I extracted the BOSS from my own book

Chapter 125 The Ancestral Dragon Test

Chapter 125 The Ancestral Dragon Test
When Ye Muchen was in grief, Jiu'er's voice suddenly came from beside him: "What are you yelling about?"

Hearing the familiar voice, he turned his head quickly, and saw Jiu'er's soul floating in front of him, looking at him with a mocking face.


Ye Muchen reached out to grab her, but his hand passed through her body.

"This is the resting place of our Candle Dragon clan. Now there are no Torch Dragons in this world, and the rules here are broken. Come with me." Jiu'er walked into the rift valley.

Ye Muchen put the Ziji Divine Flask and the Wanlong Saint Cloth into the Qiankun Ring, followed up and said: "Your soul is still there, there will be a way to regenerate you."

"Oh! What can you do?" Jiu'er stopped and turned to look at him with a questioning look.

"I don't know now, but I will definitely find a way. Aren't there many legends about resurrecting the dead? There is also rebirth, as long as the soul is still there."

He can travel through his own novels, including myths and fairy tales, and he will definitely find a way to rebirth.

Jiu'er smiled and said, "I know you will definitely find it, but I'm afraid I can't wait any longer. The souls of ordinary people will dissipate soon after leaving the body. My cultivation base is higher, and it will only exist for a few days at most."

Hearing this, Ye Muchen was stunned, and immediately called out: "System, let me go back and stop the time here."

But every time he travels to the world in the book, he will be brought back by the system only when his body reaches the limit. He has never returned on his own initiative.

No matter how you call it this time, there is no response from the system.

Jiu'er couldn't understand what Ye Muchen said, she didn't have words like system.

He smiled and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, come with me, I don't have much time."

Ye Muchen followed behind her, looking at Jiu'er's back, feeling bored and uncomfortable, thinking about all the plots related to resurrection and rebirth in the books he had written before.

Unknowingly walking to the innermost part of the underground rift, a purple-black spar gate with a height of more than [-] meters appeared in front of him.

Jiu'er's soul touched the door, and the purple-black rune light appeared on the huge door, and then the door slowly opened.

Just the exposed crack of the door is enough for them to walk in.

Ye Muchen was thinking, when suddenly a terrible coercion hit, and the thoughts in his mind were instantly scattered. This coercion directly made him kneel down, his whole body was fixed by invisible energy, and he couldn't even move his fingers .

"Ancestor, Jiu'er is incompetent. He was killed by three holy warriors and returned to the Dragon Tomb. This is my husband. Please don't embarrass the ancestor." Jiu'er knelt down facing the open space here.

"Can you leave behind?" A thick and old voice came from the void.


As soon as Jiu'er finished speaking, the voice was full of anger: "No! You are cutting off the line of Zhulong and committing a great crime through the ages. How dare you enter the dragon's tomb!"

"Jiu'er is willing to suffer all punishments. Now that the candle dragon's lineage has been cut off, there will be no more candle dragons in the world. I also ask the ancestors to allow me to soak the dragon's blood pool preserved here for my husband to strengthen his blood. Have the strength to avenge me."

As soon as Jiu'er said this, the voice in the air became even more angry: "Nonsense, mere humans dare to peep at the dragon blood pool of our Zhulong clan. Could it be that you deliberately colluded with outsiders to kill Jiu'er in order to obtain our family's treasure."

"The ancestors calm down, there is absolutely no such thing." Jiu'er cried out in a hurry, for fear that the ancestors would break Ye Muchen's soul.

"Relying on selling old people, I don't like the Dragon Blood Pond. If it wasn't for falling here this time, I wouldn't even know that this is the Dragon Tomb.

As the ancestors of Jiu'er, you left her before Jiu'er grew up to be strong enough and left her in Zhangshan Xuefeng.Don't you know that in this world, countless people want to hunt and kill top monsters to refine them into magic weapons and elixirs.

Even if you're all dead and you can't protect her, can't you leave something that allows her to protect herself?You didn't leave anything behind. It's useless that you Zhulong are born strong, but you are not even as good as the humans you look down on. We humans will at least leave something for our children. "

Ye Muchen suddenly yelled loudly, supported his body with the Ziji gun, stood up, resisted the coercion, and glared at the front.

Only then did he see a black dragon connected to the mountain in front of him, with a single head occupying one-third of the cave.

The gate of this cave is [-] meters high, and the interior of the cave is estimated to be a thousand meters high.

"Mu Chen, don't talk nonsense, we, the Candle Dragon Clan..."

"Jiu'er doesn't need to explain. He is right. This is the sorrow of our ancient beasts. Human, I don't care how you became Jiu'er's husband. Since you are her man and know the secret of the Dragon Tomb, what are you going to do?" manage?"

"Is there any way here to revive Jiu'er? As long as there is, I can do it no matter how difficult it is." Ye Muchen looked at Longshou and asked loudly.

"If you don't ask, will you die here? This is the biggest secret of our Candle Dragon, and we will not allow this secret to be leaked."

"It doesn't matter what you do with me, I just want to resurrect Jiu'er." Ye Muchen looked at Longshou without showing any weakness.

"Okay, this is what you said, it contains the blood of the ancestor dragon and the dragon ball, which can make Jiu'er reborn.

Ever since the Candle Dragon Clan became lonely, in order to continue the offspring, we can only combine with other monster clans to give birth to the next generation, and our bloodlines have become more and more complicated.

Jiu'er is reborn with the help of Zulong's bloodline, allowing her to have the same pure blood as Zulong, and is expected to reproduce the glorious day of Zhulong.

But as a price, when you take out the blood of the ancestral dragon and the dragon family, you will die, and your soul will be scattered.Would you like to? "

"No, Muchen..."

Ye Muchen didn't wait for Jiu'er to say, and rushed to say: "I am willing, what should I do?"

"Very good, enter the mouth of the ancestral dragon, sacrifice your body and soul, and the dragon ball and the blood of the ancestral dragon will naturally appear."

Ye Muchen stuck the Ziji gun on the ground, and put the Wanlong Saint Cloth beside him. He glanced at Jiu'er and smiled. He didn't know what to say, anyway, he only had one idea, she wanted Jiu'er to work.

"Muchen, don't go." Jiu'er rushed up to grab Ye Muchen, but she was only a soul at the moment, and couldn't touch Ye Muchen at all, so she could only watch him walk towards the dragon's head.

Zulong's huge mouth began to open, and the pitch-black throat and two rows of sharp teeth made people daunting.

When Ye Muchen walked to Longkou, Jiu'er was still by his side trying to stop him, but every time he passed through.

He stopped and looked at Jiu'er one last time. Seeing her sad look, Ye Muchen smiled and said: "You can live for tens of thousands of years, and you will become stronger in the future. Remember, don't trust outsiders easily, and don't underestimate human beings. The most powerful human being is strategy, which is stronger than any force, just like how I plotted against the Nine Heavens Sword Saint, remember."

Jiu'er shook his head sadly, looked at him with pleading eyes and said, "Don't go, you die, I will never live alone."

"Don't be silly, let me watch you die. I'm quite selfish. I can't stand you dying in front of me, so I can only suffer for you. Although I still have some regrets in my heart, I have been happy with you twice. I almost fell into a coma, but it was worth it to marry such a beautiful wife as you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Jiu'er reluctantly, and jumped into the dragon's mouth.

"Muchen! Husband..." Jiu'er wanted to rush in, but a force from Longkou bounced her soul away.

Watching the dragon's mouth close, Jiu'er knelt in front of the dragon's mouth, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Although Mu Chen is weak now, in my heart, he is ten million times stronger than you. When I was young, you left me on Xuefeng , fighting with other monster races, devouring each other, and avoiding human hunting. From the time I can remember, I never knew the word "parents".

It was only after I met Mu Chen that I felt that life and death depended on each other. It was really good to have someone by my side that I could completely trust.

Although he used the clumsy excuse of the old ancestor dreaming, I still accepted it. I like this human being, no matter how weak he is, I like him.

Do you know, the first time I ate the food he made, it was really delicious, really delicious, and he really gave me the concept of home.

Now you want to take away my home. If I am reborn, I will be the first to destroy this dragon tomb. "

"Son, I understand how you feel. We are all the same. God bless us, the Candle Dragon Clan. Before we could wait for our children to grow up, we were chased and killed by the powerhouses of various clans, just because we Candle Dragons are ancient beasts. precious.

It is also because our Zhulong clan is single and weak, as long as we are discovered, we will be hard to escape after all.All we can do is to leave our children where others can't find them, and lure away the pursuers by ourselves. "

Seeing Jiu'er kneeling in front of the dragon's head and being silent, a female voice came out from the void: "Jiu'er, I am your mother. I was besieged by five holy-level powerhouses from the Demon Palace, and I had no choice but to abandon you. distract them.

In fact, your man will be fine, we just test him to see if he really loves you.

We, Zhulong, are happy with other powerful monsters, just to have descendants. We have no feelings for each other, and we don't trust each other, so we will test him.

When he enters the body of the ancestor dragon, not only will he be fine, but he will also be baptized with dragon blood, allowing him to have the body of a half-dragon. Now you are satisfied. "

Jiu'er was delighted to hear an unfamiliar woman's voice. Although the other party said it was her mother, she never had the concept of parents, so mother did not have any special meaning to her.

But when she heard that Ye Muchen was not only fine, but could also be baptized with dragon blood, she broke into tears and laughed, saying "That's great, that's great."

(End of this chapter)

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