he stood in the courtyard, he saw four people wearing gray cloaks, Zhang Jie and a werewolf patriarch Zhuo Bie stood in the middle.

Ye Muchen frowned, Patriarch Zhuo looked at him coldly, his body surged with demon power, releasing the breath of a demon emperor, trying to suppress the opponent with his own strength.

"It seems that you have been living a good life recently, and you have changed into a big house, but all this does not need to be yours, and of course it can give you more and better, as long as you..."

Zhang Jie had a sincere expression on his face, but before he finished speaking, Ye Muchen started to punch Zhang Jie in the face with a mountain-breaking fist.

With Zhang Jie's physical strength, his skull would definitely shatter if he was hit by this punch.

But at the moment when he punched out, the figure in front of him flickered, and one of the gray-robed men stood in front of him, blocking his fist with his right hand.

The rushing wind of the fist blew the opponent's cloak, making a crackling sound.

The other party squeezed Ye Muchen's fist, that hand was like a wild beast, thick and with particularly sharp nails.

Zhang Jie shook his head and sighed, "To be honest, I like you very much, but it's a pity. Since you don't want to cooperate, you can take them away by force. As long as you are alive, it doesn't matter if you are alive or not.

In fact, I am a person who pursues perfection, and you can cooperate to be the most..."

Ye Muchen didn't bother to listen to the other party's words at all, instead he grabbed the other party's wrist and forcibly threw him across the street, smashing the gray-robed man to the ground heavily, and the gravel road was directly smashed open, turning into a pothole.

Zhuobie instead smiled and said, "Dr. Zhang, he doesn't appreciate it, so I'll come later."

"First test the effects of the four works around me."

After Zhang Jie finished speaking, the three gray-robed men around him tore off their cloaks, and they turned out to be half-human, half-beast monsters, two half werewolves and one half tiger.

The man who was thrown to the ground by Ye Muchen, tore his cloak to pieces, was a half-bear man.

The half-werewolf rushed forward first, pinching left and right, and the wolf claws slapped his vitals.

The half-tiger patted him on the back of the head with its paws, and the half-bear pounced on his feet, trying to hug him and restrict his movements.

But as soon as the four fell down, Ye Muchen disappeared in a flash, and easily escaped from the siege of the four.

"Such an exquisite movement!" Zhuobie was surprised, he was the only one who saw Ye Muchen's movements.

Seeing Ye Muchen next to them, the two half-wolfs rushed forward again, but Ye Muchen kicked the door of the two of them with both feet first, and with a wailing sound, the two of them flew upside down and smashed two large bonsai at the same time, which made Ye Muchen heartbroken. Both are super expensive.

The half-bear man roared, his body surged with demon power, as if his strength had grown stronger, and his paws carried the whistling wind pressure.

Ye Muchen cast Star Shattering Strike, collided with the fierce claws head-on, the solar energy exploded, the half-bear man dislocated his right wrist, his fist punched his claws, hit his chest, the solar energy poured into his body, and then the half-bear man flew out backwards, hitting Xiang Zhuobie.

The half-tiger pounced up from behind, Ye Muchen didn't have time to use his martial arts, and used basic fighting skills to fight against the opponent several times in a row.

These people are all at the demon king level, but only in terms of physical fitness, their own demon power is very unstable, and it can be seen that these half-orcs have poor physical stability. Once seriously injured, their bodies will react abnormally.

After five strokes with the half-tiger, he grabbed the opponent's wrist with both hands, performed a backflip, and kicked the opponent's chin with his right foot. As a six-star equipment, the Falling Spring boots directly smashed the half-tiger's jaw.

The half-tiger was in pain, a lot of blood flowed from the mouth, and the blood was abnormally red, and when the body was healing, there were weird changes, which made the half-tiger howl in pain.

Suddenly Zhuobie appeared beside Ye Muchen, showing a bloodthirsty smile at him, sweeping his wolf claws.

Ye Muchen only had time to block it with his hands, but was hit on the thigh by the wolf's claws. He flipped back and landed with both feet, and stopped after a few meters. Claw marks.

"Too bad, the soul power is not enough." Ye Muchen frowned, and a panacea appeared in his right hand to eat.

Fighting with the Little Seven Gods martial soul just now, the soul power was already consumed almost. Facing several semi-finished demon kings, they could still rely on their physical body and star energy to deal with them, but the demon emperor was definitely not enough.

Zhuobie raised his right hand, revealing the wolf claws, demon power emerged from the claws and sneered: "I feel that your soul power is very weak, but your physical body is very strong. You can bear my blow, and the bones in your hand are not broken. I will interrupt today." Your hands and feet make you a white mouse, you can't die if you want to live, to avenge my son."

Zhuobie charged again, Yao Lixing had materialized and turned into a wolf.

Ye Muchen condensed the energy of the Lunar Star Meridian, and was about to fight with all his strength, when suddenly a red figure flashed past beside him, and then he saw Zhao Ya and Zhuo Bie fighting each other, the monster power spread, and all the surrounding bonsai were blown away and fell to pieces.

"Mrs. Zhao! Why are you here!" Zhuobie was surprised, and then shouted angrily: "You want to be an enemy of me for a mere human?"

"Mr. Ye is the benefactor of my mother and daughter, and his enemy is the enemy of my Zhao Ya." Zhao Ya released the crimson demon power, a red fox tail appeared behind him, and a bewitching red fire glowed from both hands.

Zhuobie clenched his fists tightly, and finally pointed at Ye Muchen and shouted: "I will definitely avenge my son's murder. I'll see how long you can hide."

Zhuobie grabbed Zhang Jie, leaped away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you Madam Zhao for your help." Ye Muchen saluted with fists in his hands.

"Mr. Ye, you're welcome. Actually, when I knew you lived here, I bought the house next door yesterday and lived in it."

Mrs. Zhao saw Ye Muchen's surprised expression, and then said: "Mr. Ye has saved our mother and daughter, knowing that you are in a war zone this time, how can we stand idly by? Please don't refuse, sir."

Ye Muchen is helpless, now that they all live next door, what else can he refuse, she bought the house, so it's possible that he still drives them away.

Moreover, he took the risk to protect himself in the war zone, and this friendship moved him a little.

"Then I would like to thank Mrs. Zhao for her kindness. In fact, I don't plan to join the battle directly. I just want to use my alchemy skills to treat important wounded people." Ye Muchen said.

"Now the second underground floor is undercurrents. To tell you the truth, the Alliance of Hundred Clans has slowly penetrated into Huaxia City a long time ago. Unfortunately, Huaxia City only opens the second underground floor. Starting from the third underground floor, foreigners who want to settle in will have to go through strict procedures. Monitoring and Investigation.

Therefore, the third underground floor is difficult to penetrate, and this floor is home to a large number of people from the Alliance of Hundred Clans, and of course there are many people from other races.It can be said that it is very chaotic here now. Even if you are alchemy, sir, someone will definitely destroy it. They don't want to see you support the front line in this way.

Naturally, guards are needed. This time I brought all the people from Huxinju. Although there are only eight people, they are all at the lowest level of the Demon King. "Zhao Ya said.

"Then thank you, Mrs. Zhao." Ye Muchen thanked with cupped fists.

At this time outside, Zhao Linger was lying on the fence to see the situation inside. Seeing that the fighting had stopped, she turned over and jumped in and said with a smile, "Sir, we are neighbors. Are you surprised?"

"What a big surprise." Ye Muchen smiled.

After chatting with them for a while and talking about the situation on the second floor, they went back.

From Mrs. Zhao's mouth, I learned that the Alliance of Hundred Clans will definitely start attacking in the next few days, and the ground troops are already in full swing.

(End of this chapter)

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